Chapter 90

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Maggie's POV:
I continue to listen, hoping that Shawn won't come back any moment. "Look, I know you said you won't do it. But you did and now I need you to keep quiet." Damian says angrily, pacing around the room.

"Her name?" He asks. "Her name is-" "Heyyy- oh um Hello Damian." Shawn coughs awkwardly. Damn it! Why does he have such a bad timing! "Uh hey, Shawn. You're still here?" Damian questions skeptically.

"Yeah, I forgot something." He answers, holding a sports bag up. "Oh really? Or are you waiting for someone?" Damian laughs, packing his stuff. I could notice that Shawn gets slightly nervous as he scratches his neck. "No, no. I'm just here for my bag." Shawn chuckles.

"Mhm. Well see you in school Mendes." He says, walking past him quickly patting shoulder. He makes his way over to the showers where I'm standing so I quickly step away from the door. Shit.

"Damian!" I hear Shawn call out. "Umm, if you want the shower uh... the showers don't function. I tried." He says, trying to find an excuse. I quickly sneak over to the other side of the room. Where some lockers are standing.

"Oh, no problem. I just wanted to get the rest of my stuff." Damian replies and before Shawn could do something he opens the door. I hop into the locker and quietly close it.

Don't start to panic now Maggie! My breath gets heavier and heavier. I hate it to be in small spaces. Trough the small gaps in the locker door, I could see Damian actually packing his stuff. I thought he would lie. What is up with him? I don't get anything anymore.

Suddenly my phone rings. Shawn. I mentally facepalm myself as I shut my phone off, praying that Damian didn't hear it. He looks around confused, his gaze stopping in my direction. I hold my hand in front of my mouth as he comes nearer. Oh god.

He's going to find me. He walks towards the lockers but stops as his phone vibrates. He looks at it before quickly heading out of the door with his stuff. I let the breath out which I was holding.

A wave of relief washing over me as I see Shawn walking in. "Hello?" He says, searching for me. Well, as long as I'm in here I could get him back for earlier.

I grin, struggling to hold back my laughter. As he passes the lockers I jump out hanging onto his back. "Oh my f*cking god." He shouts. "Maggie! Jesus..." he breaths out, making my stomach hurt from laughing. "Are you okey? Did he find you?" Shawn asks, worriedly.

"I'm good and no he didn't but you screamed like a little girl." I laugh, as he glares at me. "I did not! You think this is funny?" He asks, walking towards. "Uh yes? Obviously. You should have seen your face." I chuckle, taking a deep breath.

"Oh well I think this is funny." He smirks, approaching me starting to tickle my sides. "Shawn!" I squeal, trying to get away from him but he holds my back against his chest with one arm. "Still think it was fun?" He asks amused.

"S-Shawn please stop." I plead, laughing. After a few moments he finally stops tickling me and I sit down on the ground breathlessly. "I hate you." I pout, crossing my arms. "I know you love me. Come on now princess." He chuckles stretching his hand out to me, helping me to stand up.

"Where are we going?" I ask, curiously. "You know I realized I've never taken you out before so, Maggie Cooper would you go on a date with me?" Shawn asks, smiling down at me.

I intertwine our fingers, smiling at how sweet he is. "I would love to but I the thing with I have to do homework and study wasn't a lie." I sigh. "Please baby. What about I help you study tomorrow and now you are coming with me?" He suggests, looking at me with these brown puppy eyes.

I groan, knowing that I won't say no to him. "Fine." I say, causing Shawn to smile brightly. "I'm excited!" Shawn says as we sit into his car. "Why?" I chuckle, turning the radio on a bit, so that we could still talk.

"Already forgot ? This is our first date! It has to be special." Shawn says shaking his head at me. "As long as I'm with you it's always special." I say, smiling. Shawn replies the smile, placing a hand on my thigh. "I should be the smooth one here." He scoffs.

"Well I'm just better at it." I say, sticking my tounge out. He chuckles, starting to rub circles with his thumb. I lean my head against the window, my mind flickering back to the locker room. Should I tell him? I know we agreed on no more secrets but if I tell him, he won't let me near Damian ever again.

I have to know who he was talking about. What if it was about one of us? I'm going to find that out. "Baby?" I hear Shawn ask which pulls me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I ask puzzled. Shawn chuckles at my reaction, opening the door. "We are here." He says quickly jogging over to my side, opening the car door.

Shawn's POV:
„We are here." I chuckle, opening the door before quickly jogging over to her side. „Thank you love." she giggles as I open her car door. Her adorable laugh always makes my stomach flutter.

"Wait a moment." I say and walk to the back to the car, taking two blankets and a picnic basket with some of her favourite things inside.

"You planned this?" Maggie asks. „Of course." I reply proudly. She flashes me a smile before we walk towards a playground. Yes a playground. We used to come here when we were little and from the swings you have a magical view since they are on a hill.

Seeing where we are, Maggie turns around pulling on my sleeve. „You are honestly so cute." She says, standing on her tip toes to reach my lips for a quick kiss. „Everything for you." I answer.

I spread a blanket over the big swing in which you can lay down and sit in it with the basket. Maggie climbs in too, sitting beside me with the second blanket. „God I love you." she says, grabbing her favourite candy.

I chuckle, placing a kiss on her forehead, taking one of the muffins I bought. We cuddle for a while, watching as the sun goes down dipping the sky into a beautiful purple color.

Maggie has her head on my chest and I have one arm around her back and the other intertwined with her free hand. I could stay like this for days.

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