Chapter 45

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Shawn's POV:
I jump into the river right after Maggie. I feel a sharp pain in my right arm as my head is overwater again but I ignore it because I can't see Maggie any where. Oh no.

I look around but don't see anything. "Maggie? Do you hear me?" I shout and feel around in the flowing water. "Shit!" I curse to myself. I knew we shouldn't have done that. Why did I let her jump?

I'm so stupid! I see bubbles in the water and run over to them. I stretch my hands underwater hand pull Maggie up. I sigh relieved that I found her still breathing and walk to the river bank. I put her down.

After I caught my breath and Maggie stopped coughing, I looked at her forehead and see a not so small, bleeding wound. Oh my god. We should have stayed there! I ball my fists but let loose again as I feel the pain in my hand. Maggie is more important now. I don't even wanna know what else could have happened.

I touch her forehead but she pushes my hand away. "Ouch pleased don't touch it." she whines. I start to get angry. Why does she never listen to me? "I told you this was a bad idea!" I yell causing her to shrug.

After arguing I stand up and walk to search for the car. God why is this girl so stubborn. "At least I did something" I repeat what she said in my head. Yeah she hurt herself that's what she did! "Shawn!" I hear her shout but I keep walking.

"Please wait a bit!" I just roll my eyes. "What? Do you have another genius plan?" I shout back, not getting a response. I turn around and see her sitting on the ground. "Maggie!" I run up to her and cup her cheeks. "I'm j-just a b-bit dizzy." she stutters shivering.

Her wound has to be cleaned up. Putting one arm around her back and one under her legs, I start to walk. I try to ignore the pain in my arm as much as possible. After about 15 minutes I actually find the car and sit her carefully on the passenger seat. I take the keys from her pocket and start the car, turning up the heat to keep her warm.

"Shawn?" Maggie mumbles but I ignore her. I'm still mad at her. "It hurts." she sighs. "We are almost home." I state, still not looking at her. The rest of the drive was silent.

We arrive at my house. "You are going to stay here tonight." I say and walk out of the car to the other side to open the car door. Maggie looks at me with her big blue eyes but I just ignore it and carry her inside.

I put a towel on my bed and sit her on top of it. I change my clothes into something comfortable and give Maggie one of my shirts and sweatpants from Aaliyah. "What's that?" Maggie asks an points to my arm where a bruise and some scratches are visible.

"Nothing." I answer and get the band aids and a cream for her wound. I kneel down in front of her hand wipe the blood away gently. "That's not nothing." she says and crosses her arms.

"Could you please talk to me?" she asks annoyed. "It's a bruise." I answer. "Oh really?" she sighs and rolls her eyes. "Just hold still for a moment." I say and put the band aid on her head. "Are you okey Maggie?" She says nothing.

She just sits there staring onto the ground. "Maggie?" I ask again. Nothing. "Could you stop being so stubborn? I'm just trying the to help!" I say starting to get angry again.

It's 6 am and I don't have the nerves for that now. "Why should I talk to you when you practically ignored me until now?" She shouts. I just sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Why are you like this? I didn't know that I would hit my head or get stuck. Sorry if it's about your arm but I just wanted to find a way to get away from there." she says starting to cry. "Maggie please don't cry. I'm sorry." I say and pull her onto my lap.

"Look, I was overreacting and I'm sorry for that. I wasn't even mad at you. Well, maybe a bit but I was mainly mad at me for letting this happen to you. It could have been way worse and that just scared me. I love you, you know that." I say kissing her cheek and wipe her tears away.

Maggie just nods and hugs me back. "I'm sorry too. I should have listened to you." she whispers. "It's okey." I say and rub her back. "Now let me see you arm, Shawn." She takes a bandage and the cream, putting both carefully around my arm.

"Does it hurt?" She asks touching it. I pull my arm away. "No if you don't touch it." I chuckle and she smiles kissing me quickly but I pull her head back and kiss her again.  "Let's go to sleep." I say yawning.

We lie down under the warm covers and fall asleep cuddling. I'm so glad that she's okey.

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