Chapter 65

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Maggie's POV:
I hesitate for a moment but eventually pull her into a hug. „I forgive you Leah. I mean I was really... I don't even know. Mad? Or kinda disappointed as I found out but it's not like I never make mistakes. I missed you too." I say smiling.

She smiles back brightly and pulls me again into a tight hug, making me chuckle. „Thank you so much!" she squeals. „I guess you two are good again?" Aiden says as he walks in with a cup of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate.

"Sorry Sweetie but the doctor said you aren't allowed to drink that." he adds, looking over to Leah who is blushing like crazy because of the nickname. I smile at them. Seems like a happy end for us. I have Shawn, Leah has Aiden and Luc has Shelley.

Almost too perfect... I shKw my head. Why can't I accept that everything is right, at least for some moments. I instinctively grab my phone to see if the unknown number has texted me. Nothing.

I haven't got a message from him  or her for a while now. I don't know if it should worry me or not. I look around as my gaze catches a glimpse of a dark figure outside the room, making me feel really uncomfortable.

I brush it off, trying to listen to Leah and Aidens conversation but  the strange feeling doesn't fade. Again, my eyes wander to the big blurry glass window behind me. I almost scream as I see the dark figure, standing a bit further behind the window.

"Guys do you see that?" I quickly ask turning to the lovebirds but as I turn to point at the man, I notice that he isn't there anymore. What?  
„Nevermind." I mumble. „Everything okey?" Aiden asks concerned. „Yeah I'm fine." I chuckle, so I don't worry them.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Leaving the room, I turn my head left and right but I can't see anyone. Maybe I just imagined it. I was about to go back as I notice someone with a dark hoodie walking around the corner.

Thanks to my curiosity, I follow the man. He heads into the elevator. His back still facing me, preventing me from seeing who it is. I follow him into the third floor but as I come to a stop in front of the elevator no one is there. Where did he go?

I head trough  the halls, looking for the mysterious man. Suddenly a loud bang was audible as the lights shut off, leaving everything in complete darkness. I hold my breath to stop myself from screaming.

This is like one of these not well ending horror movies. God I'm so paranoid. I could hear another loud bang, making me shrug. It's  probably a thunderstorm. The sound of hurried footsteps from the nurses running around makes my head pound.

My body starts to tremble as I walk around, trying to find back to the elevator. A ding from my phone signals me that I got a new message. Oh right! I have my phone with me. Thank god. I unlock it and click on the messages.
Unknown: You shouldn't be so curious Maggie.
Unknown: Your little boyfriend isn't here to take care of you.
Gulping I look around the darkness. I could feel my heart pounding heavily in my chest. Why is this happening to me?
You: Can you please finally stop with your sick little game? Whoever you are just leave me alone.

After texting back I manage to make my way to the elevator. I press the button and waiting till the elevator shows up when suddenly I could her quick steps from behind. They get louder and louder by every second.

The lights turn on again signaling that the electricity is back. I could feel that someone is right behind me, making me panic. „Come on." I mutter, pressing the button multiple times.

Finally the elevator opens and I run inside, a bit of relief washing over me as the doors close. Pressing the button for the 1st floor, I lean against the wall regaining my breath. „Maggie?" someone asks causing me to jump for the hundredth time today.

"Hey it's me Damian. Don't be scared." he says softly putting a hand on my shoulder. Great. „Damian? What are you doing here?" I ask confused. „Uh... I- I wanted to apologize. I know again but I honestly didn't know that you have a boyfriend.

I was just frustrated because I knew that you wouldn't forgive me." he explains, sighing. „Well, I guess it's okey...and about that. It has  been almost two years since we broke up and I'm over it, so I think we..."

"Can be friends?" Damian asks hopefully. „Uh... I don't know yet but maybe sometime we can." I answer sighing. I hate holding a grudge against people and forgiving two people on one day is something good right?

The elevators comes to a stop and the doors open Damian smiles at me lightly and I return the smile.

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