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Jade wakes up in the middle of the night with a slight start, breathing fast and sweating from head to toe. She tries to remember the now fading nightmare, but only bits and pieces of it remain in her mind. Keywords: Parents, Boyfriend, Brother, Friends, firearm, and Eric, the rest is pretty self explanatory. She looks to her left and sees Four still peacefully sleeping on his side facing away from her, giving her a clear view of his whole back tattoo. She sighs with relief and carefully flips the blankets off her sweaty body.

She swings her legs over the side of the bed and notices she's still got her thick pants on from yesterday, and realizes they're just making her sweatier then she already was. Just before she decided to stand to take them off Four begins to stir, and eventually he flips around to face her side, luckily, he was still sound asleep. She stands up slowly, undoes her pants and pulls them down off passed her feet quietly. She decides to take off her black drenched muscle shirt as well, leaving her in nothing but her black undergarments. She turns around to sit down on the bed but her eyes catch Four closing his own, pretending to be asleep.

"I saw that mister, you're not slick." Jade says, right before sitting down and getting under the covers. Four laughs, wrapping his arm around the front of her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Okay, you caught me. I couldn't feel you next to me so I woke up," Jade blushes. "I woke up thinking you were dead, that's why I got up." Jade tells him, imagining a world where her nightmares became a reality. "Nightmare?" He asks into her ear softly, she slowly nods and backs up into him, and pulls the same arm that rested on her waist, over and around it.

Four held her close, so close she could feel his lips resting against the side of her neck as his breath graced against her collarbone and bosom. And that was more then enough for the both of them to fall back asleep. In the morning Four woke up way before Jade and decided to grab some fresh clothes to shower. After he was done he dried off, and began to get to dressed before realizing, he forgot a shirt. He left his bathroom, not noticing he left his pants unzipped and unbuttoned. Little did he know someone had just woken up, and she was pretending to sleep just as he did earlier this morning.

She peeked out of one eye as he walked around his apartment with his hair wet, shirt off and abdomen glistening. It was a sight to behold, and soon she was peeking with both eyes and had her bottom lip in between her teeth. He grabbed a shirt, turned around and looked directly at Jade, who failed to close her eyes and straighten her lips in time. "Nice try but you can't fool me." He says aloud causing her to smile, but she still pretends to sleep with a smile on her face. He realizes what she's doing and laughs, just before leaning down and placing his hands on either side of where Jade 'slept'.

He leans down even further and places his lips on hers, knowing all to well she'd kiss him back. He pulls away, "Good morning." He says with a smile, "Good morning to you too." She replies just before standing up from the bed. She acted oblivious to the fact she was practically naked in front of him, she picks up her clothes from last night and throws them in an empty hamper. She walks with her hips just to grab his attention, as she passes him by to go grab the extra pair of clothes she brought over to his apartment.

He gawked at her as she disappeared around the corner into his walk-in closet. After Jade got showered and dressed Four insisted on escorting her to the visitation center, where a few new Dauntless members, -including her brother and friends- waited for their parents to arrive. Jade kisses Four once more before heading down a set of stairs to get to the picnic styled table that her brother Miles sat at. She could see most of her friend's families had arrived already.

She sat next to him, "Good morning my horrendously booger breath'd big brother." She greeted. "And Good morning to you too my severely lame-tastic sinister little sister." He greeted back with a seated side hug. "Are you excited to see mom and dad again? Actually... scratch that, I already know you are. For my entertainment purposes only are you gonna introduce Mr. twenty-two-year-old over there to mom and dad?" Her brother asks, Jade realizes it'd be the perfect time to introduce Four to their parents, although she knew her father would not be happy his teenaged daughter is dating a grown man. "Yeeahh, I'm not too sure about that just yet. I know mom would be happy for me but dad on the other hand," Jade pauses, "He's not gonna be happy at all." She adds, Miles agrees with a nod. "Why isn't your father gonna be happy young lady?" An all too familiar voice says from behind them.

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