Chapter 57

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Shawn's POV:
The next day we spent with packing, a family dinner and I had to make a few calls so there wasn't much time for me and Maggie alone. I'm currently checking if I have everything.

„Toothbrush?" Maggie asks while sitting on my desk, a list in her left hand and a pen in her right. „Umm... yes." I reply stuffing some clothes into the suitcase. „Notebook with your songs?" „Yes I have that too."

„Okey... the bracelet your amazing girlfriend gave you?" She asks grinning. „Oh umm... about that, I think I lost it." I say acting puzzled.

„Haha very funny. You are wearing it, idiot" she mumbles the last part but I still heard it. She gave me a cute bracelet so it reminds me of her. It consists of a slim black string and on it is a thin wooden guitar chip with our initials on the back of it.

„What did you say?" I walk towards her and stand between her thighs, wrapping my arms around her back to pull her near me. „You are an idiot." She says emphasizing every word. I couldn't help but smile at her.

I lean slowly in, cupping her cheeks with my hands. She closes her eyes as I quickly take the list and back away. „So do I already have everything?" „Hey!" She calls out pouting. I chuckle and continue to look through the list while Maggie lies down onto my bed.

I start to hum a song, finally finishing and zip up my suitcase. I look over to the bed where Maggie is. She plays with the end of her hoodie, well actually my hoodie, suddenly seeming sad.

„What's wrong Maggie?" I ask and crawl on top of her, leaning onto my forearms so I can look at her. Maggie's gaze meets mine but she doesn't say anything. A few strands of my hair fall onto my forehead as she strokes through it.

I start to kiss on her cheeks, lasting a bit longer on her lips and then down to her neck. „Hun?" I ask, looking back into her glistening eyes again. „Nothing." she mumbles twirling my curls around her small fingers. „Maggie come on. Tell me." I say softly.

„No it's stupid." she replies and tries to stand up but I trap her between me and the bed. „Princess." I say and kiss her nose which makes her smile slightly.

„What wrong?" I ask again, sitting up to pull her onto my lap. „Look, I know it's just for a few weeks but I gonna miss you so much." she answers blushing. I lift her head so she's looking into my eyes.

„That's not stupid, Maggie. I'm gonna miss you too. So so much. But remember what I said, I'm gonna call you everyday. Okey?" I whisper and lean in to kiss her. „Okey." she nods and connects her soft lips with mine.

Maggie's POV:
We lie in his bed cuddling and watching movies till it's time for Shawn to leave. I sigh and snuggle my head into his neck, placing little kisses there. Holding onto him tightly, I take in his scent for one more time.

„Baby." Shawn mumbles, stroking over my hair. "I have to leave for the airport now." he adds and gently pulls me on top of him, so I'm looking into his eyes. A slight smile spreads across his lips as he leans in, kissing me passionately.

Shawn sits up with me on his lap and deepens the kiss while caressing my sides. My small hands finds their way into his fluffy hair, making him hum softly against my lips.

"Shawn, Maggie. It's time to leave now." We hear Karen shout from downstairs, causing us to pull away slowly. I stand up from Shawn's lap and stand beside the edge of the bed.

He hops off the bed too, walking over to his closet. "Do you need something else?" I ask confused. "I thought you might want these." he says shyly and holds a shirt and two hoodies of him up. I start to grin and walk over to Shawn jumping into his arms.

„Yes thank you babe." I say happily which makes my lovely boyfriend chuckle. "Come on." Shawn leans a bit down so I could climb onto his back. "Are you sure?" I ask chuckling but climb on his back anyways.

„What? Do you think I can't carry you and two suitcases? That's easy!" he says proudly, taking each suitcase into one hand. I wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck, so I don't fall off. Stumbling, he starts to walk down the stairs. "Shawn watch out!" I laugh as he walks trough the door, me almost hitting my head.

„Sorry hun." he laughs, heading towards the car where Aaliyah, Karen and Manny are already waiting. I decided not to drive with them because I really have to go home and the goodbye would be just more difficult.

„I'm sorry you lovebirds but it's getting late!" Karen says smiling and taps onto her watch.
"I'm there in a minute." Shawn replies, putting the suitcases into the back of the car. Leaving me and Shawn alone, his parents and sister sit into the car. "So..." Shawn mumbles.

„So..." I mumble, locking my gaze with his. Shawn smiles slightly before crashes his lips onto mine again. "I love you. So much." he mumbles between kisses. I smile, pecking his lips. "I love you too. You have to tell me everything about your day tomorrow evening."

"Okey." Shawn answers and pulls me into a long tight hug. "See you soon babygirl." he says and waves at me, walking towards the car. "See you and good luck Shawn! You'll be awesome!" I shout after him.

The last noise I heard, was his beautiful laugh and the car driving away as silence took over. I sigh and pull my phone out. 6:30 pm. Shit. I'm in trouble.

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