Chapter 75

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Maggie's POV:
"Maggie I love you so so much. I don't care if you cheated on me... I mean I didn't even let you explain, so I don't know if it's true. I'm sorry for not being there but I'm never going to leave your side again. You're stuck with me." I hear a muffled voice say.

Shawn? It has to be him. But where am I? Everything feels like I'm in a bubble miles wide underwater. I can't be underwater, can I? All I see is black....

What happened to me? Now I also hear a constant beeping and I feel a light pressure and warmth on my hand. I try to move it but I don't have the strength for it. It's silent for a few moments. God, where am I ?!

I feel the pressure on my hand again. Is it Shawn? I try my best to open my eyes and after a few attempts I finally succeed. A bright light shines into my eyes, causing me to squint them together.

As I open them again, my sight is blurry but I could see the frame of a person next to me. I blink a few times to see clearer. Shawn! I try to say his name out loud but nothing is audible. My throats feels so dry that it's burning.

His gaze is still on my hand as he speaks up again. „Just don't let go." I hear him sigh, making me smile as I remember the one time he tried to teach me ice hokey and I said the same thing as he did now. „Never." I whisper. This time he heard it.

His eyes meet mine quickly and his mouth slightly opens. „Oh my god...Maggie" he breaths out. „You're awake! Are you okey?" he asks, leaning forward to gently hug him. „I love you too." I say, looking into his adorable brown eyes.

Shawn looks at me surprised that I heard him, making me smile. His gaze flickers from my eyes to my lips and quickly up again. Suddenly he leans down, placing his soft lips on mine gently.

After I broke away from the shock, I kiss him back. A sigh escaping my lips at the feeling. I missed this so much. Our lips moving together perfectly, just like they always did. Shawn holds himself up with one hand while the other stroke lightly up my side, to my neck.

I run my left hand through his soft curls while the other holds his cheek.
„Hmm." he hums, pressing me a bit more into the mattress, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my left thigh, making me whimper.

„Oh I'm sorry! Everything alright?" Shawn asks me worriedly, after pulling away. „I guess..." I chuckle but groan as I feel the pain again. „Where does it hurt?" „Honestly, everywhere." I sigh, squeezing my eyes shut. „I'm going to look for a doctor, okey?" he says, standing up. All of a sudden I remember where I am. I'm in the hospital.

Oh god... Aron. The glass table. The last thing I could hear was a voice. That was Shawn. Shit. He knows it. He knows that my stepfather was hitting me. No, no, no. Everyone knows now. No this can't be true. „Wait..." I call after him.

He turns around and looks at me confused. „You know..." I mumble, staring at the wall in front of me. I could feel the panic take over me as my eyes start to water. I don't know why I'm not relieved... it's just, that I kept this a secret for so long and now?

It was all for nothing. Sighing, he makes his way towards me and kneels down on the side of the bed, taking my hand in his. „Yes Maggie I know... that your stepfather was abusing you." Shawn says, placing a kiss on the back of it.

„But why did I have to find it out like this? Why did you not tell me, Leah or Shelley? Maggie we could have helped you."  he adds, his brown eyes staring into mine.

He looks hurt and angry but is he angry with me? „I-I couldn't..." I mumble, trying to hold back the sobs. „Hunny, since when was this going on?" he asks, wiping my tears away gently but they won't stop running down my cheeks.

"Uh... s-since my m-mom got into the hospital." I whisper. „Maggie... that was months ago!" He suddenly says with a raised voice, making me shrug. „The whole time I was too stupid to notice." he mutters to himself, frustratedly stroking through his hair.

"Please tell me why?" I just shake my head, covering my face with my hands. I hate when someone sees me cry. It makes me look so weak. „Hun, please tell me. I only want to understand." Shawn begs.

"Maggie... come on don't shut me out okey?" he says softly and sits beside me on the bed so he could pull me into a hug.

He carefully runs his hand up and down my back, calming me down instantly. "I... well a-at first I  j-just..." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"Look, everytime Aron was around my mom he was acting like the perfect husband.
My mom was so happy... I couldn't destroy that, not when she's sick like that. A-and he also always threatened to hurt Melly, if I tell someone.... I didn't know what to do." I explain, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

I'm not even awake for long and I'm already exhausted again. "Hun..." Shawn sighs, lifting my chin a bit with his fingers, making look at him. "I didn't know I'm sorry but I promise you nothing is going to happen to you ever again."

I nod, leaning my forehead against Shawn's. He's about to kiss me as I remember something. I push him back lightly. "Shawn I have to explain to you now."

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