Chapter 27

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Shawn's POV:

I take my phone out to call Luc. "Hey Shawn, what's up?" "Could we meet? I need to tell you something." I answer. "Sure. Is everything okey?" he asks. "I'll tell you later. Meet me at my house in 10 minutes." I reply and cancel the call. I arrive at home and shortly after me Luc.

We go up into my room. I let myself fall onto the bed and Luc sits in a chair besides my desk. I sigh. "Are you finally gonna tell me what happened ?" Luc questions, furrowing his eyebrows. "Well ummm... Leah kind of told me that she likes me." I mutter looking down.

"Oh..." Luc says. "Did you tell her that you like Maggie?" he adds. "No but I obviously told her that I don't like her in that way. She looked so hurt. I never wanted to hurt her." I say, sitting up. Luc leans back into the chair while crossing his arms.

"What?" I ask. "Shawn she was going to get hurt sooner or later. Just give her time to get over you." he answers. "Yeah you're right." I whisper. "I'm always right!" he laughs.

I just shake my head smiling. "Anyways, it's late. I need to go but call me if you need anything." he adds while patting my shoulder. I nod, laying back onto the bed. I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly hear the door open and then close.

Who could that be? It's 10 pm. I stand up and open my door just a bit, so I could see through the gap. It was Aaliyah. Where has she been? I ball my fists. I hope for her that she was at one of her friends house and not with the boy she was talking about in the morning.

Well she didn't talk but you know. I take a deep breath. Calm down Shawn. "Aaliyah?" I say walking out of my room. When she sees me her eyes grow wide and she quickly walks into hers, locking the door. "Aaliyah ! Where have you been?" I shout.

"At a friends house." she shouts back annoyed. "Oh really? And who was-" I answer but got interrupted. "Could you two stop shouting and go to bed? You have to go to school tomorrow." Mom says coming out of the bedroom.

I nod walking back into my room. Humming a melody I start to change into sweatpants and another T-shirt, when suddenly I hear someone screaming.

I look out of window and see a boy walking after a girl She starts to run across the street. A car is coming her way but she doesn't notice. Before the boy could reach her, she got hit by the car, landing on the street.

She doesn't move. My eyes grow wide and I run downstairs. I quickly put on a hoodie and run outside. The boy is hovering above the girl, who is still laying lifelessly on the ground.

I still can't see who it was, the street lights aren't bright enough. "Hey do you need help?" I shout, walking nearer. Wait. I know that jacket. It's Jackson's. "Mendes don't look so dumb and come here!" he shouts frantically.

I reach Jackson and can see the face of the girl. My breath was taken away when I saw who lies there. Maggie. No,no, no, no. That can't be happening. I kneel down to her, cupping her cheeks.

"Maggie ? Maggie do you hear me?" I say trying to wake her up. Thank god she is breathing. I can see that she has a scratch on her forehead and a bloody lip but I couldn't see how bad it actually is. "I'm calling the ambulance." Jackson says standing up to take his phone out of his pocket.

"Maggie come on please." I beg, feeling a tear running down my cheek. She has to be okey. I lift her hoodie to see if she's bleeding. I don't see blood but maybe she broke something.

"Please look at me." I sob. I carefully shake her. Suddenly her eyebrows furrow and she slightly opens her eyes. "Maggie? " I ask worried. She takes in deep breath but stops wincing in pain. "Do you hear me?" After a few moments she nods. Jackson comes back and kneels down beside her taking her hand.

„Oww." she whines. "I'm sorry." he says letting go if her hand. "Do you think that you can sit up?" she nods again. Groaning she attempts to sit up. I lay my hand on her back to support her. The ambulance arrives and they carry her into the car.

Jackson says he will come to the hospital with his car. Can't he just go home? "Wait!" I shout to the man who is closing the car doors. "I want to come with her." I add. He nods letting me into the car.

She was laying on a small bed. Bandages around her arms and a plaster on the side of her forehead. „Hey how are you feeling?" I ask softly while standing beside her. She just turns her head away from me. What?

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