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"Please Lana! Just for the week." Odell begged for the hundredth time today. I was on my way to work and he was supposed to be at practice. He wanted me to stay over his house for the week, but after last nights encounter with him and Jordan I think we should take a day or two for ourselves. "No Odell, you can come over, but I'm not staying and then have another one of your friends walk in on us again." I giggled a little. Last night was awful, but also a little funny. "They won't, I promise." I smirked. "No..I'm here, I'll call you when I leave." he sighed.

"Alright." I hung up the phone then slid it in my pocket.

I after I successfully got my parking spot, I got out then walked inside the diner. I was working the morning and night shift to make up for not coming in on Saturday. "Hey Ms. Betty." I waved at her once I walked in.

She looked a little surprised to see me. "Hey suga, you working this early?" she asked. I nodded. "Yea, I couldn't come in on Saturday, but I still need my money." she nodded then gave me a hug.

I looked around and noticed how empty this place was. Maybe because it was a Monday. But usually it's nice and full for breakfast time. I slipped my apron over my head and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. I took a seat in a stool then pulled my phone out. I was about to text Crystal, but the little bubble came up telling me that she was typing already. I shrugged then waited for her to say something. There weren't any words, just an article from TMZ. I clicked on it then began reading.

It was a picture of Odell and I leaving the game and walking into the club last night that headlined the article.

"Aww," I mumbled with a smile on my face. When Crystal sent me this I got scared because usually TMZ bashes people on a daily basis. I thought this was going to be one of those times. But thankfully there was nothing but cute things said about our relationship. I went back text Crystal.

Crystal😊💎: u read it?

Me: yea, that made my day😊.

Crystal😊💎: lol good, was hoping it would. So I'm assuming u guys r all good.

Me: we cool, I have sum stuff 2 tell u. I'll wait till tonight when I see u tho.

Crystal😊💎: ard, cool.

I put my phone up then looked at the door and noticed a man walking inside. I sighed heavily. Of course he would show up when my day starts off on a good note. He noticed me too then smiled. I got off of the stool then walked over to the podium in the front to grab a menu. "Just one?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yea, unless you want to join me." I smirked.

"No thanks, I'm working all day," I said. "Plus I wouldn't want to even if I was free."

He chuckled. "Please don't tease me like that baby girl, I like my girls feisty." I rolled my eyes. I was convinced that Josh Norman was the most egotistical, self centered, jackass that I've ever met in my entire life. Not every girls want you Josh! And I'm living proof. "Booth or stool?" I asked him, completely done with serving him already. "I'll take a stool sweetheart." I turned around and led him over to one. He sat down and I walked around the counter. "I already know what I want babe." I grabbed my pen and pad out of my apron and got ready to take his order.

"Can I have waffles, sausage links, and your number on this napkin?" he smirked then slid the napkin towards me. I took the napkin and bawled it up.


He chuckled. "I think I'm in love." I heard him mumble. "Orange juice? Cool." I took down his order then walked to the back and handed the sheet to the cook. I got Norman's juice then went out to give it to him. I placed the cup in front of him, but before I could turn around and walk away, he grabbed my wrist. "You got three seconds to get your nasty hand off of me." I warned him.

"Hear me out, I'm going to be at this party in New York next week, maybe you could join-"

"No thank you now get off of me."

He paused for a second and his face began to look serious. "Why are you such a bitch? I'm tryna put you on to greater things, but you over here acting like I'm wasting your time." he argued. "That's because you are wasting my time. And don't call me a bitch!"

"Aye, if you don't leave that baby alone I'll.." Ms. Betty came over and got in Josh's face. He chuckled. "What your old ass gon do?"

"Don't talk to her like that! Leave!"

"Or what?"

"Or we gon have an issue." I looked past Josh and saw Sean walk inside the diner. He grabbed Josh's hand that had been holding my wrist and got it off me. "The next time you come in here and bother my sister, you're consequence will be a lot more severe." Josh huffed then glared at me before walking out. I turned to Sean. "Thanks." I said to him while looking at my feet. The last time Sean and I talked it didn't end on a good note. He shrugged. "You know I'm always gon look after you."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to apologize, there was nothing wrong with Odell I was just being stubborn." I smiled. "Are you serious? So you really do like him?" he hesitantly nodded. "I guess, I mean, he's okay."  I walked around the counter and hugged Sean. "Yay! Now you guys can be cool."

"No..he's still dating my sister so that's never going to happen," he replied. "And have you talked to Crystal at all today?" I nodded. "Yea I texted her like twenty minutes ago." I answered. "Okay so she's not dead..she just hates me." he sighed. "What? What did you do?" he shook his head. "I don't want to tell you all that Alana, can you just tell her that I'm sorry."

"Sean, what happened?"

"Nothing, just please ask her to return my calls."
What went on with Sean and Crystal?🤔

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