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~Four weeks later~

-September 28th, Saturday-

~Liam's POV~

I walk in the fear simulation waiting room, remembering all the times I've walked in here before. But unlike all the other times, I have a clipboard and cards with all the initiates names on them. I'm the one in charge, and I'm only like a couple years older than these initiates. I have them sit in the waiting room, while I enter the actual vault-like testing room. When I get in there, I spot the love of my life at the little computer and stool.

She smiles at me as I walk over and kiss her cheek before looking at the screen. "Are we ready to test these initiates my love?" I ask, and she nods her head and kisses my cheek in return. "Just about, all we gotta do now is wait for either Natalie or Tobias to show. Can't test them unless a leader is present for some reason, just like for leadership testing." She explains, and I finally notice my brother leaning into the far corner of the room. "Its kinda funny that you said Natalie or Tobias, when you know damn well they're coming together. They've gotten so clung to one another its getting ridiculous. And I could say the same for you too." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Okay negative nancy, one question, how do you get a girlfriend and still complain about how you're surrounded by couples? It makes absolutely no sense." I ask my brother, "And also, we've got two more days until the bet starts, I won't see this woman for a whole month, just like our sister won't see Tobias for a month. Should we includ you and Grace too?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shakes his head, "It won't work with them babe, they don't live together." Lauren points out, and Miles puts a hand on his chest dramatically, as if he got shot. "Ouch, thanks Lauren. It's not my fault no apartments nearby have opened up, if one had, we'd both be living together right now." Miles responds, and I shake my head. "You two have been together for about a month, that'd be pretty fast." I comment, "Natalie moved in with Tobias less than a month after they got together. And look at them now, fucking inseparable." Miles rebuttals, and the vault-door opens up. "Sooo we're keeping tabs on each other now?" My sister walks in saying, and my eyes immediately go to her now pierced and studded left nostril. I take a second to realize she just heard us through a sound proof door.

"Woahh Nat, when did you get that piercing?" My love asks her, "Just now actually, dropped by the parlor to see Tori and she said a nose piercing would look good on me so, I got one from her. It hurt like a bitch, and still does actually." Nat answers, and walk over to my sister. "Here, but twist it while I heal it, so it doesn't get stuck." I tell her, and she starts twisting it and takes my offered hand. I focus on the little hole on her tiny button nose, and make a three week healing process turn into a three second healing process. She closes her eyes and sighs in relief, dropping her hand from twisting, scrunching her nose a bit. "Thank you lil bubbie." She says to me, and I smile.

My sister's adorable, I swear. I'd protect her by any means. "You're welcome, big sissy." I tell her, and she gives me a big hug. I hug her back, and I notice Lauren poking her bottom lip out at me. "You guys make me wish I had siblings. I was an only child." She comments, and I smile at her.

"Well, I have plenty of siblings to share." I say, gesturing to both of my older siblings. She smiles back at us, "You guys are my family y'know? I've never felt at home with just any group. I just can't believe I get along better with people younger than me." She says, "It's probably because we're not that much younger than you Lauren, you're the same age as Tobias, and we're almost nineteen." My sister responds, and Lauren wags her finger a bit. "You got a point there, by the way, are you guys excited? You're almost officially adults." Lauren asks and says, "Hell yeah we are, since the day we turn twenty, both you and Tobias will shut it about us being so young." Miles says, and Lauren puts her hands up. "Hey now, cool it. It's just, we're literally watching triplets grow up, it's fascinating and adorable. You do know you three are like, the only set of triplets in the city right?" She questions, and I nod, knowing all to well of that now.

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