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Author Pov.

Jimin turned around to see taehyung shocked face, he really wanted the floor to crack open and swallow him but it won't happen.. he have to persuade taehyung to hide his secret from jungkook.

" taehyung please.. don't tell him " jimin pleaded as he held taehyung hand tight to his chest, the boy looked at him before glancing at yoongi, " how can I not jimin? " he said as he pulled his hands away.

" you know that I respect you and everything.. but something like this.. I can't hide it.. I am with your friend yoongi on this.. if you don't tell him then I will do it instead " taehyung said as jimin breath hitched.

" please don't.. " jimin cried as he felt weak in his leg, yoongi walked toward him and started caressing his hair feeling sorry " jimin.. I know it's hard.. but you should also consider how he feels? You ran away without explaining anything and now suddenly you're back.. with a kid jimin? And you lead him on and suddenly pushed him away.. he needs to know to put a limit to her.. no matter how much he loves her he need to know ".

" ok.. " jimin said feeling defeated, he really wanted to keep on hiding his secret but yoongi and taehyung both want to tell jungkook if he don't, " just give me time.. " he added as he wiped his face.

" just tell him, everything will get better when you do.. " yoongi said as he caressed jimin head before pulling him to his embrace, taehyung looked at the two and felt uncomfortable as he looked around.

" can you two leave me alone.. I need to compose myself before going back outside.. " jimin said as he pulled away from yoongi embrace, " if you need anything.. just call me ok? " taehyung said reaching to hold his hand, jimin smiled and nodded " thank you taetae.. "


Jungkook was sitting in his car as tears covered his face, he didn't know how to feel, jimin was being selfish and secretive but he won't trust him to share anything with him, at least that how he made him feel.

He was the one who convinced him saying being married to someone else doesn't mean he will love him less, they don't have to leave each other.. but those were all lies.

He left without even saying goodbye, it made him hurt, sad and broken.. he can't even describe how he felt when he found out that jimin ran away, he was with him every moment until after the wedding.

He kept his head low trying to calm down but couldn't, his phone started ringing leading him to groan in pain before taking it out from his pocket, the moment he read the caller ID he cried even harder not waiting any second to respond.

" eommaa~ " jungkook cried as he answered the phone, she was about to scold him but hearing her son cry made her stop, " baby.. why are you crying? " she asked her voice full of worry.

" he doesn't want me back.. he won't open up to me.. eomma.. I want him.. more than anything " jungkook cried as his mother stayed quiet, " that why you divorced mina? Because of jimin? " she asked coldly.

" eomma!! I told you I don't love her! Never did.. and never will.. " he shouted as his face heated up while tears kept on falling, " but still you have a son! You can't just do that.. she loves you " she said leading him to scoff.

" love me? Yeah that why she was fucking cheating on me, could see her love chocking me from it's amount " he said sarcastically as he wiped his tears, " she did? " she asked shocked.

" do you think I am lying to you? She gave me a bigger reason to divorce her.. if you are calling me to go back to her then you should just hang up.. " he said as he sighed tiredly.

" since when did you talk to me this rudely? " she asked feeling disappointed at him, " sorry.. I am just on a edge.. I didn't mean to.. " he said feeling sorry.

" so you're not taking her back? " she asked in a serious tone, he groaned as he said a loud yes, " ok then.. don't regret it later " she said before hanging up.

" I won't.. " he mumbled to himself as he laid back trying to calm himself, his mind suddenly started drifting back to jimin this morning, " if you just tell me why you ran away.. why you're pushing me away.. if you just stop being selfish for once.. " he said as he closed his eyes while resting his right hand on his face.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter
It's not that great though
I am so bored that I don't know what to do

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