Chapter 89

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Maggie's POV:
"I would love to but I can't today. I still have to study and do my homework." I say, fake smiling. "Oh okey. Maybe another time?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply and turn around. "Bye!" "See you Maggie." I hear him call after me. I quickly walk down the stairs towards the locker room.

Before I open the door I look around me if Damian or anyone else is still here. Since I can't see anyone , I push the big door open and head inside.

A weird smell hits me as I walk past the lockers. "Boys." I mumble as I see clothes and ice hockey gear everywhere. I open the door to the showers, not being able to see anything because it's completely dark.

„Shawn?" I ask, unsure if he's still here. Feeling with my hands along the wall, I try to find a light switch. "Shawn are you here?" I say again.

This time a bit louder. "Shaw-" I start to say again but cut myself off as I slip out on the water. Before my back meets the ground I get caught by two arms wrapping around me. I scream out of shock.

„Maggie, it's me! Calm down it's just me Shawn ." he reassures, turning the lights on. "That wasn't funny at all idiot." I breath out, pushing him back. "I'm sorry babygirl." he chuckles, coming towards me again.

I have to say he looks so damn cute in his ice hockey tricot which is way to big without the gear. Also his hair is standing in every direction, making me want to run my fingers trough it so badly. But no. He scared me.

„What did you take so long? Where you with him?" He asks, slightly annoyed. I grin, crossing my arms. "Maybe." Shawn rolls his eyes, walking me against a locker. "What did he want?" he questions, looking deeply into my eyes while placing his large hands on my waist.

"He wanted to drink a coffee with me." I say. It's so much fun to annoy him. "Ah... what did you say."  "That I can't because I have to study but maybe another time." I reply, trying to hide a grin.

Shawn's eyes literally got darker and his grip around my waist a bit tighter. "You know that I don't like it when you are near him. He's an asshole." Shawn grumbles. "Shawn he changed but I'm not going to meet with him so don't worry." I chuckle, cupping his cheeks.

A small smile takes its place on his lips as he leans in. "Good." he says before pressing his soft lips to mine. I sigh happily, my hands eventually finding their way into his messy hair. He hums against my lips, before gripping my tights making me jump.

I wrap my legs around his torso, his hands supporting me. "I miss to do that whenever I want." he mumbles. "Me too." I sigh, just quickly breaking the kiss to catch my breath before continuing again.

He walks over to a bench and sits down with me in top of him. "You are so beautiful." Shawn whispers into my ear,  kissing then softly along my jaw, causing goosebumps to cover my body.

My cheeks flush immediately at his words. He looks up to me grinning as he sees my red face. "Shut up." I say and kiss him again. After a while Shawn suddenly pulls away. "What's wrong?" I ask, caressing his neck.

„Hmm." He hums, closing his eyes which makes me chuckle. He shakes his head, opening his eyes again. "I didn't even ask. Why did you come? I mean I'm glad you did but was there a reason?" Shawn questions worriedly.

I sigh leaning my head onto his shoulder. I actually wished he wouldn't ask. "Hey hunny what's wrong?" He asks, gently stroking over my back. "Well, you already guessed it anyways.

My aunt and mom want me to move to England."  I say. Shawn just pulls me even closer towards him. "You know what I said. You don't have to worry we'll persuade your aunt that you can live with me." He says. I lean back looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Shawn." I whimper, shutting my eyes to prevent the tears from falling. God I hate crying in front of someone. "What is it Maggie?" He asks, caressing my cheeks slowly.

"My mom got worse again Shawn. She just lied to me to make me less worried." I sob, burying my head into his neck. "I'm so sorry baby." He sighs, trying to calm me down. "Shhh I'm sure she can do that okey? Your mom is strong." He whispers, kissing my cheek.

After I finally stopped crying again we just sit there and talk. „Wait here. I'll be back in a minute." Shawn says, pecking my lips before walking out of the door.

In the meantime I check my phone to see that I have three missed calls and two messages from my mom and aunt. They both want to talk to me. I sigh shutting my phone of again.

„I'm warning you. If don't keep this a secret I'm going to make sure you won't be talking ever again." I hear a deep voice from the lockers. My heartbeat immediately quickens as I walk towards the slightly opened door.

„I don't care we have to shut this girl up before she tells her something." I hear the boy say. Carefully I look through the door gap.

My eyes widen as I see who's standing there. Damian. Who the hell is he talking about?

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