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I dropped the duffle bag down next to my bed. I climbed in underneath my sheets then shut my eyes. I was too tired to do anything. I didn't even kick off my shoes. Thank God Crystal had those makeup wipes in her car because I was not messing with that shit right before I was trying to go to sleep. Knowing me, I'd probably just sleep in it then wake up crying from all the acne I would have accumulated over the course of one night. I opened my eye real quick then saw that my nightstand clock said the time was 10:00.

Suddenly I heard my phone begin to ring. I sighed then got out the bed and searched through my duffle bag for it. I was expecting it to be one of my brothers or maybe my dad. When I looked at the screen the caller I.D said Odell😘. He saved that in my phone. Actually he saved his name as Big Daddy 'Dell😘 in my phone, but after an almost ten minute debate he changed it to something less stupid.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey beautiful, you home yet?" he asked. I blushed. "Yea, I'm home." I replied. "Good, FaceTime?" I quietly sighed. He would ask me to do that after I already took my makeup off. "I don't know," I said with a hesitant giggle. "I'm a little rough right now."

"C'mon, you look beautiful."

"You aren't going to give up, are you?" I asked, pretty sure of the answer already. "Yep! I just really want to see you right now." I blushed. "Okay." I hung up the phone and pushed on the FaceTime icon. It rang a couple times, but then the image of Odell laying down popped up on my phone. He was in bed without a shirt on making me blush in embarrassment because he looked so good and I had no idea how to handle it. "See, you look stunning."

"You're so sweet." I told him while smiling then kicking off my shoes. I sat on the bed crisscross apple sauce (idk if ppl call it that anymore😂) and placed the pillow and phone on my lap. "So, how was work?" he asked. "It was okay..work is work." I confessed. Actually work was horrible. After Jacob tried to give me a parenting lecture about dating, he got pissed off at me because I told him to stay out of my business. He made me mop the kitchen, both bathrooms, and wash every single dish by myself. The stuff he made me do wasn't even my job. I hate it there so much!

"I hear you, you know I never got to ask you something.."


His little chuckle scared me a little. I don't know why, but I get so nervous around him. "You like football?" I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Nope, hate it." I replied sarcastically. He smiled then laughed. "I'm just kidding, honestly I don't know too much about it." I explained. "But my family and I watch it every Sunday so I know the basics." he nodded. "Favorite team?" he added. "I bet you can guess." I responded. "And your thoughts on number 13?"

"One of my favorites." I confessed then let out a yawn. "You tired sweetheart?" he asked, looking really concerned. I covered my mouth then shook my head. I was really sleepy, but I didn't want to get off the phone with him either. He smirked. "Listen, I'll let you go to sleep tonight, but tomorrow you have to call in sick for work." I looked at him with a confused face. "Why?" I questioned.

"Because I want to take you out to a movie." I smiled then sighed. I know deep down inside that missing days of work wasn't me, but I couldn't resist that charm. His smirk made me blush and caused butterflies to fly around in my stomach. "Depends, what movie?"

"Surprise." I thought about it for a second.

Alana is breaking rules for Odell already😂 sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully next one will be longer.

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