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"Yea *cough* I think it might be the flu." I said to Jacob over the phone. This felt so different. I never had to lie to get out of work, but I couldn't just call out without a reason—especially after last night. Jacob was pretty pissed off at me, but I know he can't stay mad for too long. To be honest, I think the guy loves me. If he believed I was sick then I knew for sure that he would have someone cover my shift tonight. "I'm so sorry to hear that Alana." he said, in a very sympathetic tone. "Listen, I'll have someone cover for you tonight, but in the meanwhile you rest easy." I smiled. So happy this turned out to be a successful plan. "Do you need me to let Crystal off tonight so she could take care of you?"

"No, that's fine. My brothers already have that covered." it scared me how good this was going. All the times I could have called out of work sick thinking that I would get caught lying. "Okay, you get better." and with that I hung up the phone. I let out a sigh and a smile. I felt bad for lying, but I'd rather go out with Odell again than be at work.

My phone buzzed. I looked down and saw that I had a text message from Odell. "Outside? Already?" I questioned to myself out loud. Odell's plan for tonight was to pick me up a little before the movie then afterwards we would grab something to eat. But I wasn't expecting him for another hour. I grabbed my hoodie from off the bed then walked over to the door. I went downstairs to my apartments entrance and saw him standing there looking at his feet. He didn't look too happy to be here. That worried me a little. "H-hey Odell." he looked up. "Hey Lana." he said, a little friendlier than how he looked before we spoke.

"Can I come in?" I nodded then stepped aside. He walked inside then I led him upstairs to my apartment door. I opened it up then closed the door once the both of us were inside. "This is nice." he said. I smiled then blushed a little. "Thanks," I replied. "But I thought we weren't going to movie for another hour."

"I know, I know I just wanted to talk to you about something." he took off his backpack then started digging through it. He pulled out a magazine and on the front cover was him...and me. I picked it up to get a better look. It was Odell and I at the amusement park. "Odell Beckham Jr. and girlfriend enjoy romantic and thrilling date at amusement park." The pictures only showed Odell and I walking and holding hands. Nothing too serious, but I didn't want this. Of course it was flattering that people thought we were dating, but I can't be in a magazine—especially when my brothers know nothing about Odell and I. If they find out then I'm screwed.

"Alana, I know you're a private girl and I get it if you don't want to be in the magazines and stuff, but there's really nothing I can do about the paparazzi." he sighed then shook his head. "I'm so sorry." I grabbed his arm. "No, this isn't your fault." I assured him. "Is this what they do? Publish stories without ever doing any research? I mean yea we were on a date, but I mean I'm not your girlfriend." he nodded. "Always, like every other day it's something new about me." he grabbed the magazine then opened it.

After flipping through some pages, he stopped on a page with the same picture as us from the cover and a couple others of us talking...even from the one where Odell was helping me with a game. It was the basketball game and I was having trouble shooting the ball into the net. I could tell how it would look like he was holding me to be romantic, but it was just for the game..that's it. Not that I really cared to be completely honest. He could hold me anyway he wanted to.

"Odell and girlfriend spend day at amusement park on romantic date...apparently two share a home together...now expecting their first child?!" Odell took the magazine from my hands then bawled it up. He aimed for the little waste bin in the corner of the room and made it. "It's bullshit Alana, I'm really sorry." I shook my head and smiled at him. "Hey, I told you it's not your fault."

"I get it if you don't want to go out anymore, it's understandable." I sighed. Odell was right. I'm really a private girl. I don't like my business out anywhere. I mean, I can't even tell my own family that I'm seeing someone. This paparazzi shit isn't going to be good help with hiding Odell from my brothers. Even though it had only been a little time since I've been hanging around Odell, I really do like him. I want to see how long we could take this and where it could go. I'm not saying I'm in love or anything, but I'm definitely catching some type of feelings for the guy. Not only is he gorgeous, but he's also funny, charming, sweet, and so down to earth. I'm not ready to stop seeing him.

"No, that's not what I want." he looked up at me with a small smile. "For real?" he asked. I smiled back at him then nodded. "I like you so of course I want to keep seeing you." I confessed. "Maybe we could keep things a little more private." I suggested. He looked a little confused. "Well, how are we supposed to do that?" he questioned. "Um, I mean, I have some really good movies here...maybe we could chill out on my fabulous beige sofa and order a pizza." he chuckled then stepped to me. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. His body leaned down and I knew exactly what was about to happen next.

His lips softly pressed against mine. They were soft and full. He brought his hands to my face and held my cheeks as he deepened the kiss. I let out a really small and quiet moan as he switched the direction of his face to be in sync with my lips even more. He was a great kisser..and he's probably even better at some other things. (Is Alana's a lowkey freak?😂) Odell pulled away with a smirk on his face. With my eyes still almost half open, I could feel my knees getting shaky. Never before have I been kissed like that. He licked his lips then pecked my lips one more time. It was like I was under a spell..his spell. I couldn't move or speak. "What kind of pizza you like?" he asked in a low and sexy tone. "Um..I-I..l-l-like-" I stuttered.

Suddenly I felt Odell's big hand slap my ass. He rubbed my back side with that same little smirk on his face. "You okay baby girl?" he asked. He knew what he was doing, and it was working. "Y-yea, I'm okay."

"You like sausage?" my eyes widened. What did he just say? "Huh?" I questioned out loud. "Sausage, you like it?" he asked once again then pulled his phone from out of his pocket. "Oh you meant the pizza." I mumbled audibly with a little giggle. (Yep, definitely a lowkey freak.😊) "What did you think I meant?" he rubbed his hands together then licked his lips again. "N-no, nothing..yes I like sausage." I answered before digging myself in an even bigger hole. He chuckled then pecked my cheek. "I'm going to order this pizza real quick, pick out a good movie baby girl." I nodded.

What is he doing to me?
Pray for the homie Alana...she done went and caught some feelings😂

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