Chapter 22

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Maggie's POV:
"Maggie!" I hear him screaming angrily. I turn around and see Aron stumbling towards me with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand. He's drunk. Really drunk.

I nervously grip the door handle tighter. He wouldn't do anything to me as long as my aunt is here right? But she isn't home at the moment. Fuck. My throat gets dry as he's only a few steps before me.

Swaying he stops directly in front of me. He puts on arm on the side of me, holding himself up. He leans closer, the smell of the alcohol hitting my face. "You don't think I forgot what you wanted to tell your mom, right?" He whispers.

I don't say anything. I just look onto the floor hoping he doesn't expect an answer. "Right!" He screams into my ear causing me to shrug. "N-no I don't." I mumble taking a few steps away from him but he grabs my arm harshly. The bruised one.

I scream in pain trying to pull my arm away. He just holds me even tighter. Tears already escaping my eyes. "You better don't do that again, you understand me? Or else it won't end up good for you and your little sister." he laughs bitterly.

I just nod, not being able to say anything. He stares at me for a bit longer before turning around and stumbling towards the bedroom. I let out a shaky breath while sliding down the door, sitting onto the cold tiles.

Suddenly he turns around again and throws the bottle whiskey at me. It smashes only a few inches beside my head into the wall, breaking into many little pieces. My heart beat quickens again. I breath heavily. "Lucky you." He mutters opening the door to the bedroom.

I shut my eyes trying to breath normally again. I hope Melody didn't hear anything. I slowly walk up into my room. It's half past 7 but I'm so tired. I still have homework. Groaning I let myself fall onto the chair next to my desk.

English and Biology. I can do that, it's not so hard. About one and a half hours later I finally finished. I go into the bathroom to shower and change the bandage on my arm. I carefully peel it off. Some parts of my skin got stuck on the material of the bandage.

Cursing I manage to take it off after about 15 minutes. I'm slightly sweating and so exhausted, I just want to sleep. After showering I put an oversized t-shirt on and plop onto my bed.

I was about to turn the lights off as I remember that I have a maths exam tomorrow. "Shit!" I sigh. I learned way to less for it. I don't care if I pass it or not I'm so tired. Slowly I fall asleep.

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