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- Friday, August 2nd 7:00 a.m.-

~Jade's POV~

'Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.' I hear continuously, waking me out of my sleep. I hear Tobias groan as he turns off the alarm on his watch. We have to get up and get ready now, so we can go wake up the transfers and have both them and the Dauntless-Born in the pit exactly an hour from now. I start sitting up but, I look over to see Tobias trying to go back to sleep. I kiss him all over his face, and he groans some more.

"Get up sleepy head." I say, and he finally opens his eyes. I see that they're a little bloodshot and I remember the reason why. I remember what happened last night. He closes his eyes and rolls over, and I get the feeling he just remembered too. I try to pull him to roll back over but, he just shakes my hand off and pulls our blanket over his head.

Oh no, he's turning into a hermit crab, just as my brother did the night Tris broke his heart. I won't accept this, I won't accept sad Tobias. I pull the covers over my head too and I roll him back over, using a little bit of strength from my power. He finally budges and I lay my chin on his chest, "Do you wanna stay in bed while I get ready and get the initiates up?" I ask him softly, and he immediately shakes his head no. "No, I want you to stay with me. All day." He says in his cute morning voice.

"Does that mean you want me to come with when you leave to see your mom?" I ask, and he cringes at my words, yet nods. "I'm really going to need you, especially then. I love my mother, but right now, she's supposed to be dead. I thought she left me alone forever, when in reality she left me alone for thirteen years. The first seven years consisted of endless amounts of beatings from my father, until I finally left. Then the past five years I've spent in Dauntless, were full of temporary people, temporary feelings and long-term stress and loneliness." He starts to explain, and my heart grows heavier and heavier the more he spoke. "What I'm trying to say is," He pauses, "you've been the only good thing, -great thing-, that's happened to me in awhile. I need you with me so when I feel like I'm gonna starting balling in front of her, I can take one look at you and be able to get my point across." He continues to explain, and I snuggle into him. He needs me. I'm the only one that can help him through this.

"Well then I'm definitely coming with you. I'm gonna be right beside you all day." I say, and he kisses my head. I get curious though, "What point are you gonna get across with her?" I ask quietly, and he breathes in deeply, "The point where both me and her understand that she? Is still dead to me."


I step down the stairs to the sleeping chambers, and Tobias hands me a pole. I watch and listen as ten initiates continue to snore in front of me, "Time?" I ask in a whisper, and he looks at his watch. "7:50." He whispers back, and he lets me do the honors. I bang the pole against the stairwell-railing three-four times, and I watch all the initiates jump out of their sleep. They all look to me, half dead, "I want everyone in the pit in five minutes." I say loud and clear. And both me and Tobias head back up the few stairs, and into the pit.

It was fairly empty today, for this exact reason. I sit on the same large piece of cement Eric once sat on as a Dauntless leader, and I laugh. "Can you believe, not too long ago Eric was sitting right here, with authority at his disposal?" I ask my love, and he laughs too. "Ahh yes, I remember those days. Very torturous days." He says, standing in-between my legs as I sat. "The man was a prick." I say, leaning back onto my hands.

Tobias chuckles a bit more, "I heard from your brother that you thought said prick was attractive, back in your year of course." He says, and I despise how big my brother's mouth's are. "You thought that blond abomination was attractive?" He asks me, and I sigh as I facepalm. I won't lie, I kind of did. Only in the beginning of initiation though. "Okay fine, yes I did. In the start, he'd always call me out and get into my face, as you should remember. And I don't know why but, every time he would it'd . . ." I trail off, and Tobias lifts his eyebrows at me.

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