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-Friday, August 2nd 8:12 p.m.-

~Jade's POV~

I successfully make it all the way from the roof, to me and Tobias's apartment with Melody in my arms. I close the door behind me, -leaving it unlocked for my love-, and I notice that Mel fell asleep on my shoulder. I smile and I carefully lay her down in the middle of our bed, and put the covers over her. I tuck her little bear in with her, before taking off and setting down her bag of stuff. I take a peek of what's inside, and I find toys, books, clothes, some food and even little hair clips and bands to do her hair. I close it, and take off my shoes before heading into the kitchen.

I grab a banana just put something in my stomach, before turning the lights out and laying next to Mel. I carefully take out her ponytails, and bows, and set them on my bedside table. She rolls onto her back, and snores a little while I comb out her hair with my hand a bit. I get comfy in the covers with her, and I admire her, before shutting my eyes. This little girl has never been safer in her life, then right here, beside me. I'd kill and-or be killed for this cutie. As would Tobias.

~Tobias's POV~

I stop in front of our apartment door, and pull out my key to unlock it, and I come to find out she left it unlocked for me. I love the thought but, I would've rather had to unlock our door, so they could've been completely safe while I was gone. I step in, and close the door behind me, locking it. I turn on the lights and stop in my tracks at the sight of my girlfriend and baby sister snuggled up together, asleep. Along with Jasper laying at the foot of the bed.

I dim the lights and smile, and I head to the glass dinning table, next to the kitchen. I sit down, and I take one moment. One moment, is all I truly need right now. My mother's alive, I have a beautiful baby sister I had no idea about, and my girlfriend's father wants me to be her husband. I need, just one moment.

I take the tiny velvet box out of my jacket pocket and flip it open again, and I'm faced with a fairly large diamond ring. It was a petite, and twisted vine engagement ring, that twisted all the way to the center, fusing with a one karat, oval shaped diamond. I look back up at my sleeping girlfriend, who of which has no idea of what happened between me and her father. Speaking of which, I have to hurry and make something up, because I know she's gonna ask. I'll just say we had a drink and he told me he was upset, boom, end of story.

There's a lot of gray area there but, I'll know what to say based off what she asks. Planning to lie to her isn't really ideal after getting permission to propose but, I'm lying for the sake of surprise. I want her to be completely surprised when I get down on one knee, and show her this ring. If I tell her the truth, she'll be on her A game, sniffing out clues, trying to see if and when I'm going to do it. And as much as I love her, I don't want that.

I want to see the look on her face, I want to hear the gasp come from her lips, and as well as I know her, I want to see the tears well up in her eyes. I mean, I gave her a puppy and she balled her eyes out on me, what do you think she's gonna do when I propose unexpectedly? And speaking of that, when am I gonna do it? There's no doubt I'm gonna do it, no second thoughts, and no hesitation on my end at all. I'm gonna ask her to be my wife, and there's not a single thing stopping me.

All I have to do now, is think of the right moment, in the right hour, of the right day. A special day, where it'll be just me and her. And then it hits me, September 30th, a little under two months from now. Our one year anniversary. Exactly a year ago on that upcoming day, I kissed this beautiful young lady on my very own balcony, and decided to give her a chance.

A chance to show me differently, to show me love, and loyalty. And she did, just as well as she still does to this day. I know it's pretty soon, given we've only been together a year but, it just, feels right. And as her younger brother said, we're gonna be together for years, so why not just tie this knot now? I smile, and close the tiny box, before standing and heading to our closet.

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