Chapter 23

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Shawn's POV:

I wake up again from the ringing of my alarm clock. I stretch myself before I start to think about yesterday. Was Leah really going to kiss me? And Luc definitely knows something.

Does she like me? No right? I hope so. I don't wan't to hurt her. Sighing I stand up put my clothes on and head downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning!" my mom says putting a plate with bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Morning" I say smiling. I sit down at the table and start to eat. Aaliyah sits next to me playing around with her food. She's never so quiet. I wait till mom goes into the kitchen again.

"What's wrong Aaliyah ?" "Nothing..." she mumbles not looking into my eyes. "Hey you can tell me everything. You know that right?" I tell her smiling. "Unless it does have to do with a boy." I add joking.

She immediately turns red, eats the rest of her breakfast quickly and stands up. Wait. What? No. "I'm going to school!" she shouts into the kitchen and is already out of the door. I sit there with my mouth open. A boy?! She's way too young! I'm going to talk to her in the evening.

After I finished my breakfast as well, I grab my stuff and head out of the door. I drive to school with my jeep. Today was pretty normal I didn't get to see Leah because we don't have the same classes. I saw Maggie just once, but I wasn't able to talk to her.

We have lunch break now but Luc, the rest of the team and I have a last practice for the game later. If we win, we get pretty much money which we can use for the school festival. I walk into the direction of the dressing room with Luc but before he could go in I grab his arm and pull him to the side.

"What's wrong?"" he asks confused. "You know something I don't know." I answer. He just looks at me raising his eyebrow. "About Leah!" I add. His eyes go wide for a second but he immediately acts like it was nothing again.

"Tell me!" I say getting frustrated. "Shawn... so you really not see it?" he sighs. "See what?" I mumble. I think I know what he's going to say. He sighs again. "She really likes you. Like more than a friend. She never told me but I can just see it." "Oh..." is the only thing I could say.

"What should I do ?" I ask stroking through my hair. "I don't know... I thought if Leah starts to like someone else, she would maybe not be so heartbroken." Luc explains. "Well I thought she'll maybe like Aiden but now we have another problem.

I think Aiden starts to get feelings for Leah but... well she likes you." he says overwhelmed. "That's like a bad movie." I say laughing. "But she would understand that I like Maggie, right?" "Umm...I hope so. Let's go to the practice now. We can talk later again." He answers. I nod walking after him.

(The game)
I'm sitting on the side benches in front of the big ice rink. I start to get really nervous. What if I mess up? "Hey Mendes!" someone says while wrapping their arms around me from behind, making me jump a little.

I turn around and see Maggie standing there with an oversized dark blue hoodie, a beige scarf and a knitted hood with the same color. Her long hair was slightly wavey and her cheeks and nose were a bit red. Probably because it's cold in here. So cute.

"Shaaaawn!" She says waving her hand in front of my face. I was staring again. "Yeah?" I ask slightly embarrassed. "I asked if you are already nervous." She giggled.

I want to kiss her so bad. "Yes a bit actually." I answer smiling. "Don't worry you got this!" she says kissing my cheek. She gives me a hug before walking to her seat. How can someone always smell good?

I look after her and see Leah and Aiden sitting beside her. Suddenly someone walks up to her. It's Jackson. They start to talk. What does he want now?! God he annoys me! After a while he walks back onto the ice. I have to be better than him now.

The game starts in a about 2 minutes. I put my helmet on and walk onto the ice. I skate over to Luc. He grins at me. "What?" "I saw you and Maggie earlier." he answers smirking. I just shake my head smiling. A whistle signals that the game starts.

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