Chapter 63

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Maggie's POV:
I take a step back, blinking a few times to see if he's really standing here. Right in front of me. "Damian?" I mumble puzzled. Why the hell is he here?

Yeah... the one and only." he chuckles lightly, scratching his neck. All the painful moments are rushing back and I just want to disappear. "Maggie!" I hear a familiar squeaky voice shout.

Melody comes running from the hall and stops to cling onto Damian's leg. "What? You are the babysitter?" I ask even more confused now. "Yes I am. Uhh... Melody could you go and play in your room for a moment?" He asks smiling down at her.

She returns the smile, nodding and heads up into her room. "Maggie-." "I have to go." I mutter and turn around. "You are not going anywhere." I hear Aron say from behind. I turn around to see him putting on his jacket. "Seems like you know each other's already?" Aron asks.

"Kinda." I reply quietly, still avoiding to look at the boy who broke my heart. "I'm going out now, therefore I want you to be here. Damian you can stay as long as you want." Aron states and walks to his car.

I watch him drive away on the dim lightened streets, praying that Damian is just gonna leave me alone but I have to admit, I'm curious why he's here. "Umm... don't you want to come in?" he questions nervously. "No actually not." I reply and sit down on one of the few stairs which are leading to our front door.

"Maggie come on. It's cold outside." Damian says sighing. I just shake my head, waiting until I hear his footsteps disappear. Only to hear them becoming louder a few moments later. I feel a warm blanket being wrapped around my shoulders, making me shrug.

"Sorry." He mumbles and sits down next to me. I push the blankets off me and cross my arms. "What do you want?" I snap at him. "I just wanna talk." he answers, turning to look at me. "Too bad. I want you to leave." I say and stand up to go inside, quickly closing the door.

"Maggie please." Damian pleads, easily holding the door open. His begging ocean blue eyes, boring into mine. Frustrated, I stroke a hand trough my hair, allowing him to come in. "Fine."

We walk into the living room and sit onto the couch with me trying to leave as much space as possible between us. He scoots a bit closer, taking a deep breath. "Well?" I ask, waiting for him to start.

"Uh... I... please look at me." he stutters. What is wrong with him. It's not like I'm the one who broke up with him. I don't know why I'm listening to him but I turn my head meeting his gaze. A slight smile creeps onto his lips, soon being replaced with a frown.

"I don't even know with what I should start but first of all I wanted to say I'm sorry." he says quickly. "Oh really?" I laugh bitterly. Is he serious?

"I mean it Maggie. Look, I know what I did was stupid and just ridiculous. I had no reason at all to break up with you but... that was almost two years ago. I'm different now." He replies, taking my hand into his.

A familiar warm feeling comes up inside me, causing me to pull my hand away. Sadness washes over his face, making me feel guiltily. What? Why should I feel guilty? He's the idiot, not me!

"You know, after I broke up with you I thought I can finally do whatever I want but a few weeks later I started to miss you more and more. Everything reminded me of you... us. Even when I moved you were always on my mind." Damian explains, ruffling his soft black hair. I say nothing.

Standing up, I walk into the direction of the door with him following behind. "I didn't call because I knew you wouldn't forgive me. I also don't expect you to forgive me now but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry." he continues. We come to a stop at the door and I open it.

„Maggie I will go okey? But you have to answer me something first." Damian says and takes my hand again but this time with a stronger grip. „What are you-." I try to say but get cut off by his lips.

He cups my cheeks with his hands, not letting me back away. He walks me against the wall, his hands holding me close. I finally manage to push him back. „Tell me, did you feel nothing?"

"Damian what the hell is wrong with you? I have a boyfriend!" I shout, pushing him further back. „That's not an answer Maggie." he says, coming closer again. I think you should go now." I mumble.

"Maggie-." he starts but I cut him off. "I said leave!" I suddenly yell, pushing him out of the house. "I still love you." I hear Damian says before I shut the door close. What? His words make my breath hitch.

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