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The day of the Choosing Ceremony arrives and Erudite's leader, Jeanine Matthews, finishes up her speech and allows Abnegations Leader Marcus, to commence on with the Choosing ceremony. Names were being called and Natalie felt her mother reach over and gently grab her hand. Natalie looks up and is soothed by the gentle and reassuring smile her mother held on her face. Soon Marcus calls her brothers name first, he walks up onto the pristine white stage and grabs the handle-less silver knife. He cuts his hand far below his pinky and lets the blood drop onto the burning coals of Dauntless, and as expected, the Dauntless members in the audience cheer as he guiltily makes his way over to the roaring crowd, and takes a seat. Marcus calls Natalie's name and she nervously rises from her chair.

Once she's on the stage with the sharp blade in hand, she slices her hand just enough and shakily hovers it over the bowl of soil, Amity. Feeling the eyes of her parents, brother and basically every faction member in the building seering into the back of her head. She swiftly moved her hand over the burning coals, and she could feel the heat from them warm her mutilated hand. She watched the blood come together at the bottom of her hand, and then slip off and sizzle onto the coals. The rowdy faction once again cheered as she made her way to her brother, his bright Amity colors standing out in the dark formidable attire the Dauntless members wore.

The member sitting beside her brother rose from his seat and offered it to her, welcoming her to their faction simultaneously. Being the Amity-born person she was she gladly thanked him. She looked at her brother, and he gave her a guilt ridden, but relieved look. "For a second there I thought you were gonna stay with mom and dad. You honestly scared me." He whispers with relief in his tone, she squeezed his hand and smiled for reassurance, just as her mother did moments ago. "I would never leave you like that. You're my brother." She whispers back to him just before the twins looked over at their parents in the Amity section of the auditorium, they had sad expression on their faces.

But regardless of this heartbreaking moment they held small smiles for their children. After the last person was called, Dauntless members and transfers made their way out the doors. The Dauntless began running towards the poles of a high up train track, and begun climbing up them. The twins looked at each other and smiled, remembering their childhood when they'd used to climb trees for fun together. Miles begun pulling Natalie to one of the poles, obviously excited, causing Natalie to accidentally run into someone.

She looked back and yelled, "Sorry!" As her brother kept pulling her, she noticed whoever she bumped into, was a girl. She had pretty blonde hair and long gray clothes, meaning she was from Abnegation. Natalie and Miles made it to the top along with everyone else and waited for the train. Once it came charging around the far corner everyone began running along side it. For the both of them getting on the train was a tad difficult, but they still prevailed. Natalie noticed that same blonde Abnegation girl was still running, struggling to keep up with the train. Without thinking twice, Natalie reached her hand out just in time and pulled her up.

While pulling her up the Abnegation girl happens to trip on someones extended leg, it was a girl from Candor. The Candor girl apologizes as the Abnegation girl thanks Natalie for helping her. As Natalie sits down next to both girls, she notices her brother has left her side and scans the train. She's relieved when she spots him and turns back to the two girls, who had already begun talking amongst eachother. "Hey Amity girl, What's your name?" The Candor girl asks, Natalie looks at the both of them and smiles shyly. She took in both of the girl's appearances. The blonde had a slim jaw and big eyes. Her hair had streaks of brown, and they blew in the wind as if the blonde was fading. The Candor girl had a contagious smile, and one deep dimple on her right cheek. Her skin was dark and her hair was short and black. To Natalie, both of the girls in front of her were pretty, and physically unique in their own ways.

"It's Natalie, but you guys can call me Nat." She answers, "The names Christina, I love your name by the way." The Candor compliments, Nat thanks her and looks over at the gorgeous blonde. "My names Beatrice, not sure if this is a coincidence but, you share the same name as my mother." The Abnegation, now known as Beatrice states. Nat smiles at her, and just before she could reply she could feel Christina tapping on her arm. The Candor was looking directly at her brother then back at her multiple times, double taking. "Is it just me or does that guy kinda look like you?" Chris asks loudly, pointing over to Miles. He was was talking with one of the other Amity transfers. It was Ben, one of Nat and Miles's childhood friends. Natalie laughs and calls that "guy" over, and introduces her twin brother to her new friends.

The two girls are shocked to hear that they were twins, considering twins are especially rare. Beatrice asked if they had that so called 'twin sense'. The twins looked at each other and shrugged at the same time, causing the group to laugh. Eventually, a Dauntless member in one of the cars of the train in front of them shouts, "Get ready!" Causing the group of four to unsteadily rise from being seated. Natalie was the first to peek over and out the open train door. And to her surprise, Dauntless members were jumping out the seven stories high train, and onto the roofs of red bricked buildings. Natalie was slightly frightened at the fact they had to jump from a moving train, unlike her brother, who was more then excited to go along with such a dangerous act.

So excited that he had already jumped off way before Christina, Beatrice and his sister had jumped off. After brushing off the pain, dirt and rocks the four of them gathered to where a few Dauntless members stood near a ledge. One of them was actually standing on the ledge, he had slick blonde hair and piercings through his bottom lip, and eyebrows. Along with tattoos plastering his arms, and neck. "Alright listen up!" This blonde man calls.

Natalie stands with her brother and friends as the rest of the Dauntless Born and transfer gather around, "My names Eric, I'm one of your leaders." The blonde, now known as Eric, introduces himself. Natalie examines this new 'leader' of hers, and comes to the conclusion he seemed more arrogant then reliable for a leader, and that analysis was just based off looks. "If you wanna enter Dauntless, this is the way in." Eric says, looking behind him over the ledge. Miles and Natalie look at each other perplexed, "and if you don't have the guts to jump, then it's obvious you don't belong in Dauntless." Eric further explained as silence washed over the crowd of transfers and Dauntless Born. A brown haired Erudite boy speaks up, "is there water at the bottom or something?" He asks Eric aloud. Eric looks to the boy and smiles, "I guess you'll find out." He answers with, "or not." He adds. "We just jumped, now they want us to jump again?" Christina complains in a whisper to Natalie. "Someone's gotta go first, so who's it gonna be?" Eric asks the clueless crowd. Natalie then looked to her so called fearless brother, who was picking at his fingernails, obviously trying to act casual by avoiding anyone's eye contact.

Natalie sighed and then shrugged, "why not?" She said making her way over to the same ledge. "Woah there sunshine, you sure you're up for something like this? I'd at least expect one of you Dauntless Born to step up, not a hippy." Eric says with an evil grin on his face, causing everyone expect her brother and friends to laugh. She didn't appreciate the comment, and it made something unfamiliar in Natalie come out. "I sure as hell am, and by the way Eric, don't judge a book by its cover. I don't give a damn if you're our leader, It's rude." She responded with, which was unexpected for an Amity to do. It was so unexpected Eric was even surprised. "Ooh? A hippy with an attitude huh? That's a first." He said, repeating that offensive nickname Dauntless made up for Amity members. She steps up onto the ledge and looks over for the first time. A wide hole filled with darkness was all she could see stories below, and thus fear coursed through her body, and her veins. Disabling her from moving her legs, disabling her from jumping.

She thought about it for and second and realized she couldn't watch herself purposely jump into a mysterious black hole. So she did the only thing she could do and turned around. Her back now facing the mysterious dark hole that laid stories below. And with a smile on her face Natalie falls back, having the last face she sees before plummeting down, her very shocked, very worried and tense big brother. And if she were to die because of the amount of trust she gave the Dauntless, she wouldn't wanna have it any other way.

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