Chapter 79

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Maggie's POV:
It has been more than one week since Shawn and I "broke up". Honestly it sucks but it's saver like this. I haven't heard from the unknown number ever since.

Does he believe that we are still not together? I hope so at least. We are sitting in the cafeteria. As usual, the boys on their table and Leah, Emma, Shelley and I are on our table. I'm so glad that Shelley changed school, so now she's with us everyday.

It's much more fun. "Any clue who it could be?" Shelley asks, picking around in her food with a fork. "Shells I've told you about ten times this week that I don't know who it could be." I sigh. "He's like everywhere I am but he's never to be seen." I add.

"He once said he wants you right?" Leah asks. I just nod looking at her confused. "Well now that he thinks you and Shawn are not together, he can have you right?" she says, pointing with her knife at me.

"Uhh... and ?" "Look, he can't come near you if we stick to you like a gum on a shoe. You have to be alone sometimes-"

"You think that she should be alone sometimes? Can I remind you that you got shot!We don't know who it was but if it was this psycho he's probably capable of everything." Shelley interrupts Leah, waving her hands around.

"Shelley she's right. How else should we find out?" "But Maggie-" "No. I'm sick of being scared when I walk down the street or even when I head to my next class.

If he wants me, he should get me and then we are going to inform the police." I say, packing my stuff for the next class." "We are still going to be near you." Emma states.

"Guys, he's not going to hurt me. I mean, why would he?" I say more to myself than to the others. "Probably not but we still have to make sure. You know what? Veronica is throwing a halloween party this weekend. We are going to go there.

He will be there too when you are but he won't recognize us if we are all wearing masks or something like that and we can still watch over Maggie." Leah explains, proudly.

"I'm not really in the mood for party's." I groan. "I don't even have a costume." "No problem, we still have two days till Saturday." Leah replies, happily.

Before I could say anything else, the bell rings signaling that the break is over. Sighing, I take my stuff and walk out of the cafeteria as I hear my phone buzz. My heartbeat increases immediately but seeing that it's only Shawn, I calm down.
Shawn: What's your next class? Biology right?
You: How do you know?
Shawn: Well... I printed out your schedule. I have to know where you are!
You: Oh god, Shawn.
Shawn: Be careful okey? I love you.
You: I love you too dork.
I chuckle after reading the messages. Shawn's so overprotective sometimes it's annoying but it also makes me feel more comfortable, knowing that he's there when I need him.

After Biology I walk to my next class. English. Great! Another boring hour. I sit down, waiting for the teacher and other students. Shawn walks in followed by Jackson and Leah.

Leah sits down besides me, Jackson in the back of the class "To have everyone in his sight.", like he said and Shawn sits behind me since every other seat is taken.

I should be thankful that they are so caring but it's honestly so annoying that I can't even go to the toilet without one of the girls following me. The teacher comes in and decides that we are just going to watch a movie.

Normally that good but I'm almost falling asleep of boredom. My phone buzzes again, making me shrug.

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