Chapter 7

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Maggie's POV:

I can't believe it ! My own mom doesn't trust me ! God I'm so mad, why would I lie to her ?! I think while stomping angrily to the car. " Everything okey Maggie?" my little sister asks looking up to me with tired eyes. I wish I could save her from all of this.

From all the problems we have at home. What am I going to do if my mum gets worse again? What if she isn't going to make it?

Tears start to form in my eyes. I can't think about that, the doctors said she got better. I just have to think positiv and I have to stay strong for Melly.

"Yes " i answer with a sad smile. "I'm just a bit tired" "Me too" she says yawning. I smile and pick her up, carrying her to the car. During the drive my sister fell asleep.

We are sitting in the back of the car and slowly the fear starts to come over me. Aron is so calm. Too calm. He is definitely angry at me for telling my mum that he is cheating on her.

Why he's still together with her then ? Well, my mom got very much money from my grandpa when he died. She still has all of it because she wanted to save it for Melody and me, when she got diagnosed with cancer.

At least I think that's the reason he's still with her. He hates us, my mom is sick and how it looks like, he doesn't love her anymore or maybe never did.

Even though I hate Aron more than anyone, my mom was finally happy again. Now, it's all just a mess. I feel so broken. What am I going to do? Wait till Aron loses control?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice, that we are almost home. My heart starts to beat faster and faster. My palms are getting sweaty and I start to shake.

What is he gonna do? I get out of the car, my legs feel like jelly. Wait. Whose car is that? I've never seen it before. " Maggie! Sweety I'm so happy to see you again!Wow, you got even more beautiful!" the voice I know so well says.

I turn around and run into my aunts arms. My heart is beating fast but not of fear. I sighed relieved. " Aunt Ellie ! What are you doing here in Canada ?" I say smiling like crazy. My aunt lives in England that's why I don't see her often.

Earlier, when we still lived there, my mom my aunt and I always did the funniest things together. And now she's here! That means Aron can't do anything to us, right? " Can't I visit my two favourite nieces?" she asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Sure you can but Melody is already sleeping." I say laughing at her actions. "You are staying at our house right?" "Of course! We have a lot if catching up to do!" she replys taking Melly out of the car.

You can't believe how happy I am at the moment! "Ellie I'll show your were you are going to sleep" Aron says with a sweet smile. How fake can someone be ?! I was too tired to think about him again.

I just want to sleep, so I said good night to my aunt and head in my room. I change into comfortable shorts and an oversized shirt. Plopping onto the bed I take my phone to see that Leah texted me.

Leah❤️: Hey Maggie is everything okey? You know that you can talk to me about everything. Sorry that I seemed so annoyed today. Do you want to make a sleepover on Monday?💕

I smiled while reading her text. I'm so glad to have Leah as a friend. Even if we fight sometimes, we always can't be mad at eachother for more than a day. I quickly text back that I'm fine. Well, at least that wasn't a total lie at the moment. And that I would love to make a sleepover.

I also see that Shawn texted me. Oh no! What am I gonna tell him about the bruise? I need a really good excuse. I'm going to tell him that I was sleeping and then suddenly Melly jumped on me and landed directly on my stomach. Well, that's the best I can think of but it is at least plausible. I open his chat.

Shawny: So Maggie what was all that? First of all don't think I forgot the huge bruise on your stomach and is it true? Is Aron cheating on your mom?

I text back the excuse I thought of and tell him that I saw him with another woman in our house. Doesn't he believe me either?!

Shawny: Oh okey... and no I do believe you but what are you going to do ?
He doesn't seem really convinced but as long as he doesn't ask anymore, it's fine

You: Nothing... I don't want my mom to feel even more bad.

Shawny: Hm... Your right. What about we go to your favourite Ice cream shop tomorrow? :)

You: Sure, I would love to! :D I'm going to bed now, good night Shawn.

Shawny: Good night princess.

I feel my cheeks getting red. What? Why does it bother me? He called me that before. Sighing I let my head fall onto the pillow, closing my eyes. Today was a long day.

Hope you like it!💋

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