Chapter 74

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Shawn's POV:
"Are you family of Maggie Cooper?" he asks, stopping in front of us. "Uh-" I start but my mom steps in front of me. "Yes we are. How is she?" The doctor eyes her skeptically before looking down onto his little clipboard.

"Well, Maggie has deep cuts, bruises and many little shards which had to be removed. She also had one large shard in her left leg but it missed an important vein, therefore were able to remove it without problems. Nevertheless she lost a lot of blood which caused her to be in coma now but since the surgery went well, she should wake up soon." the doctor explains, with an sympathetic smile.

Besides the fact that she's in coma I'm so relieved that everything went well. "Can we see her?" I ask. "Yes but only one or two of you at once please. Her room number is 123." He answers and walks away again. "See everything is going to be okey." My mom says smiling and pulls me into a quick hug.

I smile back while turning around to see them all hugging, happy with the news. "What are you waiting for Mendes?" Jackson states with a slight smirk on his face, crossing his arms. I roll my eyes at him but can't hold back a smile anyways. Is still don't know if I like him tough.

"Aaliyah do you want to come with me?" I ask my sister. The whole time we were waiting it seemed like something else bothered her and I want to know what it is. She shifts around on her feet a bit, looking everywhere but into my eyes. "Aaliyah?" She sighs, looking up to me and just nods.

We head towards Maggie's room. I take a deep breath before pressing down the door handle. The door swings open, revealing a sleeping Maggie. Well, at least it looks like she's sleeping.

Cuts and bandages are covering her soft skin, some bruises grazing her pale face and a wire is attached to her nose, helping her to breath. Yet, she looks as beautiful as always. Aaliyah and I take a seat besides her bed and I take her small, cool hand into mine.

"I'm so glad you are okey." I murmur, kissing the top of her hand. We just sit there for a while in silence but I notice how tensed Aaliyah is.

"Hey you don't have to worry anymore Aaliyah." I say softly smiling at her. She pulls her legs towards her and puts her head onto her knees. I could hear her sniffling quietly. "What's wrong?" I ask, placing my hand on her shoulder. "It's all my fault." she whipsers.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused. Her red eyes meet mine as she plays with the end of her shirt. "I-I knew..." "You knew what Aaliyah?" "I knew that her stepfather was hitting her-"

"What?!" I say, trying to stay as calm as possible. "Listen, she told me to keep it a secret because you were in New York and she didn't want to ruin that chance for you." Aaliyah explains, wiping her tears away.

"I can't believe you! You knew it but didn't tell me?" I ask angrily, standing up to pace around the room. "Shawn I-I'm sorry but I promised her. She said she would be okey. I'm so s-sorry." she stutters.

"Do you know for how long he had been hitting here?" "No... she only told be that it wasn't the first time. Shawn I'm sorry..." she says holding back more tears. I rub my temples and sigh.

"It doesn't matter now. She's okey but you should have told me Aaliyah." I say, sitting back down again. "I know..." she mumbles. I say nothing anymore, leaning back into the chair.

After a while we let the others come in too. Two hours already passed and only I'm still here. The doctors said she probably won't wake up tonight, therefore the others went home to rest but I'm not going anywhere. I want to be here when she wakes up.

It hurts me to think about what she has to go trough for god know how long. The whole time no one noticed that she needed help. But it's over now and I'm not letting anyone hurt her again.

Honestly, I could admire her all day and without getting bored. I didn't even know how much I missed her beautiful face, cute nose and adorable freckles. Now I just need to see her blue eyes and her mesmerizing smile.

"You know today was the scariest day in my life. Don't ever do that to me again okey?" I say, sighing. I know she can't hear me but I just need to get this out.

"Maggie I love you so so much. I don't care if you cheated on me... I mean I didn't even let you explain, so I don't know if it's true. I'm sorry for not being there but I'm never going to leave your side again. You're stuck with me." I say, placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Just don't let go." "Never." I hear a raspy, quiet voice say, causing my head to up. "Oh my god...Maggie." I breath out. A small smile is placed on her lips as she looks at me tiredly.

"You are awake! Are you okey?" I ask, carefully bending over to hug her fragile body. She wraps her small arms around my torso loosely. A few moments later I pull away but only a bit, so I could see her face.

"I love you too." Maggie whispers, tracing my cheekbone with her cold fingers. "You heard me?" I ask, surprised. She only nods smiling. I return the smile, gazing down onto her lips.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I lean down and close the small gap between our lips. God , I've missed that.

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