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~Jade's POV~

I grab the inside handle of the train, and lean myself out the train car's opening. I see the roofs of the familiar red bricked buildings coming in fast from around the corner, and I let my family know. Miles, Liam and my Aunt all stand and huddle around the same car opening. "On three okay?" I say, and I watch them all nod in agreement, "One... two... Three!" I shout, and we all jump off the train, and land onto the roof of Dauntless. Next, we all jump down onto the net for fast entrance into the building, instead of taking the stairs.

Once we're all off the net, we decide to head to the cafeteria for something to eat. We enter the half empty food court, get our food, and take a seat at the same table from our first day here. I eat my food as my brother's and aunt talk amongst one another. I chime in with something quite clever just before I feel a hand land on my shoulder. In that instant I was reminded of the day Al had done the same, just before begging for my forgiveness.

The images of his sad beaten face flashed in my mind just before I turned my head to see who the hand actually belonged to. I gasp a little, and stand from being seated to embrace my beloved boyfriend. "It's nice to see you too." He laughs a bit, and hugs me back tightly. I take in his intoxicatingly delicious, home-like smell and just like that, I felt safer and happier, even. If that was even possible.

I peeked my eyes open in the midst of hugging him and noticed three familiar faces behind Four. Christina, Will and Tris all either wave or smile as I peeked. I release Four and greet my friends after what felt like an eternity. "Yeah, all three of them came knocking on my door earlier looking for you so I decided to help find you. When we looked this place up and down and couldn't find neither you or Miles, we all checked the security cameras and saw that you all left Headquarters." Four says, obviously curious. "Yeah, where'd you guys all go? And also, why did you guys leave so enthusiastically? And why haven't we meet this lovely lady right here? I have many questions Natalie." Christina asks, and we all laugh at how curious she was, even my aunt -the lovely lady- had giggled a bit.

I take a deep breathe in and look to both my brothers and aunt, gesturing for them to stand. I stand next to my aunt, "Don't worry, I'll answer all your questions in a minute, but for now, since you guys found us, and Christina mentioned it, there is someone I'd like for you all to meet." I say and look over to my aunt, "Christina, Tris and Will, meet my Aunt Lacy. Aunt Lacy meet our friends." I add. Christina's eyes go wide as she is happily the first to shake my aunts hands, "oh my gosh heyy! You two never told me you had an Aunt!" Chris say looking over to only me and Miles, which compels me to look at Liam. I am reminded that my friends are still clueless to the fact Liam is now more then just the Dauntless-Born trainee Instructor to me. I watch as Will shakes my Aunts hand with a smile, and so does Tris.

Moments before I can get a word out, I notice Christina, peeking over me and my brother's shoulders. We watch her face contort into confusion, "I knew I saw someone else on the cameras. Your names Liam right?" Chris asks him, and he nods. I lock my arm with Liam's and pull him a tad closer to my friends, "There's something you guys should know, something very important actually." I say, looking at all three of them. And Christina squints her eyes and crosses her arms, "Go on. . ." She says, and I beckon for Miles with a gesture. He comes in between me and Liam, resting each of his arms loosely around our necks. I look over to Four and his wide smile causes my own smile to grow.

I make eye contact with Chris, "Remember the day we came here, when we were on the train?" I ask her, and she and Tris nod. "Remember how I told you and Tris 'that guy' you pointed over to was my twin?" I ask them, and they nod again, but slower. "Well . . . I was wrong, and I was only wrong because we we're never twins to begin with. We're actually a set of triplets. And Liam here, is our little brother." I confess, and I watch as all of their eyes widen in unison. I look over at Christina, awaiting either an announcement of betrayal for keeping this 'secret' from her, or maybe a wail of excitement but, surprisingly, neither came. "Christina? Speechless? Unheard of. I guess this particular secret is a doozy huh?" Miles says, and me and my siblings laugh. Christina raises an eyebrow, "So wait, you're serious? This is serious?" She asks in disbelief, Liam nods for us.

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