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Jiwoon was resting in his room after lunch, a soft knock on the door got his attention, " come in " he said as the door slowly opened revealing jimin who was smiling at him while holding a tray with a cookies plate and milk on it, " hey.. " he said as the younger smiled.

" I made cookies with joon.. want some? " he asked as the boy nodded with a smile, the older walked toward him and sat down after placing the tray down next to the boy, jiwoon smiled as he mumbled a low 'thank you' he said as he took a bite from the cookies.

Jimin smiled as he looked at the boy, he wanted to ask him how he was doing but he didn't want the boy to get sad or remember what he was trying to forget, jiwoon noticed the way jimin was looking at him, " don't worry.. I am fine.. " he said as the older lowered his head.

" I am trying to ignore my feelings.. let's hope I will feel at least less attracted to him.. " he said as the male nodded, the door opened revealing minguk who was happily walking toward jimin, he sat on the bed after greeting both his father and jiwoon.

" eomma~ " minguk called leading jimin to frown, " minguk.. I told you to stop calling me that.. " he said as the boy in front of him frowned, " but appa said- " Jimin interrupted him as he held his hand, " Please? " he pleaded feeling hopeful that the boy will listen to him but frowned when minguk didn't answer.

" you just don't like calling him appa to sound more normal to others " jiwoon said leading the boy eyes to widen before he glared at him, jimin looked at his son reaction to release a low 'oh', minguk looked down after he saw his father disappointed look.

" it's not true.. " minguk said as he glanced at jiwoon wanting him to help him, " but you never mention that your eomma actually is a male " jiwoon said a little annoyed because of what happened earlier in school, he knew it was wrong to get his anger out by hurting jimin but that was the only way to push minguk away from him.

" I.. I forgot to clean the kids room, if you guys need anything call me " jimin stuttered before he left the room, he wasn't telling the truth but he was hurt that his own son wouldn't admit such thing, he could hear minguk curse at jiwoon for telling him the truth which broke him more.

A hurt smile took over his face as he walked back to his room, jungkook was out because he went to work late after making up with him, normally he will be back by lunch time but to make up for going to work late he decided to work extra hours to make up for being late.

The two wouldn't normally fight but it do happen once in a while, jimin.. he was mad yesterday at his husband for doubting him, now he have to deal with the fact his son wouldn't admit to people that he have two fathers.. as if he was ashamed of him.

He couldn't stop the tears that fell down his cheeks as he stared at the wall, he could hear the two boys arguing but he didn't want to go to them, he continued crying on his own till sleep took over him.

At the same time he entered the room minguk hit jiwoon arm as he glared at him, " why did you tell him that?! " he shouted, jiwoon rolled his eyes as he ignored him by laying down, " I am talking to you?! " he shouted again as jiwoon huffed his cheeks annoyed.

" minguk! I am not in the mood " he shouted at the older but minguk just scoffed, " you made him sad.. " minguk said as the younger rolled his eyes again, " says the one who neglected him as his own father " he coldly as the boy stared at him with shock.

" also you were the one who would always talk about appa and ignore talking about jimin, you try your best not to hint to people that he was a boy as you keep calling him eomma! In excuse of what? Appa told us to call jimin eomma.. grow up and stop putting your mistakes on my shoulders! " he shouted as the older looked at him with pure.. shock.

" why are you like this..? " minguk asked, " what? You want me to be kind and sweet toward you? You didn't even bother to tell me about your life, now why should I share mine? You have the perfect fucking boyfriend go whine to hi- " minguk slapped jiwoon who stopped talking from the hard impact.

" get out.. " jiwoon said as the boy in front of him stayed quiet, " get the fuck out! " he shouted this time as the older left without a word, feeling guilty toward both jiwoon and his father, he hid the fact he had two fathers, not fully but he would call jimin eomma to conceal his gender.

He liked boys, he also dated daniel but he didn't know why he didn't want to talk about his father, he would talk about jungkook like he was the best father, but jimin? He would just conceal his gender by calling him eomma in front of his friends.. for some reason he was embarrassed by jimin.

Was it because jimin didn't have a lot to offer him? He was a good father who was the best mother figure for them, he wanted a normal family, hiding jimin identity was easy, jimin was a common name for both male and girls, he called him eomma.. no one needed to know more about him.

What helped him more that jimin hardly attend school for the two boys, when jiwoon fought with the boys it was maybe the third or forth time he attended but yet it was his first time alone, jungkook was busy that day, he didn't need to hide jimin from his boyfriend since he already know him but not everyone needed to know him.

He felt sad but something was fine with neglecting jimin as his father, he think jimin is weak and unsuccessful, he relay on both his parents and jungkook, he never tried to do something for him, he never bothered to do anything to make him want to be proud of him...

Minguk glanced at his father room but he didn't bother to go and apologize, he went downstairs and left the house to go and meet his boyfriend instead, jiwoon was mad at him for no reason and the twins were busy playing and joon was just being himself as he enjoyed his cookies while looking at the twin playing... jimin? He didn't care anymore, he wasn't the same caring boy that used to be by his father side.

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