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-September 1st, Sunday 7:00 a.m.-

~Jade's POV~

I wake up to the feeling of gentle kisses being placed on and in between my chest. Leading up to my neck, then my cheek, and finally, onto my lips. I pretend to still be asleep and he kisses me twice, and after the third time, I couldn't help but kiss him back. He pulls away, and I open my eyes finally. "Good morning beautiful." He tells me, and I smile.

"Good morning handsome." I respond, and we kiss again. Suddenly, we both hear our new doorbell. He kisses me once more and stands from the bed, and puts both his pants and shirt back on. I stand and do the same as he heads out our room and down stairs to answer the door. I get dressed, and head down as well.

And by the time I get down there, he's already opened the door. It was my brother's, Lauren, Tobias's mother and of course, his baby sister. Oh and Jasper too, his mother brought him over. My brother's and Lauren engulf me separately, congratulating me. While Tobias's mom pinches his cheek and his sister gives him a big hug.

The greetings were cut short once both of our families looked around. "Holy shit." My older brother says, gazing at the view our living room had. "So I see the job comes with perks." His mother comments, mainly admiring the kitchen. "There's an upstairs?!" Lauren shouts, looking over at the spiral stairs. They all looked to us, obviously asking permission to look around.

"Of course, go ahead. Matter fact, this place is so huge, we haven't even finished looking around." I say, and I grab Tobias's hand and head towards this glass sliding door, off the the side of the living room. Everyone else wanders off as well. The door lead to the most beautiful balcony ever, the floors were tile and the railings were thick metal, that shaped one Dauntless symbol at the very center of it. I hold his hand as we both walk over to the railing, watching the sun rise more and more. "I'm never going to get over this view." I say, and I look amongst the city. I spot The hub, and nearly every factions headquarters. I also spot the abandoned amusement park.

"Me neither," My love says, staring directly at me. He spins me around, and blush as he pulls me close. I squint my eyes at him though, "There's been something off about you, you've been acting very sweet." I say, and he laughs a little, "Isn't that what boyfriends are supposed to do, be sweet to their girlfriends?" He asks, "Yes but, I feel like there's something behind your sweetness. I feel like you're hiding something from me." I finally tell him, and I watch him get uneasy just from his body language. "See? That's how I know I'm right, you just got fidgety. Tell me what it is, right now." I demand, and he rubs the back of his neck while smiling.

"I'm not hiding anything from you Natalie." He says, looking away from me every other second. I hold his jaw and make him look directly into my eyes, "Alright, tell me that again then." I say, looking his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but, words don't find their way out. "Ah ha! You are hiding something from me." I say, and he shakes his head. "Okay, fine fine. I have a surprise for you for our anniversary." He tells me, and I get excited.

"You do? Ooo give me a hint. Pleaseeeee." I beg of him, and he shakes his head. "No can do. You won't find out anything until twenty-nine days from now." He says, and I pout. "Fine, then I guess I won't hint on what my surprise is." I say, turning and walking back inside with my arms crossed. I walk back in to catch Miles flopping face first onto our couch, getting his shoe prints all over my arm rest. I throw his feet off with my power and yet, he looks straight at me, and puts them right back up.

My nose twitches and the grin on his face dims. I run and I jump onto my brother, back first. He groans at the impact, and continues to do so as I applied all of my weight. "Uhhhh get off me you elephant." He demands, and I gasp sitting up and hitting him. "You're mean, I am not that heavy. And to think, I was gonna make you the new transfer instructor." I tell him and he sits up, smiling.

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