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The cheers end and Miles steps off the mat, and stands next to his sister, just as someone happens to take his place. "Someone get him up, and take him to the infirmary please." A deep, raspy, baritone voice says, and two Dauntless members step onto the mat and pick Eric up by each of his arms, and wrapped them around the back of their necks. His whole body was limp, and his head dangled as they dragged him out of the training room. Jade sees Lauren pick up his shoes, piercings and jacket, and follow behind them. "It's now clear to me that I've made a mistake," Max, the owner of the deep voice says.

He stood with his hands in his pockets, and his eyes on Four. The crowd begins to whisper and gossip as they continued to listen in, some audience members had even left the training room, and came back with more Dauntless members. "What mistake?" Jade asks curiously from the sidelines. She looks at Four confused, and he looks at her the same. Max looks at Jade, and then steps closer to her boyfriend.

"I realized my mistake was that I choose the wrong person to be this faction's future leader, especially after seeing that fight." Max explains, and Jade watched as Four's expression contorted into distaste. And she wonder as to why. Max clears his throat, "Eric has shown me his true colors throughout the years, and I recognized his arrogance, his incompetence, and not to mention his cruelty, as poison to this faction. He's hated by many, and loved by few, and it's clear to me that this faction needs someone that's not only brave, but someone who is also more responsible, more trustworthy, and believe it or not, more selfless, than Eric ever was." Max slowly explains, and Jade then realizes the fight was definitely about more than just her and her father's ring. The enlarging crowd had begun gasping and murmuring about Eric and Four. "As of this moment," Max raised his voice as he steps to the middle of the mat, and faces the crowd, "Eric is stripped of any and all authority, and his leadership ranking, is now revoked." Max pauses and looks around at the crowd, taking in its large size. It stretched so far back their were people standing on other arenas, and even people sitting on other people's shoulders trying to get a better look at what was happening.

"And since majority of this faction stands before me now, by a show of hands, who would want Four here, to take Eric's place?" Max questions, making his voice boom and echo throughout the training room, while gesturing to Four. Max watches as hands began to shoot up into the air, while Four looks to his left to see Jade and Miles with their right hands already up. People in the far back even had their hands raised. It got to the point only a handful of people out of the hundreds kept their hands down. Four looks around at the crowd in shock.

Max looks at Four, and raises his own hand with a smirk, "The people, have spoken." He says, just before bowing his head a bit. Just then the crowd started cheering, clapping and... celebrating. Everyone was more then excited for Four, and for the future of Dauntless, especially Jade. She walks up onto the mat and hugged him, and he hugged her back. But while they embraced one another, Jade could feel how tense Four was.

She looked up at his sour expression, and she was curious as to what could possibly be bothering him after the big news. While scanning his eyes she realized exactly what was wrong. Her expression softened and she picked up his shirt and handed it to him. As he put it on she also picked up his jacket and held it, as he quickly put on his shoes. She pulled him to the exit of the training room, and to his apartment in Dauntless.

Once they were in front of his door, she opened and closed it behind them. She watched as he stepped to the end the bed and stood there, rubbing the back of his neck. She stepped in front of him, and looked up at him. He looked down at her, but it was only for a second before he looked off to the side, as if he was . . . ashamed. She gently grabbed his chin and tilted his head to look back down at her.

"I use to be clueless as to why you would always decline Leadership. But now, I realize why you do." She says to him quietly, gently running her hand threw his soft brown hair. She realized Four was unhappy about becoming a leader because it meant he'd have to be involved with all the other faction leaders, which included his father, Marcus. She knew all to well he didn't want anything to do with his father, considering their past. Jade embraced Four once again, but this time, the way she held him around his neck made it feel all the more meaningful. He buried his face into the crook of her neck and held her endearingly.

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