Chapter 99

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Maggie's POV:
I turn around to see Damian walking into the library. He spots me and walks over smiling. „Hey Maggie. Is it okey if I sit here?" He asks. „Of course." I reply.

We talk for a bit before I look back onto my notebook. After several attempts to solve that problem I sigh frustratedly, running a hand trough my hair.

"Maths right?" Damian chuckles. I just nod, putting my head onto my hand. „Should I help you?" he asks, moving with his chair a bit closer to me. „Yes please." I mumble, handing him a pencil.

The whole time I could feel Shawn's gaze on me but what should I do? Oh... I haven't told him yet that Damian wants to hang out with me today.

My thoughts wander to the unknown number again. I haven't got a text for a while now and again it makes me worried. For what is he waiting? I don't get it. What if we don't find him until Shawn has to leave?

"Got it?" Damian asks, his eyes meeting mine. „Uhh yeah thanks." I say, smiling. „Everything for you." He winks, putting his arm over my shoulder.

This strange warm feeling comes up in me again, causing me to slightly move away. Hurt flashes across his face as he quickly removes his arm. „Oh um...sorry." he mumbles, looking back at his sheets.

"No Damian, it's fine... I j-just... I don't know." I stutter. He sighs, packing his stuff since the bell for the next lesson already rang. „Maggie, I really don't want to pressure you or something. You are very important to me. Just that you know it." Damian tells me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Are we still on for tonight?"

"It's not a date." I laugh. „But as hanging out like friends yeah." I add, smiling. „Great." he chuckles and walks to his next class. He changed for the better but obviously I won't come back together with him.

I look around to see if Shawn's still there but I can't see anyone. Frowning, I grab my books and head to the shelves to put them back in. I was about to head out of the libations when two arms pull me back, causing me to shriek.

„Quiet!" I hear the librarian call. „You heard her, be quiet." I hear a deep voice chuckle next to my ear. Shawn.

"You are such an idiot." I state, turning around to give him a light shove. We just look at each other for a few moments, not knowing what to say. „Shawn." I mumble, breaking the silence.

„I'm sorry. I love you, you know that right? I overreacted but that was just because I wouldn't know what to do without you. I believed her because... I mean look at her. She's like perfect. I-."

A soft pair of lips cut off my rambling. His hands gripping my waist as he turns us around, my back against a shelve.

"Listen, I love you for who you are. I don't get why you always criticize yourself. To me you are perfect and literally the most beautiful girl in this world, so please stop thinking otherwise. No one could ever replace you. I just need you to trust me." He says, placing his forehead against mine.

"I do trust you Shawn." I whisper. "Good." he smiles, pecking my lips a few times. "That means you are not mad at me anymore?" I ask, looking up into his beautiful brown eyes.

"No Maggie, I'm not mad at you anymore." He leans down again and I close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me when I'm suddenly picked up by my thighs.

I wrap them around his torso and lock my hands behind his back. "Shawn." I giggle. "We actually should go to our classes." I say, playing with the ends of his hair.

"Actually." He mumbles, connecting our lips again. I sigh in content as he tilts his head deepening his kiss. I pull back but he follows. "Shawn I already missed a class today." I say, ruffling his luscious hair.

"Come on, five more minutes." He replies, starting to kiss my neck. "No." I chuckle, placing my hands on both of his cheeks. He pouts, making me laugh. "Oh and..." I mumble, looking down.

"What?" Shawn asks, confused. "I'm kind of meeting up with Damian later." I say, smiling apologetically. He groans, throwing his head back. "You don't know how much I hate this guy. I was so close to punching him as he kissed your cheek earlier." Shawn grumbles.

"I know Shawn. I'm sorry but when all this is over we don't have to hide from anyone anymore." I say, standing on my tip toes to reach his nose, placing a kiss on it. "Did you get a text again?"

"No. You?" He shakes his head pulling me into his arms. I gladly wrap my arms around him, taking in his scent. "What is that for?" I mumble into his shirt. "I promise I'll protect you okey?" He says, rubbing up and down my neck soothingly.

I nod, squeezing him softly. "We have to go now. I'll wait a bit longer so no one sees us together." I say. "Alright." Shawn says, pecking my lips again before walking off.

After a few minutes I do the same, walking to my next class. I manage to continue the school day normally, eventually being able to go home.

I turn around the corner, spotting Leah talking to someone on her phone. She looks around worriedly. Okey? I decide to walk up to her. "Yeah I know... I got it. Bye." She says, hanging up.

"Hey Leah." I say, tapping on her shoulder. She turns around shocked, almost letting out a scream. "Maggie..." she breaths out, placing a hand on her chest. "Am I that scary?" I ask, chuckling.

"N-no I umm... it was just unexpected." She answers, smiling nervously. "Everything okey?" I ask, frowning. "Y-yeah why wouldn't it be?"

""You seem really nervous." "What me? No no." She laughs. "Anyways I have to go now. See you, Maggie." Leah says, walking past me.

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