Chapter 67

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Maggie's POV:
"When is Shawn coming home?" Melody asks, impatiently. "Soon sweetie." I chuckle and ruffle her hair. I think she missed Shawn as much as I did. You said that an hour ago too." she pouts, crossing her small arms.

"I'll text him and ask okey?" I say, taking my phone out. She nods happily and continues to watch her favourite Disney movie. The little mermaid.
You: Hey Shawn! When are you coming home? Melly and I can't wait to see you again. I love you. ❤️
Waiting for a reply, I start to watch too. During the movie my sister fell asleep, so I took her upstairs. "Goodnight." I whisper and kiss her cheek. Thank god that Aron is still on a "business trip".

I have no clue where he is but a few days ago he said he won't be home before tomorrow because of work. Yea he left us alone. Of course my mom doesn't know that. She would freak out. Walking out of her room, I turn the lights off and walk downstairs again.

I sit on a kitchen stool, tapping my fingers on the cool stone plate. The clock reads 7:54 pm. I sigh. Shawn hasn't texted me back since yesterday. Maybe he's still on the airplane?

Another half an hour later I start to worry. Why is he not answering? Did something happen? I dial Aaliyah's number to ask her if Shawn is already home but she doesn't pick up. His flight could be late... or they had a car crash when Shawn's mom picked him up.

Oh my god what if that really happened? This time I call Shawn but only his mailbox comes on. A smile creeps onto my face as I listen to it.
Shawn: "Hey whoever you are, I can't come to the phone right now-

Maggie: I love you Shawn.
Shawn: Hun, I can't concentrate if you always interrupt me! You know what? I'm going to leave it like this now. By the way I love Maggie Cooper more than anything so back off everyone!

I hear myself chuckle in the background before the it stops again. I remember this day. Shawn tried to set it up for the hundredth time because either he forgive what to say or I interrupted him.

It was so fun to watch him getting frustrated but then he just left it like that. God I miss his voice so much. I miss everything about him.

I stroll over to the couch, turning on the TV to pass the time. After about 20 minutes into The Walking Dead, the doorbell suddenly rings, causing me to jump. "Shawn?" I mumble, while running to the door.

I unlock it, swinging it open to reveal my long awaited boyfriend. "Shawn ! I missed you so so much! Why didn't you text me?" I squeal, wrapping my arms around his muscular body. "I was so worried, I thought something happened to you." I say burying my head into Shawn's chest.

His familiar scent, making me relax instantly but then I notice that he still hasn't hugged me back. Frowning, I look up to him, a blank expression on his face.

He shoves me a bit to the side and heads towards the living room. "Shawn what's wrong?" I call after him but he doesn't answer. I lock the door again and follow him sighing. He sitting on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees and he runs his left hand trough his soft, messy hair.

"Shawn?" I ask, sitting next to him. "Did something happen in New York? I thought everything was going great-" "Don't act like you care now." He mutters. "What?" I question confused. "Really Maggie? I know what you did! Just admit it." He says angrily.

"Shawn! What is wrong with you I didn't do anything!" I say, getting annoyed of his behavior. "Right! So tell me! Does this look like nothing to you? You f*cking cheated on me!" he says, his voice raised and his jaw clenched as he shows me something on his phone. My eyes wide as I look closely at the picture.

Shit. It's the night were Damian came to my house and kissed me. But wait? How does someone have a picture of it?! "Shawn... I can explain...-" I start but get cut off again by Shawn.

"The picture is clear enough Maggie! I'm away for three week and you already have someone else? Are you f*ucking serious?" Shawn suddenly yells, making me shrug. He grabs his phone and stands up, walking towards the fron door.

"Shawn wait! Please let me explain. He's my ex and..." I say, grabbing his arm to turn him around.

His unusually dark eyes stare right into mine, showing nothing than hatred and hurt. "Your ex? Even better. You are such a b*tch." he laughs sarcastically, slapping my hand away.

"Don't ever talk to me again. If you haven't guessed it, we are over." h snaps, leaving my house. "Shawn please!" I shout after him but he's already in his car, leaving me sobbing.

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