Chapter 110

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Shawn's POV:
"No Andrew, I'm not going to leave until we find her!" I snap, angrily. I have to leave in three days for tour but I just can't... Maggie is missing since Saturday.

There's not a single trace of her. Nothing! Not even the police can found her. How is that even possible? How can a 18 year old boy kidnapp someone and they just don't find her? I have barely slept for days. Everytime I close my eyes I see something bad happening to her.

„Shawn. I understand that you are worried about her but we can't cancel this tour! You have to leave it to the police." Andrew says. I look down not saying anything. I can't go... I hear him sigh before he walks towards the round table in the middle of room.

„Shawn, this is just the start of your career. Do you know how important this is for you?" He adds, looking at me. "I know..." I mumble. "Shawn I obviously don't know her like you do but she would never want you to throw away your career."

„I can't... I'm sorry." I respond, my voice cracking. I quickly walk out of the room not wanting him to see me like that. Everyone says the same all the time. She wouldn't want you to do that. The police will find her don't worry.

Oh really? How would they know that? She could be anywhere right now! What if she's not in Canada anymore? I wouldn't even be surprised if he left with her. "F*ck!" I scream, hitting my car. A sharp pain spreads trough my left hand and wrist. I try to make a fist but it just hurts more. "Great." I grumble sucking in a breath.

„Shawn!" I hear Andrew call as I get into the car. "Andrew I-" "We will talk tomorrow. Don't make a decision you'll regret now. What's with your hand?" He asks, sighing. "Nothing it's fine." I say.

„It's not. Shawn please let someone look at it okey?" I nod just nod, so I can finally get rid off him. "I'll call you." Andrew says before walking inside again. I sigh, leaning my head back while closing my eyes. I wonder what she's doing right now.

Would he hurt her? No right? I mean he wanted her for so long... but he's a psycho. Maybe he gets angry. A tear rolls down my cheek as I look at the silver ring I got for me and her. "Please be okey. I miss you." I murmur, letting my finger drive over the carvings.

I get pulled out of my thoughts by the ringing of my phone. I wipe the tears away, to look who's calling me. 'Camila, Is standing on the lit up screen. "Hey." I say. "Shawn? What happened you sound like you cried?" Camila asks.

„Why are calling?" I ask, coughing a bit. "Well about the surprise for Maggie! I'm in Canada!" She cheers. I sigh, running my hand trough my hair. "Well about that... I have to tell you something. Where are you?" I ask, starting the car. "At the airport. Shawn is everything okey?" "I'll pick you up." I say and hang up.

Fortunately the airport isn't far away from the studio. After about 20 minutes I arrive there and see her already standing by the gates, a couple of fans surrounding her. She spots me and tries to get away from them, so they don't notice me. I guess she knows that something is wrong.

Smiling lightly, she walks over to me after she said goodbye to them. „Hey Shawn." Camila greets, pulling me into a hug. „Hey." I say, returning the smile. „Okey, now please tell me what's wrong? You look horrible." she points out, furrowing her eyebrows.

„Thanks." I chuckle. „You know how I meant it." she laughs. „Have I ever told you about Maggie's ex?" „Oh my god don't tell me she broke up with you." „No she didn't.-." „You broke up with her?" Camila asks, confused.

„No I didn't. Could you please just listen?" I snap, annoyed that she talks so much. „Sorry." I sigh. „I promise I won't interrupt you anymore. Now tell me, you are making me worried." Camila says.

„It's a long story but at the moment... Well, Maggie got kidnapped by her ex. No one can find her since Saturday and I'm freaking out." I say, sighing. "Oh god. I'm so sorry Shawn." She says, hugging me again. "He has my sister too." I mumble, trying not to let the tears fall again.

"What? And how?" "I don't know..." "What about tour?" "I don't think I'm going. I can't..." "Shawn, she would-" "Don't start with that, please. Everyone is telling me that but Maggie trusts me. I have to help." I state out, pulling back to start the car.

Before I could drive out of the parking lot, my phone rings again. "Mom?" I ask, wondering why she's calling me right now. "Shawn come home now. They found Aaliyah."

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