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~Jade's POV~

We get back into Dauntless, and all five initiates part ways from us and each other. All except for one. Bellamy tags along, and I know why. I've yet to give him an explanation. I make everyone stop in front of Lauren's apartment, "Okay, Bell, it's time I tell you what happened between me and your brother." I say, and he holds up a finger.

"No, it's time you both tell me what happened between you two. You guys can either wait inside until I come back with him, or you can come with me, but this is happening one way or another." Bell says, "No Bell I can't se-"- "Yes you can," My love cuts me off, and I'm shocked, along with confused. "You can see him, but one way or another, I'm gonna be right there with you." He adds in explanation, looking at me. "Alright then, the more the merrier, I'll bring him to this apartment so don't go anywhere." Bell says, and heads off around the corner. Miles heads inside behind Lauren and Liam, "When he get's here, one of you tell him to act like I'm not here. I have absolutely nothing to say to the guy." He says, and Tobias gladly takes that job for him. And it amazes me how much my boyfriend and brother dislike my bestfriend.

Well, uh, my Ex-bestfriend. He took a malice-filled job towards Ben from my brother, without knowing or asking for the reason. I compare how me and Miles treated Ben when we first got here to Dauntless, to now. And it makes me sad. It makes me wanna argue with Tobias. I love Benji, but not in the same way he loves me.

He wants Tobias's spot, and of course, Tobias doesn't like that. All I want is for him to return to the spot he was already in, the spot he was okay with being 'stuck' in. My bestfriend spot. And even then, he's not that to me. He's like another brother to me, biological or not.

His mom and our mom were and still are good friend's, to this day. He is literally apart of my family, as is his little brother. Something inside of me hopes I'll have him back after today's little intervention but, as the grimace on my boyfriend's face grows, that hope fades. Ugh. I hate him right now. But I love him at the same time.

In fact, I hate him because I love him. But I get why he's being so defensive about me. He thinks that some way, some how, if I keep in contact with Ben, I'll eventually end up leaving him to be with my bestfriend. But that just isn't the case. I get out of my head to talk to him but, I notice he left to the bathroom.

I start thinking again and, 'Knock, Knock, Knock,' could be heard from the apartment front door. On impulse, I walk over to open the door. And when I do, I'm faced with someone I haven't seen in awhile. We make eye contact, Green on Hazel. I take in his appearance, hair slicked back, piercings in his eyebrow, nose and cheekbone.

Along with newer tattoos covering his neck. I open my mouth to say something but, he hugs me before I could. I freeze at first but, I eventually hug him back. I hear a little someone clear their throat, and both me and Benji release as if on command. I look back at Tobias, and he aims a glare passed me and straight at Ben.

"I'll be in my bedroom with this little princess," Lauren quickly says, nearly darting for her room with Mel. "Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen if needed." Miles announces his departure also, walking pass Ben without a lick of eye contact. "Hello to you too Miles, I love how we're becoming such great friends like me and Nat here." Ben says, sarcastically. And Miles clenches his jaw, and while obviously holding his tongue, he darts his eyes up at Tobias. "Sorry Benji, it'd be best to act like Miles isn't even here. He officially has absolutely nothing to say to you." My love hisses, walking over only to pull me away from him.

Ben cracks his knuckles, "It's Ben to you." He says, obviously having a nerve hit for him, since the next thing he did was try to get into my boyfriend's face. And by try, I mean try. The moment he stepped, I stepped. I put my hands on both Tobias's and Ben's chest, keeping them away from each other. "Boys! Knock it off!" I shout, looking back and forward between both.

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