Chapter 82

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Maggie's POV:
"Come on Maggie! We only have two hours to get ready!" Leah calls from upstairs while I get us something to drink.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." I mumble even though I know she can't hear me but I can't stop thinking about the text Damian got.

I didn't really see the name of the person who sent him a message but I think it was something like Harry.... or maybe Henry?

Whatever, I didn't tell Shawn he would just make a big deal out of it. I mean it could mean anything. It doesn't have to do with everything what's going on at the moment, right?

"Maggie hurry!" I hear her shout again. Sighing I walk upstairs, still not in the mood for a party. A movie night with Shawn would be nice right now after all the learning for the exams we currently have.

"Don't even think about doing something else." she scolds, pushing me onto the bed. I look at her surprised that she knew what I was thinking, causing her to laugh.

"I saw the look on your face." she adds, searching through the things we bought. "I know you are worries but you really don't have to be. It's going to be fun!" Leah says grinning and lays her costume on the bed.

She's going as cat woman and I'm going to be a witch. I know, extremely creative. "Come on get your lazy bum off the bed and put your costume on." Leah demands, pulling me onto my feet.

I walk into the bathroom, sliding the black and red mid thigh-long dress on along with black tights and also black high heels. At last I clip a little witch hat into my hair.

After looking into the mirror, I walk out with the curling iron. "Shawn will love to see you in that." she says, eyeing me up and down as she fixes her cat ears. "Mhm." I chuckle and sit down to start curling my hair a bit.

"Aiden will be all over you too." I wink at her. "I know." she states, making me laugh. While Leah finishes her make up, I grab my phone and decide to text Shawn.
You: Hey Shawn❤️What are you going to be for the Halloween party?
Shawn: I won't tell you! You'll see ;)❤️
You: But how am I going to find you then?
Shawn: I'll find you xx
You: Now you sound as creepy as the unknown number
Shawn: Sorry! But don't worry I'll always look out for you💕
I don't know if I'm still fine with the "plan". He hasn't texted me for a while now which makes me even more worried. Will he really follow me to the party? I guess I'll have to wait and see.

We arrive at the party around half past eight. The house is already crowded and you can hear the music from outside. I look around for Shawn as we walk in but my search is unsuccessful, so I continue to look inside.

While Leah and the others are getting drinks fron the kitchen, I text Shawn asking where he is. "Here loosen up a bit." Shelley says, handing be a red cup with god knows what in it.

"Okey guys, on three. The first one to finish the cup can decide what we take next!" Emma cheers and they start to swallow the liquid, Leah being the first with an empty cup. "I'll be right back losers!" She laughs and disappears into the dancing crowd.

"Do you know if Shawn's here?" I question Shelley. "Uh... I haven't seen him and the boys yet but I'm sure they'll be here soon. Come on drink that." She says smiling and pushes the cup to my mouth.

I take a deep breath before downing the alcohol all at once, causing me to cough. "The next round!" Lea shouts over the loud music, handing us another plastic cup.

I also down it, hoping the nervousness would wash away. I can't get over the feeling of being watched with every move I make. Minute after minute I feel myself getting more and more dizzy. I definitely drank too much.

We joined some others from our school playing a drinking game. The person who is selected has to drink something or do a dare and then choose another person to do the same.

It's my turn now. "So Maggie since you are single again. You probably won't have anything against a few minutes in a room with someone." A boy from my english class slurs.

Raising my eyebrows I grab the cup of alcohol and was about to drink it as I get pulled away from them.

"I think you have had enough." I hear a deep voice mutter as I get turned around. "Hey Shawnie." I giggle, leaning against him for support since I can't really stand anymore. "How much did you drink?" he asks sternly.

"Calm down. It's a party so what?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Yeah but you still should be able to think straight in a situation like we are in." Shawn replies, pulling me away from the people.

"Let me go." I mumble but Shawn ignores it. "Shawn. I said let me go. I don't want to go now." I say, this time louder. "Maggie-" "No! Let go of my arm." I say, wiggling out of his grip.

"God stop being childish Maggie! It's not save for you here anymore!" he shouts due the blasting music in the background.

"Then stop acting like my dad! I can watch over myself Shawn." I shout back. "Oh really? Well, then have fun. I'm going."

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