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"...Lauren, I'm so sorry, I... I don't know what to say right now." Jade replies as she watched her wipe away her fallen tears. "I honestly wouldn't know what to say either if I were you, and there's no need to apologize, I can see you had no part in this. This entire thing was his decision." Lauren says, just before silence encumbered the two females. Lauren decided to break it, "I have a question though." She says, grabbing Jade's attention, "I'm all ears." She responds intently. "Have you had any conformation on whether he is or not? Like, has he said or done anything to you, or maybe you heard something from somebody?" Lauren asks now looking up at Jade, and the curly headed brunette pondered for a moment.

The first thing that came to mind was actually just recent, when Eric had whispered something to Four in the fear simulation room. "He did actually. He whispered something to Four earlier today and I'm about ninety-five percent positive it had something to do with me." Jade pauses, thinking back to when Four had kissed her in front of him. "Would you like me to ask Four what he said?" She asks, and Lauren gives her a nod. "Oh and another thing," Lauren suddenly says, "you and Four are serious and totally exclusive right?" She questions. "Absolutely." Jade answers without hesitation. "You love him right? And, I apologize in advance if I sound a little crazy with this next one but, you're not like... secretly falling for Eric or anything like that right?" Lauren nervously questions, and Jade's face contorts into disgust.

"Oh god no, never have fell and never will fall. I can guarantee you, my heart belongs to one man and one man only. And I can't lie, he's both my best-friend and my soulmate." She replies looking up at Lauren, who oddly enough had her eyes on something behind Jade. She wondered as to what was behind her, that is until two hands slid onto her waist, and a chin rested on her shoulder. "Best-friend and soulmate huh? I hope that's me you're talking about." An all too familiar voice said, and Jade couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Of course I'm talking about you," She pauses, turning around to face Four, "I wouldn't talk about anybody else like that." Jade says. Making Four smile as he tucked a curl behind her ear.

"Hey you two, get a room please." A voice says walking up from behind Four, and as expected Liam approaches. "Oh hush, you're just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend." Jade fired, and Liam put his hand over his heart, offended. "Ouch. That was pretty candor of you." He says. "Sorry, I guess it just slipped out." She replied with a grin and a shrug. Liam laugh-scoffs, "Typical, only a hippy would apologize after insulting someone." he comments. Four instantly stiffens up and glares at Liam, not all that enthused at the insult he just threw at his girlfriend.

Liam meets his slightly aggressive glare, "shit-I mean, u-uh, ..I-I uh.." He nervously stumbles over his words, making Lauren, Jade, and even Four laugh. "Cat got your tongue? Or is Jade's scary boyfriend making you st-st-stutter." Lauren jokes, and everyone besides Liam laughs even harder. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. Assholes." Liam says. And just then, Jade could spot someone in her peripherals. It was someone that absolutely no one wanted to see in that very moment. "Aren't you guys supposed to be getting started on the new training for next years initiates?" Eric harshly questions as he approaches the group. Jade looks over at Lauren on impulse, to see her reaction to his presence.

And as expected, she looked at him with a frown, but she also held this glint in her eyes. A glint that didn't need explaining. Jade looked over to Eric in pure hatred, "we were actually just about to get started on that so, if you don't min-" - "you guys should've already been started." Eric interrupts, bloodstreams begins to boil. "Why are you even in the training room Eric? Why don't you go be a dick somewhere else, and we'll gladly get to work on that." Jade fires at him, and Eric clenches his jaw. "Could I talk to you for a second Jade?" Eric asks and looks over at Four, who happened to be clinging onto her arm, "In private." He adds to clarify. Jade rolls her eyes and steps in the direction Eric was headed in. Or at least, she tried to, but the strong grip on her hand kept her in place.

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