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I pulled up to the house then parked at the end of the driveway. "I have to do one thing first then I'll call you back." I told Odell before getting ready to hang the phone up. "Alright, I have some stuff to do too. Oh and I found my pills." he informed me. I sighed. "How? I thought they weren't in your bag." I asked frustrated. "Oh um, I found them actually." I took a deep breath. "Alright Odell, bye." I hung the phone up then tossed it in my purse.

I knew for a fact that he was lying to me because I dumped his pills down the drain. I also know that he has a whole supply of medication at his house. That's the only explanation for him having more considering that I explained to his doctors that he had an issue with this shit. I honestly think this is all happening to Odell because of the current situation his life is in right now. I know for a fact that he's dealing with a lot. And I think the root of this is all from the fight with Jarvis. I know the other day Odell seemed like he didn't care, but he did. He had to. Those two have been friends for...I don't even know. They love each other and they have a bond. I won't let some witch like Tasha hurt that for them.

I got out the car then walked up to the front door. I knocked on it a couple times then finally got an answer. "Alana?" questioned  Jarvis as he rubbed his eyes, I'm assuming to make sure that it was actually me standing on the other side of that door. I smiled shyly then waved. "Hey Jarvis, can I come in?" he nodded then stepped aside to let me in. I walked into the house then turned around. He closed the door then led me to the living room. We both took a seat on the couch.

"Um, so what you doing here?" he asked.

"I have to talk to you about something." I replied. He signed then looked at his lap. "If this is about Odell then I-"

"Please just listen Jarvis. Odell is your best friend and he really needs you, especially right now." I cut him off. "He was supposed to be my best friend, but when I was heart broken because of my break up I needed a friend..I needed my best friend but I couldn't call him because he was the problem." I shook my head. "I don't want to defend everything that Odell has done because he was wrong, but Tasha made it seem like it was something that happened recently."

He shrugged. "Recently or not he knows how I feel about her and that's just a line you don't cross, I know for a fact he would go all types of crazy if I was to ever sleep with you," he argued. "He's wrong." I nodded. "You're right, but he said it was awhile back while you and Tasha decided to break things off for a little bit." I replied. "C'mon Jarvis, he's your best friend."

"But how do I know that for sure? I'm not trying to be rude Alana, but you're just now stepping into the picture. You weren't here to see how close we were in the beginning of our friendship so you don't know how things work between us. I've always had to compete with him since high school. I never could keep a girl because I always felt like they wanted him more than me. Whenever I'd break up with a girl or the other way around he would always think it was cool if he could talk to or try and get with them, even if I was heartbroken. He says he cares about me, but he never did and it took him sleeping with Tasha for me to find that out."

I had no clue this was a reoccurring thing in Jarvis and Odell's friendship. I always thought everything was sunshine and rainbows, but I guess not. If this is true then I understand why Jarvis would be pissed off to this extent. "Listen, I get you love ole boy and all, but I don't have time to hear that bro's before hoes shit..I'm leaving for Miami in a little and I have to start packing." Jarvis got off the couch, but I pulled him right back down.

"I'm so sorry Jarvis, I had no idea that was an issue for you two. I get completely why you decided to react the way that you did. I just thought I could help with things. Odell needs a friend right now..I think he has an addiction." Jarvis looked shocked. "What? Alana what are you talking about?"

"He's been on opioids for awhile and I think he's starting to become a little dependent on them..Jarvis, he's been using seven different doctors just to get the same prescription." Jarvis sighed. "That idiot, I thought he was done with this shit." he said in a low tone. "Wait, he's done this before?" Jarvis nodded. "Back in college he was a party boy. Partied so hard to the point we had to put him in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Except then it was coke, not painkillers." Odell never told me that, but I understand completely why. That's embarrassing to share, but knowing this information makes it even harder for me to just drop his issue.

"So I'm not overreacting?" I asked to assure if my actions were justified.

He nodded. "If he seems like he's abusing then it's most likely he is, he needs help Alana but I'm done being his guardian angel." Jarvis replied. "But he really needs-"

"Stop worrying about what he needs. He's a grown man and if this is what he wants to do then you can't clean up his mess for him. He made his bed now he has to lay in it. If you really cared about him then you'd be with him trying to save his ass from all the drugs he probably has stored somewhere in that cluttered ass house of his." I looked down and frowned. Then I felt my eyes start to burn. It hurt me so bad to know that I couldn't get through to Jarvis because I knew he was probably to only person who could get through to Odell and knock some sense into his head.

I heard him sigh. "Alana don't cry, I'm sorry. I've just had enough of his childishness for too long. I didn't mean to snap on you like that." Jarvis wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I get it," I said while quickly wiping my eyes. "I'll let you finish packing." I got off the couch then tried to give him a little smile just so that he wouldn't feel too bad about making me upset. "I'll walk you to the door."

He did and I turned around before actually leaving the house. "C'mere girl." he and I both laughed as he pulled me into a hug. "Watch after him, okay?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded. "Okay, I will." the both of us pulled away once we heard someone clear their throat. It was Tasha standing outside with a box. "I came for some more of my stuff." she said. I didn't even look at her because I knew she had to look pitiful. If she had any conscience then she'd know that she lost a good man as a result of her dumb actions.

"I packed it up in boxes already then put it in the garage. You know the code so you can get it yourself." he said to her. I turned my head and saw she was staring me down the exact same was way she was at the yacht party. "Have fun in Miami, Jarvis." he smiled.

"Bye Lana."
Bye Bye Jarvis😔 How y'all feel about the whole Jarvis and Odell friendship summary? You think Odell wrong? Or do you think Jarvis should just get over it?🤔

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