Chapter 116

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Shawn's POV:
After rehearsals I head towards tour bus. Since we aren't that far away from Atlanta so we are going to drive there. „Everyone there?" Andrew asks, coming into the bus. I nod, walking to the back of the bus to one of the small beds.

I can barely keep my eyes open. The only sleep I get is when I don't dream about Maggie getting hurt and that's rare. I sigh, plopping down onto the bed, where one of her hoodies is laying. It helped me to sleep but now it almost lost her scent.

Suddenly phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket, seeing that Aaliyah calls me. „Hey Aaliyah." I say. „Hey Shawn. Guess who's coming to your show tonight!" she cheers. „Are you really coming? I missed you your annoying face." I chuckle.

Well I didn't miss you to be honest." She grumbles, making me laugh. „Thanks. So are you coming?" „Yes! Mom and dad com along too. So see you tonight idiot." she says, before hanging up. I'm glad to see them again. Aaliyah always finds a way to make me feel at least a bit better.

"Time to wake up!" I hear a girly voice shout, feeling a pillow on my face then, immediately recognizing who it is. „Aaliyah shut up." I mutter, hiding my face in my pillow. „Oh so you don't care that your show starts in one our hand a half?" Aaliyah asks, poking my side.

I sigh, standing up to pull her into a hug. „Okey enough sentimentality. The others are waiting." she says, patting my back. „I'm coming." I chuckle, changing into another hoodie and jeans, before walking out. „Hey mom and dad." I smile, seeing them coming towards me.

After hugging and talking with my parents, we head to the venue. It's an open air concert. I think it will be pretty cool. We start to rehearse some of the songs. The time flys and without my noticing it's time for the show.

It's almost dark, the big floodlights illuminating the area where the people are going to be. Some of them already there. I pat my jeans pockets to make sure that her ring is still there. I have it with em every show, it's just makes me feel more secure. „Excited? There are so many people." Aaliyah comments, coming up behind me.

„Yeah. Did you hear anything yet? Has someone seen her?" I question. „No, no one has yet." she sighs, shaking her head. „Don't worry we will find her." I tell her, nodding. Aaliyah smiles at me slightly before walking back to the others.

"The show is about to start. Come on Shawn." Mike says. I take a deep breath, following them behind the stage. As I walk out my eyes widen at how many people are there. I walk towards the mic waiting for the screaming to calm down.

"Hello Atlanta! How are you?" I ask. Again loud cheering erupts from the people making me smile. I start to sing, the crowd singing with me. An electric feeling rushes trough me. It's incredible. For some minutes, I even forgot my sorrows but they come back as soon as I play the melody for Kid In Love.

I hold my breath, my eyes wandering over the crowd. „Shawn!" I hear, but I keep singing since I can't let it distract me everything a girls shouts my name which sounds like Maggie.

To be honest through the loud singing of the fans every girl sounds like Maggie. I shake my head as I hear my name being called again. I think I'm going insane.

During the past weeks I „saw" her about four times but everytime it turned out that my mind was just playing tricks on me. „Shawn!" I hear again, making me look down.

Maggie's POV:
I sigh, pulling back again.
„Please can we go out tonight? I wasn't outside this house for three days. Pleaseeee?" I beg. „Fine. How should I say no to you?" he sighs, winking afterwards. „Come on. Get ready." he says.

I quickly walk into my room, slipping on a fresh hoodie and jeans before heading out again. „Where are we going?" I ask, tying my shoes. „Wherever you want. We can just visit the city for a bit and then go to the movies or something." Damian suggests, taking my hand.

„Sounds great." I reply, watching how he puts his phone in his jacket. We walk out of the house we are staying in and sit into the car. After about half an hour we park, at a restaurant near the venue. I told him that I wanted to go here for so long and fortunately he hasn't hear anything about Shawn having a show here.

Now I just have to make it seem like I'm really here for the restaurant. „I'm so full." I say, leaning back in my chair. „Me too." He chuckles, standing up.

"I'll get a waiter so we can pay." he adds, walking away to find someone. I wait until he's not in my sight anymore and quickly grab his jacket. I take his phone shoving it into my pocket, sitting back down.

„Okey we can go." Damian says, as he comes back. Intertwining our hands we head outside. „So babe what do you wanna do now?" he asks, stopping to look at me.

"Uhh..." I mumble, looking around to see some girls with Mendes T- shirt walking across the street. They are going to the concert! „What about we just walk along the street a bit before good to the movies. I can't eat a single popcorn yet." I groan, smiling sweetly. „Of course." he answers, kissing me quickly.

As we stroll down the street I try not to lose the group of girls. „Come on, let's go there." I say pulling him with me. „Not so fast." he chuckles. „Sorry I'm just excited to see the city." I laugh to cover up my nervousness.

"Wait, I have to call someone." he says, searching his pocket for his phone. Shit. I swallow slowly, as his eyebrows furrow in confusion and as lucky as I am his phone starts to ring. My eyes widen as his gaze meets mine.

„Maggie, why do you have my phone?" he asks. „I uh..." I stutter, hearing faintly music playing a bit away from us. This has to be it. Come on Maggie, what are you waiting for?

"You-." He starts to say but I turn around, staring to run as fast as possible. „Maggie! Stop now!" I hear him shout, feeling his presence behind me. I pick up the pace, running as i my live depends on it.

If he catches me it probably does. Beginning to pant I force my self to keep going as I hear the music becoming louder. „Maggie!" he shouts, being only a dew steps behind me. I was about to cross the street as the light changes to red.

Damn it! Without thinking I keep running, being missed by a car only by a few inches. I turn around to see Damian lying on the ground but as he starts to stand up again, I continue to run.

"Come on, only a bit further." I breath, seeing the venue with many people. I run down the street, finally approaching the huge place. The are is cordoned with a fence and as I look up I see him. There he is.

Playing guitar while singing his heart out. The stage isn't far away from here but it's too dark for him to see me. A smile creeps onto my lips as I walk the last few steps.

"I wouldn't have done that if I was you." He whispers, grabbing me from behind and pulling me behind a corner. I was about to scream as I feel the end of a gun on my side. Damian wouldn't shoot me.

There are too many people and why would he want me dead. "Nice try but you wouldn't." I say. "You are right." He chuckles, turning me around.

"But I would shoot him." He whispers, pointing towards the stage.

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