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"Thank you again baby girl, I don't like what you did to my refrigerator, but I know you only do it out of love." I giggled. "Yea, I just don't want anything to happen to you." I replied. I had finished up with my dad and now I was sitting in Odell's driveway. I was worried because I knew he was going to kill me..if he was upset about what I thought it was about. I don't really feel like dealing with it. I want to just go in and relax, but I guess that's not really an option right now. "I know, I love you..I'll call you tomorrow." I smiled. "I love you too daddy, bye bye." I hung the phone up then got out of the car. I walked up to the front door then opened it.

The place was trashed. Both Tzar and Dre immediately ran over to me once I walked inside. I gasped at the scene and noticed that everything was messed up. The couch had been flipped and the legs on the coffee table had been broken off. "Odell!" I called for him as I walked into the now destroyed kitchen.

The cabinet doors had been broken off by the hinges. The faucet was broken and leaking now. Even the kitchen window had a huge crack in it. "Odell!" I yelled once more. A moment later he came stumbling in. His eyes were bloodshot and teary. I sighed then walked over to him. He stumbled a little at first but he still had enough strength to push me away from him. "What the hell?!" he rolled his eyes then grabbed the island for standing support.

"Don't touch me! Since when did you become such a nosey bitch?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened and my arms crossed over my chest. "Um excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you talking to?" he chuckled. "I'm talking to the same girl who thought it was okay to visit my personal doctors and tell them to stop giving me my medicine." I looked down at my feet. "Nothing to say now? Had a lot to say when you were going places and getting in my business!" I shook my head then grabbed his arm. "Odell, I only did that because I wanted to help you! Listen, I know about everything already-"

"About what?!" he asked defensively.

"I know about your past with drugs and I-" he jerked his arm away from me. "Who fucking told you?" I sighed. "I went to go talk to Jarvis and-"

"Disloyal piece of shit! I told him to never tell anyone about that! I swear when I see him again-"

"Stop! It wasn't Jarvis' fault. I went to him and started asking him for help with you because I already had suspicions about you doing this to yourself." I tried explaining to him. He just rolled his eyes. "Why did you go and talk to him after I told you to leave our situation alone? I said I was over it so you don't have to get in the middle of something that has nothing to do with you!" I nodded. "Okay, if that's how you feel than fine..just calm down! I don't want you to get anymore worked up than you already are."

"It's too late for that because look!" he dug down in his pockets and pulled out the two empty pill bottles. I sighed out of disappointment. "Explain Alana!" I pushed my hair behind my ear and got nervous. "I-I was just trying to help you-"

"Tossing out my medication isn't helping me! You're a control freak! You didn't like the pills, for whatever reason, but I did because I needed them! You didn't even talk to me. You just did what you wanted to do." he argued. "I tried talking to you baby! More than once! I swear this was all to protect you."

"I don't need you to fucking protect me! I'm a twenty three year old man! You need to realize that just because you're too weak to get your brother's to stop intervening in your personal shit doesn't give you the right to get involved in mine." I looked down at my feet. That hurt knowing that Odell thought I was weak. "I wasn't trying to get in your business, I just didn't want to see you get hurt." I said while trying to fight back tears. He sighed. "If I tell you to leave my shit alone, then you leave my shit the fuck alone." he stood up straight and away from the island. I looked up and saw a change in his face. I knew this wasn't him. This was definitely the pills speaking.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

He huffed then smirked. "What did Jarvis tell you?"

"Just about how you got involved with something like this in the past, nothing too serious." I didn't explain to Odell about the past friendship struggles between him and Jarvis because I felt that would piss him off even more. "When was this?" he asked. "Last week some time, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make you upset. I just really only care about getting you some help." Odell rolled his eyes. "Why did you go and talk to him? What was the purpose?"

"I went because I thought maybe if you guys were friends again he could help with your problem."

"I don't have a problem! I'm just in pain."

"Then let's get you to a different doctor and see what's actually going on with your shoulder instead of using medicine to cover your pain up for a couple of hours."

"I don't want a different doctor, I want my fucking pills!" Odell shot around and punched a hole in the kitchen wall. I jumped and gasped a little in fear. He pulled his hand out the now destroyed wall and looked at his fist. I could see his knuckles were bleeding from here. He looked up at me and I saw the fear in his own eyes. "Odell-"

"Fuck you Alana! I'm outta here!"
😳 omg Odell. Where you think he going? Thought I forgot about y'all, huh?😏 I was gon update today I was just busy that's all😂

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