Chapter 106

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Maggie's POV:
„Shawn, please calm down. There are so many people. How should something happen?" I ask, trying to reassure him. He's been arguing with me over the phone for about twenty minutes now.

„At the Halloween Party were many people too Maggie. And if you can remember, Leah got almost kidnapped." He grumbles. „Now what Shawn? Do you want me to lock me in my room?" I question, slightly annoyed. I know that he's just worried but it's tugging on my nerves lately.

„No... look I'm not trying to control you. It's just... I'm constantly worried that something is going to happen to you." Shawn sighs, making me feel guilty.

„Babe please stop worrying and continue to practice okey? The show starts soon. Also I'm always going to be near you or one of the others." I say. I hear him exhaling deeply before mumbling an okey. The door bell rings, meaning that Damian is here now.

„He's here. See you soon Shawn. I love you so much." I say, admiring me one last time in my dark blue dress. My silver necklace and bracelet matching it perfectly.

„If he touches you, call me and I'm going to beat the shit out of him okey? And I love you too hun. More than anything." he replies making me chuckle.

„Of course. Bye." I state and after he said bye too I hang up. Quickly I grab the silver ring which Shawn gave to me and put it onto my finger. I give my make up some finishing touches, still not too much but just how I like it, before heading downstairs.

Slipping on my coat I finally open the door, being greeted by a smiling Damian. „Oh you are here! I thought you were going to reject me." he chuckles, meaning the fact that I needed like ten minutes to get down here.

„Sorry. Looking good takes its time okey?" I say, smiling. „Without trying to be cheesy, you look gorgeous but you would look gorgeous even in just an oversized t-shirt and joggers too." Damian replies. „Thank you. You don't look bad yourself Mr.Harris." I joke, making him chuckle.

„Ready to go?" Damian asks, smiling. „Sure." I reply as we walk towards his car. After a few minutes we arrive in front of the school. We get out of the car and Damian hesitantly takes my hand.

I show him my best fake smile, feeling actually kind of uncomfortable. It's not because of him tough... I just feel bad because of Shawn. I wouldn't want to see him holding hands with another girl either.

„The show starts in a few minutes. Do you wanna watch it or just go and dance?" he asks. „First the show then the dancing alright?" „Sounds great." he answers, kissing my temple, making me almost back off but I just don't do anything.

„Maggie, Damian here you are! I reserved two seats for you." A man suddenly says, coming up to us. I've never seem him anywhere. „Thanks man. See you later." Damian says before we head to the stage, sitting down.

„Who is he? How does he know my name?" I ask, frowning. „He's a friend of mine and well I talked about you once." Damian answers smiling. I just nod, focusing on the now starting show.

I wonder when Shawn is going to perform. I forgot to ask. We see many dancing groups, also band and some solo singers till the one I was waiting for is finally announced.

„And now we have a special guy here. Shawn Mendes everyone!" A student from our school which moderates the whole thing says. The people start to clap and some girly screams are audible as he walks onto the stage.

I have to say he looks absolutely hot in his all day black jeans and this black button up. His favourite guitar hanging with a strap over his shoulder.

He walks towards the microphone, his eyes scanning the room until they land on me. A small grin tugs at the corner of his mouth as he begins to speak.

„I just wanted to say that this song is for a very special person. I'm so happy to have this person in my life. So thank you and I hope you are going to enjoy it." he says, looking down at the guitar.

I smile, as I hear the melody of Kid In Love, one of my favorite songs. He sings it with so much passion and love. I'm honestly so proud of him. Even though he has to leave soon, this is his dream and I would never stand in the way of it.

After finishing, he winks at me before walking off the stage. „I'll be right back." I whisper to Damian, quickly sneaking out off the hall towards the back of the stage. „I feel like a proud mom." I hear Luc say in an emotional voice as I approach them. I chuckle, shaking my head.

Quietly I sneak up behind Shawn, putting my finger to my mouth, signaling Luc he shouldn't say anything. Wordlessly I lay my hands over Shawn's eyes.

„Hmm Betty is that you? I told you my girlfriend is here tonight." he jokes. „Haha." I pout, crossing my arms. „Uhh really thin ice man." Luc whispers, walking past us. „Hey baby." Shawn grins.

„I wonder who that special person you were talking about is. Maybe Betty?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. „No another song is about her but not this one." Shawn answers, leaning against the wall.

„Aha." I state. „Well have fun with her then. I'll have fun with Damian." I say grinning, knowing how much it annoys him. He tenses, standing normal again. I turn on my heel, starting to walk away as suddenly two arms wrap around my waist. I smile knowing that something like this would happen.

„Shawn!" I squeal as he unexpectedly throws me over his shoulder, making his way towards a door. „Your are definitely not going to have fun with him." Seconds later we are standing in a dark room. Shawn closes the door and turns the light on.

„Really?" I chuckle, noticing that we are in a litte storeroom. „Yes." Shawn stats smirking before he leans down towards my lips. Just as his brush mine I slip under his arm, reaching for the door handle.

„Not so fast." Shawn says, grabbing my waist to turn me. He pushes me lightly against the wall, coming closer to me again. „God just let me kiss you." He mutters, leaning close again.

I smile finally pressing my lips to his supple ones. I move one hand up to his hair, laying the other one on the door handle.

Shawn starts to rub up and down my sides, making me shiver. „I love you." he mumbles in between the kisses.

„And I love you." I whisper, pushing the door handle down but the door doesn't open. Shit. „Shawn." I say, breaking the kiss. „What's wrong?" he asks looking confused. „We are locked in." I answer, trying to open the door multiple times.

„Let me try." Shawn suggests, pushing and pulling on the handle but it's no use. „I don't have my phone with me. Do you?" Shawn questions. „No I left my purse on my seat. What now?" I ask, frustratedly. „We can keep making out."

„Seriously?" I huff, rolling my eyes. „Hello? Is there someone.?" I shout, knocking against the door. „We are in here!" Shawn shouts, helping me to knock. „Shawn?" I hear someone ask.

„Yes, in here! We-." Shawn starts to say but I hit his stomach. „That's Damian." I mumble. „Oh uh... I kind of locked myself in here."

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