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~Two days later~

-September 30th, 8:21 a.m.-

~Tobias's POV~

I wake up to the sound of soft snoring coming from beside me, and I open my eyes to see it's my beautiful girlfriend, obviously in a very deep sleep. I sit up a little, and I admired how peaceful and serene she seemed. I notice she's shirtless though, and I clench my jaw. I fight the urge to start our morning off like that, even though I know she wouldn't mind. I carefully turn and I gently pull her close to me by her waist.

I slowly snuggle in her neck, wrapping my arm all the way around her. I breathe her in, and I guess she finally wakes up because, the next thing I feel is her snuggling back into me. She grumbles a bit, like a little bear cub, before wrapping her arms over mine. "Good morning beautiful." I whisper near her ear, and I feel her slightly vibrate against me. I realize I gave her goosebumps, "Good morning handsome." She responds, and her groggy little morning voice puts a smile on my face.

I kiss her neck, and although I don't notice I am, I started twisting and playing with the promise ring on my loves finger. And I'm guessing my actions reminded her of today's date because, the next thing I know I'm being rolled over and laid on. She straddles my lap, and wraps her arms all the way around my neck, snuggling into it. I wrap my arms around her just as tight, "Happy one year anniversary my love." I say softly, and she says it back to me, even though she knew she'd be muffled by my neck and our pillows. I laugh at how funny she sounded, inevitably making her laugh as well.

Something both stops us from laughing, and that would be Jasper and his little whine. Natalie rolls off me and peers over the edge of our canopy bed, and picks Jasper up and sets him on our silk sheets. He's gotten a bit bigger over the few months, especially his paws. The moment she picked him up though, his whines turned into happy little barks. He pounces onto Natalie as she sits criss-cross apple sauce in front of me, stealing and wrapping the blanket around her chest and body.

I pull Jasper away for a second while she wraps it nice and tight, and I let him go once she puts her arms down. He nearly tackles her with love, and a part of me develops a slight case of envy. Given she doesn't look no where near as happy when I give her love. Then again, I did get her the dog, and, not to mention, he's a dog, not a person. "You look so jealous over there." My love tells me, and I realize I had my arms crossed while staring at Jasper pretty hard.

"Well, maybe I am. He just stole my girlfriend's attention." I say, giving her a sad face. I roll over and bury my head into my pillow, and hear and feel her put Jasper back on the ground. I feel her crawl back over to me, and she stops right above me. The next thing I feel is her lips connecting with the middle of my back, sending shivers down my spine. She trails her kisses up, following the line my spine makes within my skin. Or more like, following the inked factions on my skin. Most likely kissing each factions symbol, given I felt five soft and slow kisses before she skipped up to my ear lobe. By then, I was already locked in a trance, a trance only she could put me in.


~Jade's POV~

-4:22 p.m.-

"So?" I ask, "What'd you guys think?" I add, and both Christina and Lauren sit speechless on my couch. And they both visibly struggle to form words. I just revealed to them what my anniversary gift is for Tobias. "Oh my god, it was that bad?" I ask, feeling my face and heart drop. My gift is a song, a song that I personally wrote.

And that's when both of them snap out of it, and they quickly correct me. "No Nat, that's not it at all. That was absolutely amazing. That's why we couldn't form sentences." Lauren explains, Christina nods in agreement. "But I was also imagining you singing it to him. Picturing his reaction and such." Chris adds, and I raise my eyebrow at her. "And?" I ask, wondering if either of them think that he'll love it. "That man is gonna love it, Natalie. Assuming he's never heard you sing before, right?" Lauren states and questions, and I nod.

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