Chapter 14

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Leahs POV:
It's already 7 o'clock. Where is Maggie? She doesn't answer when I call her. Suddenly the doorbell rings, it must be her. I go to the door and open it to reveal a smiling Maggie. "Hey girl!" I say hugging her. "Hey Leah!" she greets. "What did you take so long?" "Oh that's a long story well actually not but I'll explain you inside." she answers suddenly looking uncomfortable.

We sit down on my bed so we are facing each other. "Well, you know how boring history is for me. I fell asleep during the lesson today. I had a dream. Strictly speaking a nightmare." she made a pause. She's probably thinking about it. She tells me the rest of her nightmare and that she woke up screaming, so Shawn took her to a waterfall.

"That's why I'm a little late, sorry." she whispers. "Hey don't worry we have time enough." I hug her and sit down again. So she spent the whole day with Shawn? I don't like the thought of that. What am I thinking! They're friends too! I can't tell them to never see each other again. I'm going to tell her today that I like Shawn.

"What about we order a pizza and watch The Walking Dead?" Maggie offers smiling. "Great idea! I'll order the pizza and you'll turn the tv on!" I say walking to the kitchen. We had so much fun together just talking, laughing and eating. Now we are currently eating ice cream. "We have to stop eating so much Leah!" Maggie laughs. "Umm... Maggie?" I whisper nervously. "Yeah?" she asks looking confused. "I have to tell you something... ummm... so I-" I got interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

Seriously!? Who could be here at this time? We both walk to the door to see who it was. Luc, Aiden,Shawn and Luc's girlfriend. What are they doing here. "Hey girls! Perfect that you are both here. We thought we could do something together again. Like a triple date! We can make a picnic on the hill we always go to?" Luc asks.

"Sure! It's a good idea. When?" Maggie questions. Wait. A date? "Now." Luc says smiling. "Now?" I ask. "Yes now! You two have ten minutes. We'll wait in the car." Luc says laughing. What no. I actually don't want that. But I can't say no now.

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