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Author Pov.

Jimin was sleeping when he felt two small hands shaking his body gently, a small whimper escaped his lips as he started to wake up, eyes blinking repeatedly to take in his surroundings.

" appa wake up.. " the small boy whined as he shook jimin hand while a pout visible on his lips.

" I am awake minnie.. I am awake.. " jimin released a deep sigh as he looked at minguk with tired eyes, he was so sleepy yet he had to stay awake so that minguk won't keep on pouting.

" appa.. I am hungry.. " minguk whined as he laid his head on jimin arm while examining his father sleepy face.

" oh.. sorry minnie we have to go buy food from the grocery store first.. " jimin said feeling guilty as he watched the younger gasp before frowning, it was already 12PM and he just woke up.

" b..but appa~.. " minguk whined feeling quite hungry, " ok.. let's go fast " the boy said as he started pulling jimin hand.

A smile took over jimin face as he followed his son to the bathroom to wash up before they change their clothes.

The two boys finally arrived at the nearby supermarket, they just moved in this house so they didn't have anything to eat back home.

" appa.. candy.. " the younger boy pouted as he pointed at the candies and chocolates section, jimin smiled softly at his kid " ok go pick something, i will be there in few " the younger boy didn't bother to stay one more second as he ran toward the candies section.

The moment jimin walked in the aisle, minguk ran back to him but before he could reach his father he bumped into someone before stumbling back and falling on his butt.

" oh god, are you ok? " the stranger asked as he patted the younger hair, jimin ran toward his son when he saw him land on the floor " minnie! Are you ok? " jimin asked worry taking over him.

Minguk smiled as he tried standing up " a..appa " he called softly as he hugged his father but the man next to them was quite shocked.

" ji..jimin? " the stranger called unsure, eyes examining the boy in front of him and the boy who seems to be his son.

" h..hyung.. " jimin muttered as he avoided looking at him scared of what he may say to him.

" where have you been jiminie..? " jin asked as he tried calming down noticing the fear and worry on jimin face.

" can we talk somewhere else..? " jimin asked not daring to look at the older eyes " appa.. " minguk almost whispered with a frown on his face " food.. "

Jin looked at the younger and smiled before he looks at jimin again " there's a nearby restaurant here, do you have time? " jin asked as the younger male nodded.

" great, let's meet there " jin said smiling as he looked at minguk who was hiding behind jimin every few seconds glancing at him.

After a 15minute ride jimin arrived at the restaurant that jin described to him, it was a korean restaurant he was a bit happy since it been a long time since he ate some.

The two boys were now sitting on a table staring at each other not sure what to say while minguk was seated next to jimin.

" appa.. food.. " minguk whispered again for the millionth time for today, jimin glanced at jin before looking at minguk giving him the menu " what do you want to eat? "

Minguk smiled widely as he saw the various type of food displayed on the menu, " meat.. " he whispered as he blinked repeatedly while looking at jimin.

Jimin smiled as he nodded before looking at jin " what about you hyung..? ", jin was staring at the kid before Jimin interrupted his thoughts " excuse me what? ".

Jimin asked again as he fiddled with his hand, " I want meat too " he smiled at minguk who was looking at him with curious eyes, the small kid blushed and hid his face on jimin arm.

After a while the food finally arrived, jimin started feeding his son who decided to sit on his lap, jin was asking himself a lot of questions afraid to voice them out to the younger especially because of his son presence.

" so.. where did you go? You suddenly disappeared after jungkook wedding.. " jin asked knowing that question will hurt the younger but he also wanted to know why his close friend suddenly decided to run away and leave everyone behind and never contact them.

" the United States.. " jimin said as he looked at jin with a guilty expression, the older nodded and asked again " why did you leave? ".

" why wouldn't I, his married now hyung.. if i stayed he will neglect his wife and I don't want that to happen.. " jimin said feeling guilty " I had to leave before I make things worse for him. "

" you already did when you left. " jin blurted out making the younger look at him with a worried expression before his son took his attention asking him for another bite of the hot meat.

" how is he doing now hyung..? " jimin asked hoping at least after all this time he will be better and already settled with his wife.

" he have a boy now, him and his wife are like any normal couple.. they fight then get back to each other and thats pretty much it. " jin said as he watched jimin hurt face expression.

" how old is he? " jin asked as he looked at minguk who was eating his food deliciously cute, " six.. " jin eyes widened " his the same age as jungkook's.. did you get married after running away? "

Jimin was shocked but he tried to compose himself " I didn't get married.. ", jin looked confused as he looked at minguk " then how did you- " Jimin interrupted him " it just happened.. ".

" oh my- jimin.. if you were that depressed why.. god.. " jin hid his face not liking the idea of his friend sleeping with whoever he met when he left.

Jimin smiled weakly " but it's the best thing happened to me.. now I don't need anyone.. minguk is enough hyung.. "

Jin sighed as he looked at jimin before his eyes fell on the boy on his lap, " if you're happy then it's ok ", minguk just smiled as he kept on eating leading the two males to smile along with him.

Not sure if you guys will like it
But since a lot liked " Lost "
I decided to write a story similar to it.
But it's not as sad as Lost.. I hope 😂💔
I can't trust myself..

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