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We walked up to the front desk. Odell looked sad and upset the entire ride there. His mood didn't change one bit once we walked into the place. The lobby was huge. This wasn't just an average rehabilitation center. This was definitely a place you'd send a celebrity.

I rubbed circles on his back while he read the contract the lady at the front desk had given to him.

"It doesn't say anything about visitation. How long before she can see me?" he asked dryly. "Policy is that you stay a month without contact from the outside world and all people in it then we evaluate you based on your behavior to see if you're ready for contact with others." he rolled his eyes. "It was only two weeks at the other place."

"And maybe that's why you're back at another facility." she snapped at him.

He shot her a nasty glare then looked over to me. "I'm not doing this, how am I supposed to maintain a relationship without having contact with you for an entire month?" I shrugged. "You could not go to rehab." the lady behind the desk added sarcastically. We both rolled our eyes at her. "It's going to be okay, you can handle this..its just a month."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not doing this." the lady sighed loud and frustratedly. "Listen, I get off in about five minuets. You either coming or I'm changing the rooms status." he dropped the pen on the desk then began to walk towards the exit. "Odell! Stop!" I said while grabbing his arm. He kept tugging away from me and continuing to walk. "Baby! Please!" he stopped then looked at the ceiling.

"I've already told you this a million times. Help me help you! In a month you'll have a better attitude and in six you'll be a new person. You'll be the man I always thought you were..the one I fell in love with." I pulled his face down so that he could look at me. "I want to help you now before you hit rock bottom, I can't see you like this anymore." he sighed then I noticed his eyes beginning to swell.

Rock bottom is the lowest possible level a person can reach. It's different for everyone. Maybe Odell already hit rock bottom and he just hasn't realized it yet. Or maybe he knows and doesn't want to accept it.

He grabbed my waist then pulled me closer to him. I wiped the one fallen tear off of his face then kissed his cheek. "I love you." I said softly. "I love you too." he sighed then sniffled. His eyes were red and he was trying so hard to hold in any ounce of pain he had left in his body. "One month." I added.

He nodded then the both of us walked back up to the front desk. Odell picked up the pen and signed his name on the dotted line in the bottom corner of the paper. The lady behind the desk dialed a number on the phone then placed it up to her ear. "Can someone come down here and get a patient's bags? They need to be brought up to room F-5." he looked over at me. I could tell by the look in his eyes he thought he wasn't ready to do this. But I knew he was.

He needed this change.
"Nope, I have no clue what that is." I said with a giggle as Ms. Heather held up a mystery item in her hand.

Her and I were cleaning up a little in Odell's place. I was going to be staying here and taking care of his dogs while he was away. We just wanted to rid of some items that we knew for sure wouldn't be good for him to keep when he finally did return in six months. Things like medicine bottles and most of his alcohol collection had to go. He was going to come back and be a new man so we needed to give him a new environment. "How tough was it getting him to leave?" she asked.

"Very, he was going to go home at first then he changed his mind once I settled him down a little." she nodded.

"How long before we can see him?"

"A month without him having any contact with us."

She sighed. "So he's going to have to detox alone?" I nodded then sat down on the bed. "He told me stories about how when he detoxed the first time he laid on the floor for hours. He said he was just crying and praying that it would stop." I pushed my hair behind my ear then tapped my foot. "He's stronger now, I know this is going to change things. And I'll be right there when it does."

I know I thought things were going to change for the better in our relationship, but I didn't know for sure. It scared me to think that Odell might be mad once he gets out because he might of felt like I just dumped him there without actually being there for him like I promised. I also wondered if things would change, but without me in the picture. Maybe he might realize that he doesn't actually want this relationship. He might only want to focus on football once he shakes this addiction. I love him so much and I just hope I could prove it to him through actions more than words.

Ms. Shannon talked to me about wages while working for her. The money is crazy. A lot more than the diner, but not as much as Odell makes. Hopefully I'll be able to work this money situation out too. I have to pay numerous bills for this big house of his, take care of his dogs, and somehow take care of myself.

I pray I find strength from somewhere.
Think Odell's going to be able to make a month without his Lana?😩🤔

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