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"How'd I do babe?" Odell asked me while gripping onto my waist and pulling me as close as he could to his body. I placed both hands on his cheeks then kissed him. He kissed back and let his hands squeeze my ass. I pulled away and giggled. "You were amazing." I replied to him. "You were great out there son." Ms. Heather came up from behind. I let Odell go and watched as they hugged each other. "I have to get home and pick something up for your sister and stepfather to eat so I'll call you tomorrow morning." he nodded then peck her on the cheek. "Alright, bye mama."

"Bye son and have a wonderful night Ms. Alana." I smiled. "You too Ms. Heather." she left which made it so that Odell and I were alone. "What do we have planned for tonight?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I was thinking maybe we could hit up a club or something..have a little fun." I nodded. "Okay, sounds cool."

He grabbed my hand and led me out of the box section. We walked down a narrow hallway and outside to a black Range Rover. The noise of people and flashing lights scared the hell out of me once they approached us. Odell opened the backseat door for me then let me climb in first. He soon got in after me. "Ricky," Odell said to the driver up front. "Take us to Paradise."

"Is that the club?" I asked. He nodded. "Yea, it's lit in there," he replied. "You'll have fun, I'll make sure to keep you safe." I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to watch me like I'm some kid." he chuckled then shrugged. "I'll still be looking so that I know you won't get yourself into any trouble." I shook my head. "I'll probably just follow you the entire night, don't know anybody else there." he laughed. "Yea, stay with my and I guarantee we'll have a lot of fun."

"I hope you mean that."
Odell grabbed my hand then led me up to the entrance of the club. "Odell, nice win sir." the bouncer and Odell greeted each other. "Thanks man." the bouncer unclipped the velvet rope and let us walk inside the club. "Oh sir, I need to see some I.D from your friend." we stopped then turned back around. I patted myself down. "Oh, I don't have anything on my right now." I said with a frown.

"She with me man, she cool." the bouncer paused for a moment then shrugged. "Okay, enjoy your night." I grabbed Odell's arm then let him lead me inside the club. "You're welcome." he looked down at me and smirked.

"Buy me something to drink?" I asked. He nodded then walked me over to a bar. I sat down on a stool and he stood in front of me. "What you want?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, surprise me." he smirked then nodded. He waved his hand for the bartenders attention. "Hey Odell," a girl working the bar came over to him. "The usual?" she asked. He nodded. "Yea, let me get that and a...a sprite, for her."

"Are you serious? Why can't I have what you're having?" I asked him with my arms crossed over my chest. "Because you're still a baby and babies don't drink alcohol." I frowned.

"Please Odell." I begged.

He shook his head. "No, now be a good girl and give me a kiss." he leaned down and put his lips close to mine. I smiled then pecked them. He grabbed my waist then began to kiss me a little rough. I laughed in between the moments he would come up for air and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Sir, your drinks." we pulled away then picked up our glasses. "Can I have a sip?"

"No, I let you get away with that at Jarvis' place, but not here." I frowned then sipped my sprite. I don't even like this sprite. Odell started laughing. "What?" I asked him. "You look so miserable." I rolled my eyes then hopped off the stool. "I have to use the restroom." he pointed in the direction of it and I immediately saw the big sign hanging from the ceiling says restroom once I turned around. "I'll be right back." he nodded. I walked over in that direction and went into the bathroom.

Once the door shut, my ears were immediately safe from the insanely loud music out in the actual club. I went farther into the bathroom and saw two girls standing but the sinks. I looked at them and they turned to face me. "Great." I mumbled then sighed.

"Look Tasha, it's the waitress." Amber laughed. Tasha chuckled a little then looked down. "Why are you here?" asked Amber. "What? You clean bathrooms too?" I rolled my eyes. "No, just out with my boyfriend." I smirked. Her jaw dropped. "Are you serious? He still hasn't dropped you yet?" I shook my head. "Nope, does that upset you?" I asked then smirked. "Because it shouldn't, considering that you have a new boyfriend..my brother."

"Sean is your brother?" she questioned.

I nodded. "Yea, and I doubt he'd like to know that your picking arguments with his little sister. Unless you really don't care what he thinks in the first place." she sighed then her and Tasha walked up closer to me. "Are threatening her?" Tasha asked as she got in my face. I laughed a little then flipped my hair over my shoulder. "How was that a threat? It would be a threat if I told you that I know exactly what you did to Jarvis and if you didn't get the hell out of my face then he'd know too." her expression turned to one with worry on it.

"C'mon Tasha! We don't have time to play games with the help." Amber pulled Tasha's arm out of the bathroom.

"Idiots." I mumbled to myself.
Woah..Tasha's the enemy I guess🙄.

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