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Jade opened her eyes, and she was now sitting dead center of a three pole wide wire-like bridge. She looked in front of her and watched as Four was kneeling down gripping onto the poles for dear life. The two looked around at the ground far below, but only Four was was driven with intense fear for looking too long. "Fear of heights, why am I not surprised?" Jade says standing up, Four does as well. "Its not real. We can just jump." Jade suggests, "No, Divergents would jump. Dauntless would get to that building." Four points to the left where the bridge connects to a large building, and the two balance themselves carefully in that direction.

Once they successfully make it to the building, they are forced to crouch through a small space. Two right turns later they enter a slightly larger chrome room. Unfortunately, they are still forced to stay in a crouched position, Four then looks back noticing that the entrance they had just came through, disappeared. He rammed into that same wall, attempting to see if it would magically re-open but, there was honestly no use. Four grunted as he sat up against the wall, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Fear of confinement." Four says aloud, Jade nervously laughs. "Out of all the things to have in common, it just had to be this." Jade jokingly says as sweat begins to built on her forehead. Just then the walls began to slowly close in on them, causing Jade to panic. She desperately tried her best to keep the walls back with her arms. Eventually, she stops pushing against the wall, remembering none of this was real. "You can't just push the walls back like last time, you have to find a way of stopping it. What would a Dauntless do?" Four asks, and Jade looks around frantically as she spotted a couple of nails on the ground. She quickly picks them up and began to try and force them into the bottom crack of the left wall, attempting to jam it from moving closer.

At first she struggled, "Jade," he coos, "Breathe. And take your time," Four says soothingly. She takes a deep breath in and tries once more, and finally succeeds. The walls stop and then disappear, allowing for the two of them to once again stand. They were now in a large dark room with a chair in the center. Four walked past Jade and towards a table of which a gun laid.

In the chair sat a pretty blonde, her eyes stayed glued on Four. He picked up the gun, "As a Dauntless soldier, you have to follow orders you don't always agree with." He says. Jade examines the girl, she had the aspects that Jade herself had but, at the same time the girl was different, unique even. "Who is she?" Jade asks looking at Four, "She's an innocent. And I have to kill her." He raised his gun at her as he spoke, and Jade watched as Four and this mysterious girl look into each others eyes as he laid the guns barrel onto her forehead. In that split second the girl began to change, starting from the top of her head and down. Her hair curled, her eyes pooled a different color and her identity surely changed, it was now a clone of Jade at the end of that guns barrel.

"But I could never do it." Four said, "Unless I look away." He finishes just before he turned his head and pulled the trigger. Jade could see her own body laying there lifelessly as Four backed away slowly, breathing heavily. He backed into a hallway, and Jade followed behind him as she looked around at the unfamiliar but oddly homey scenery. She took a peek out a passing window and could see nothing but multiple lined up gray buildings, just like the one they were in; indicating that they were in Abnegation. "Why are we in abnegation?" She questions, he looks back at her as they cautiously continued to walk out of the hall.

"Your last fear is your worst fear. It lives in the deepest part of your mind." Four explains, Jade wondered as to what in Abnegation could frighten him. The puzzles pieces began to connect as Marcus, Abnegations leader, came waltzing down the rail-less stairway, holding a leather belt over his shoulder. Jade remembered back to when Tris had quickly shared a rumor about her old factions leader, and his son. And that rumor is still to this day spreading. "Marcus had a son." Jade breathed, "What was his name?" She questioned aloud.

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