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The five of us were sitting in the living room watching tv. Everything was normal..well, almost everything. My dad had no clue about the situation between me and my brothers so nothing was out of the ordinary with him. Mike and Aaron I had already patched things up with so they were good. It was just Sean. He had been giving me the cold shoulder since I walked inside. He won't speak or even look in my general direction. I must've really made him upset that day because he's only acted like this towards me once before.

It took me almost a month for him to accept my apology. Having my older brother shun me was pure agony, but I'm not apologizing this time. I love Sean, but all I did was want more privacy and control over my own life. He's never going to learn and realize that I'm not a baby anymore unless I prove it to him myself. This shit was perfectly understandable when I was fifteen not so much when I'm twenty.

The ring of the doorbell stole all of our attention from the tv. I got up then rushed to the door with everyone else following me. I opened it then immediately smile once my aunt appeared in my vision. "Aunt Rita!" I exclaimed then hugged her. She smiled too and hugged me back. "Hey sweetie!" she pulled back and got a look at me. "You're so beautiful baby." she complimented me in her thick accent. Both my dad and aunt were born in Columbia, but when my grandparents split my dad stayed in New York with my grandpa while Aunt Rita went back to Columbia with my grandma.

She walked pass me and greeted everyone else. I closed the door and watched as my brothers and dad reunited with my aunt. "Hey Aunt Rita." Aaron, Mike, and Sean said in unison as she hugged all three of them one after the other. Then she hugged my dad. The relationship between these two was adorable. They're always messing with each other like children, but still are extremely loving and protecting.

"Alright, now that you're here we can eat!" everyone cheered then went in to the dining room. The food was already spread out on the table so all we had to do was make our plates. I took a seat next to my dad and Aaron. Mike sat next to Aunt Rita while Sean sat across from me. Aunt Rita and my dad were both on the ends of the table.

Mike was the first to grab a bowl of rice. Of course he mountains it on his plate as if he didn't even think about leaving any for everyone else. "Boy, are you crazy?" my dad rhetorically asked him. My aunt laughed. "No, he's a man who needs all the food he can get." she stood up for him then pinched his cheek. He smiled at her then went for the bowl of beans next. As I was loading my plate and passing the food around I noticed Sean's eyes locked on everything but me.

I sighed then was about to eat, but my phone started to go off in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that the caller I.D had Odell's name on it. I smiled slightly then pushed my chair back. "I'll be right back." I said standing up. This was he first moment Sean looked at me. He didn't look at all pleased. I turned around then went up the stairs. I walked in to my old bedroom—that hadn't changed one bit since I moved out—and shut the door behind me. I answered the phone then sat on the edge of the bed. "Hello?"

The other line was basically loud music and people talking. I couldn't hear a word Odell was saying. Where was he? "Hello?" I repeated hoping for a clear answer this time. "H-hey baby!" I heard on the other line. "Odell?" I questioned. It didn't even sound like him. "Yea, it's me! W-whe....?" he was still speaking, but I was having trouble hearing. I put the phone on speaker, but turned the volume down a little so that there was no chance of anyone hearing my conversation. "What did you say?"

"I said, where you at?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's a little loud on your end." I explained to him. "But I'm over my family's house, my aunt is here from-" he cut me off. "That's cool ma, you trying to meet me at this club I'm at?" he asked. He had to be beyond tipsy. I think drunk was even an understatement for the condition he was in. His words were slurring real heavy. This was much worse than the night at the restaurant. "I can't, I'm with my family." I said. "Please baby girl, if you come I promise to make it worth your while." he replied in that seductive deep voice of his. I giggled then blushed. "And how do you think you're going to do that?"

I could just tell he was smirking from wherever he was. "Listen, how about you come over daddy's place a little later tonight and I'll show you." I smiled then shook my head. Then all of a sudden the bedroom door burst open. Sean approached me then snatched the phone out of my hand. "Yo, who the hell is this son?" Sean asked in that loud scary tone he only uses when he's about to knock someone out. New York accent and all.

"Who the hell is this?" I heard Odell say. I tried grabbing the phone away from Sean, but he made sure it was out of my reach. "Naw B, don't worry about that, who the hell you think you talking to all freaky and shit?" he questioned Odell like he was a police office who just approached a murder crime scene and was looking for answers. "Oh, so, what? I'm not allowed to talk to my girlfriend how I want to?" girlfriend? That sound really nice to hear him say, but there was a bigger issue going on right now so I didn't really have much time to focus on that one word. And he was probably only calling me his girlfriend because he was piss drunk. Right?

"Your girlfriend, huh? If I catch you ever talking her like this again then your done!" and with that Sean hung up the phone. He tossed it on the bed then stared at me. I grabbed my phone then put it in my pocket. I turned my attention to him. I was pissed off. "Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked.

"Why the fuck was he talking to you like that?" I sighed angrily then rolled my eyes. "That's none of your business! You haven't been talking to me all night, but as soon as I want to talk with someone else you have a mouth full to say!" I was about to walk away from him, but he grabbed me. "Alana! This jackass is obviously just trying to get in your pants!" he tried arguing with me. "No! He isn't like that! He likes me for more than just sex. We talk and he gets me."

"C'mon Lana, you sound like one of those dumb teenage girls who thinks they've  fallen in love with some punk after a couple days then ends up getting fucked and rejected!" he said. "You cannot be this stupid!" I pulled my arm away. "I'm not stupid, and maybe I wouldn't sound like a 'dumb teenage girl' if you didn't treat me like one!"

"Maybe I wouldn't treat you like one if you acted your age!"

"Maybe I would act my age if you stopped babying me!"

"Aye! What the hell is going on up here?!" my dad came in the room and waited for Sean or I to answer his question. Aunt Rita, Aaron, and Mike stood behind him in the door frame. "Hello? You two hear my talking? I'm speaking pure English!" Sean sighed then turned himself to our father. "You want to know what's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. Your daughter is talking to some punk who's only intentions for her is getting her in bed! And she's going to let him talk to her any kind of way he wants instead of sticking up for herself. She basically wants to be a little hoe for this dude, but it's all cool dad because they talk and he really gets her." hearing Sean mock me was the worst. It hurt like hell.

"Alana, what is he talking about." I tried to keep my tears back, but a couple slipped out on accident. I shook my head then just gave up. I needed to be alone. "I'm leaving." I said. Sean sighed then grabbed my wrist. "Lana wait." he said softly.

"Don't fucking touch me." I said back to him. He let go of me then stood there. I turned back around then walked away from him. Mike and Aaron decided to be smart tonight so they moved out of my way. Aunt Rita tried talking to me. "Baby, just take a deep breath." she said trying to calm me down as we both rushed to the front door. I shook my head then stopped. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I have to go Aunt Rita." she frowned then sighed.

"Okay baby, you call me and let me know when you get home." I nodded then walked out to my car.

Worst dinner ever.
Thoughts on Sean's reaction? How y'all think Odell is feeling right now?🤔 Aunt Rita above btw.

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