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"Can you stop?" I asked Odell as I pushed him away from me. He kept grabbing my butt and it irritated me because we were on this yacht around a bunch of people. It was awkward because it felt like everyone was staring at us already. I don't even know why though. Some guys walked past us and they just kept staring at me. It looked suspicious and creeped me out because all they would do is chuckle and smirk. I checked to see if something was wrong with me forty times in the bathroom.

Then a group of five girls have been standing on the other side of the boat just giving me dirty looks. I don't even know these people and I feel so uncomfortable here. We've only been on this damn boat for an hour and shit was already starting to make me upset.

"What's wrong?" asked Odell. "What's up with the attitude?" I rolled my eyes.

"You don't see them?" I asked referring to the guys with the starring problem. He shrugged. "Yea, but you fine as hell so let them stare all they want..as long as they don't touch." he smirked. He grabbed my waist then pulled me closer to him. I pushed my hands against his chest then shook my head. It still didn't feel right. "What about them?" I asked while looking back at the girls who seemed to have an issue with me.

"They probably jealous because you the best looking thing to step on this boat." I crossed my arms over my chest. The looks I were getting weren't looks of jealousy. More like looks of disapproval.

"Hey," he grabbed my hand and made me look up at him. "Stop worrying about them,  you're here with me." I sighed then nodded. "Fine." he pecked my forehead then looked up. Once his eyes were off me, they lit up and a smile stretched on his face. I turned around to see who he was looking at. In front of me I saw a man with tattoos covering most of his neck and even more of his chest. Him and Odell greeted each other with that little handshake/hug thing guys do. "Happy Birthday man." Odell said to him.

The other guy, who I'm assuming is Carlos, smiled. "Thanks man, and thank you for coming to celebrate." Odell shrugged. "No problem, this is my girl." he stepped back and introduced me. I smiled then waved. "Hi, I'm Alana." I put my hand out to shake. He awkwardly smiled then uncomfortably shook my head. That was odd. Odell must've noticed it too because he looked at Carlos kind of strange. "You good man?" he asked him. Carlos sighed then nodded. "Yea, let me talk to you for a minuet Dell."

Odell shook his head. "I don't want to leave her alone, she doesn't know anybody here-"

"Beckham!" I turned my head, along with Odell, and saw Jarvis and Tasha approach us. I smiled once Odell and him hugged. Their friendship is adorable to me. "What's up man." Odell said to him while pulling away from their hug. "Same ole, hey Ms. Alana." I smiled then walked into the hug he had prepared for me. "Hi Jarvis, hi Tasha." I tried to be somewhat decent to her for the sake of myself. She irritates my entire mood with just her presence. She always had a stank look on her face and that made me mad. Nobody forced you to be a hoe! Stop walking around angry at everyone else for your mistake. I still don't even get why she has an issue with me. All I do is stay around Odell. I don't even talk to her like that.

"Hi." she replied dryly then looked in another direction.

Jarvis looked at her then turned his attention to Carlos. "Happy birthday." Carlos nodded his head then looked at Odell. "Dell, I really have to talk to you..it's important." Odell sighed. "Alright man, you gon be good while I'm gone?" he asked me with a smirk on his face. I blushed and crosses my arms over my chest. "What you mean?" he bit his lips then pecked my forehead. "We'll keep her company O." Jarvis assured Odell then we watched them both walk off somewhere.

"C'mon, lets get something to drink." Jarvis grabbed Tasha's hand then led us to a more secluded area on the boat. There were only about three other people on this side. The music wasn't so loud either. This was a lot better then being out with everyone else. "Here you go ladies." Jarvis said then handed us both a glass of champagne. "Thank you baby." Tasha said with a smile on her face. She slowly pulled Jarvis' face closer then kissed him. I stood their awkwardly while then basically tried to swallow each other's faces off.

It was uncomfortable to watch, but at least she was showing her man some attention. Jarvis slowly pulled away with a smile on his face. "Haven't kissed me like that in awhile." he whispered to her, loud enough for me to hear. She blushed then wrapped her arms around his neck. They were about to kiss again, but I stopped them once I clearing my throat. They both looked at me. I smiled. "What?" Tasha asked with an attitude.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to remind you I was still here." she rolled her eyes then put her hands on her hips. "I can't stand you." she blurted out. I smirked then shrugged.

"Tasha? What's wrong with you girl?" Jarvis asked, surprised about his fiancée's rudeness. "Nothing baby..I just-"

I giggled a little. This was funny to me. I honestly did nothing to her, but she doesn't like me for unknown reasons. From day one. Before I even knew about her whole situation with Jarvis. Her and her little minion have had an issue with me. I know why Amber doesn't mess with me, but Tasha doesn't have a reasonable case against me.

"Something funny?" she asked me. I nodded. "Yea, funny and sad." Tasha handed her drink to Jarvis then got in my face. I didn't back down. I didn't even flinch. She doesn't scare me. Her or her squirrel mate. "Woah, calm down T! What's up with you? What did Alana do?" Jarvis asked. Tasha stood there and stared me down. I looked right back at her and shrugged. "I have to use the bathroom." she said then walked off. Jarvis stepped up without taking his eyes off her. "What the hell was that?" he asked me. I sighed then shrugged. "I don't know..have no clue what I did to her." he shook his head.

"It's probably not you Lana, she's been dealing with some other shit that's been getting to her..I just wish she would tell me about it." I looked at my feet. Again that feeling of guilt just crossed my mind. I wanted to tell him. And now would be the perfect time. "Jarvis, I think I should let you know that-"

"Aye! What's going on here?" Odell came back over to us and stood next to me. "Nothing man, Lana was just about to tell me something." Odell looked down at me. "Oh really, what were you about to say babe?" he asked. I sighed then shook my head. I couldn't tell Jarvis now that Odell was here. That would make shit even more awkward. "Never mind, it's not that important." I said while looking away. Odell sighed.

"Where's Tasha?" asked Odell.

Jarvis shrugged. "She said she went to the bathroom, but I'm not really sure if she actually did..she just blew up on Alana for no reason." Odell looked surprised. "Really? I wonder why she would do that." I shrugged. "Beats me." he huffed. "So y'all just standing here talking..by yourselves..with no one else around?" Odell questioned. "And then as soon as I come over, you guys suddenly drop the conversation." I looked up at him confused. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head then shrugged. "Nothing, just asking." he pulled me into his arms without keeping his eyes off Jarvis. I looked at them basically stare each other done like Tasha and I did before she stormed off. "Something wrong O?" he smirked then shook his head again. "Nope, just happy to know that MY girl and my best friend are getting along." I still had my eyes on him.

Then all of a sudden Tasha appeared in my vision. "J, I have to confess something to you baby." she said while grabbing on to his arm. "What's wrong Tasha?"

"I-I...I slept with Odell."
Woah😳 wasn't expecting that. Y'all believe it? Or y'all sticking to what Odell said about this whole mess?🤔

Alana's bathing suit and romper above.😫😍

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