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"I miss you too, but it was my fault," I explained to Crystal. "I should have never let her bring me out of my character like that." I sighed. I was sitting in Odell's bedroom while petting Tzar. He had been here comforting me while Odell went out to find us some food. Before I got on the phone with Crystal, Jake, and Jonah, I just vented to Tzar. He was actually a good listener. "It wasn't your fault though Lana! God, I swear if I ever see that bitch-"

"No, I don't want you unemployed either. I love you C. Thanks for being there for me right now, but I think I should go."

"Wait, Jacob wants to talk to you for a minuet." I waited for Crystal to put him on the line. "Hey, how you doing since earlier Lana?" he asked. I smiled. "I'm fine Jake, thanks." I replied. "Don't thank me, listen, I'm going to talk to my dad because you-" I stopped Jake mid sentence. "No, it's okay really. I get your fathers decision, just promise me you, Crystal, Jonah won't say a word to any of my family." I heard a sigh come from the other line. "But Lana we want to-"

"No, just promise me, okay?"


I smiled. "Thanks," I didn't want my brothers or my dad to know that I lost my job because I knew how disappointed they would be, especially my dad. He was so happy when he found out I had my own source of income and was able got take care of myself. This will break his heart. "I'll talk to you later." I said then hung the phone up once Odell entered the bedroom.

He had a bag in his hand. "I got us Chinese." he said while taking a seat on the bed. I sat up causing Tzar to move too. Odell reached in the bag and pulled out a box of food. "Thanks." he shrugged. "It's the least I can do after basically getting you fired." I looked up from my food and at him. "You didn't get me fired Odell."

He sighed. "This is all my fault, I should have kept you and her as far away from each other as possible. None of this shit would be happening if I wasn't so damn messy about this situation." I put the food down then straddled Odell's lap. He blushed a little then wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned down then kissed him. He kissed back then lifted my shirt off over my head. He threw it to the side then slowly pulled away from our kiss. "Tzar, out." the poor dog whined a little then left the bedroom.

I got off him then laid back on the bed. Odell put the food back in the bag then placed it on the nightstand. He turned back to me then climbed on top of my body. His lips gently pressed against my neck as I tugged on his shirt. He stood up on his knees then took his top off. He came back down then started to kiss me again.

This week is starting off nice already.
"Stop, that's enough for the night. I'm hungry." I said while Odell tried kissing my neck. It had been a couple hours since he got this food and now I'm starving. He chuckled then kissed me one last time. I blushed then began eating. Odell moved closer to me then rested his head on my shoulder. "Gimme some." he said then opened his mouth. I looked at him like he was joking. "Your food is right there." I told him while pointing to the nightstand. "Okay and?" he leaned over then grabbed my fork. "You're so greedy." he shrugged. "But you still love me." he pecked my cheek.

He closed my box of food then sat it next to his. "Um, excuse you." he smiled then wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." I smiled then began playing in his curly mohawk. "I love you too." he caressed my cheek softly then slowly kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry."

"Stop it, you don't need to apologize." I said back. "You look sleepy, go to bed baby." he nodded then shut his eyes.

Twenty minutes later Odell was completely out. I softly and carefully got out of bed and went over to his nightstand without waking him. I quietly opened the drawer and searched around for another pill bottle. The day I went to visit Jarvis was still on my mind. And I didn't forget how he somehow managed to find his pills that I dumped down the drain. There was nothing but some paper and condoms. I looked at his sleeping body then sighed. I have to be extremely careful because I'll be in trouble if he catches me snooping around. I tiptoed out of the bedroom then went to the bathroom.

I opened the medicine cabinet and saw toothpaste, shaving cream, mouthwash, and three pill bottles. I smiled then grabbed them. I checked out the label and looked for the dosage. Two bottles said two pills every twenty four hours and the last said one pill a day. I sighed then dumped the pills in the toilet. I went downstairs and stuffed the empty bottle in the trash can so that he wouldn't easily be able to see them.

Three down..four more to go.
You guys think Odell should feel at all responsible for Alana losing her job?🤔

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