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~Jade's POV~

Me and my brother walk out of the bathroom to see our younger brother and friends chatting amongst one another. We approach them, and Will meets us half way, "are you two alright?" He asks. Christina, Will and Liam approach us as well. "Yeah, what on earth happened in here?" Chris questions with her arms crossed. I explain that I was trying to protect Tris from Peter's torment, and when she got away, I assumed and told them he took his anger out on me.

"So wait, Tris was in here?" Miles asks looking to me, "Where is she now?" He also questions, but before I could answer, "right here." I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Tris, fully clothed, holding that same white towel in her hands with her hair down and wet. Both me and Miles must've blocked out the sound of one of the showers running in the bathroom because, I had totally. forgotten that she was in there. Tris approaches and her eyes land on Miles, and then, to the exact spot Peter had been laid out by said brother of mine. "There's . . . blood on your jacket. And on the floor. . ." She mutters to herself, "Miles, what happened?" She asks him, and Miles quickly explains everything that had happened.

"So that was you two talking in the bathroom? I almost thought Peter had done something even worse to Jade and was coming after me with his little minions." She says, and Miles wraps an arm around her. "If he had, I would've killed him instead." Miles blurts, and by the look on his face after speaking, it seemed he didn't expected that to come out of his own mouth. ". . . Sorry, I'm still feeling a bit . . . On edge, I guess you could say." He apologizes, and I lay my hand on his arm. "It's okay Miles. If the shoe was on the other foot for the both of us, I'd do, and feel the same." I say to him, and he smiles a bit. "I know you would, Nat. Family's gotta stick together, and protect one another." He says, and me and him both look to Liam.

I am then reminded of something, and I take my brother's arm and look at his wrist watch. "It's just about noon. Liam, Four said to meet him and Lauren in the training room in a few minutes." I say and Liam nods, and we both tell our brother and friends we'd see them later. Me and him make our way to the training room and on the way there, we happen to bump into Lauren heading the exact same way. Liam calls her, "oh hey guys, you two ready for a day full of training planning?" She asks, and I nod wholeheartedly, genuinely curious as to how we're going to be training both next years transfers and Dauntless-Born, together. "Sure am. I'm curious on how this whole transfer-Dauntless-Born merge is going to work." Liam answers, I nod in agreement.

"Nothing's really official yet but, Four told me he has a few ideas of what may come in the next 6 months. I've only been able to come up with one idea so far, considering I've been tending to Eric in the infirmary." Lauren says with a hint of dismay in her tone. "Your boyfriend sure did a number on him." She adds looking back at me as we walk, "Yeah, I tried to get them to stop from fighting but, it was out of my control due to male pride." I say, and it was true. After Eric handed me the ring, thinking he had won, I attempted to stop them verbally but, it was no use. "Yeah I heard. The whole fight was based around a ring, until Eric handed it to you. Jade, did they . . . Fight over you?" She asks me cautiously, just as we push through the doors of the training room. "Yes, they basically did," I answer honestly, "without my consent though." I add in a huff.

I look around the training room to see only Dauntless members training, and no Four in sight. We decide to stand and wait for Four by an arena, the same arena actually, that Four and Eric fought on. I walk around on the raised and matted platform, "Liam, let's fight a little?" I ask my brother, and he shakes his head. "I know it'd be just practice but, I'd rather not hit my own sister. Especially after what happened this morning." He says and Lauren cocks her head at him, "Wait, did you just say sister?" She asks him, and I get an idea. "He sure did. I'll explain while we fight, come on Lauren. You know ya wanna." I invited her, and she gladly takes off her shoes and steps onto the mat.

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