We make it back to our apartment, and he rolls the now empty drawer back into his bedside table. I stand near the door, thinking of my older brother. I'm worried about him, ever since Tris broke his heart. And now that I think about it, I've come to realize they already moved in together. Which means he's probably still at Lauren and Liam's apartment, avoiding Tris at all costs.
"I think I'm gonna go check on Miles, given he's probably around the corner at Lauren's. He's probably gonna want his things too, out of his and Tris's apartment." I say to Four, and he nods, "I'll come with you, since I wanna make sure me and him are on good terms. And to make sure you don't rip off Tris's head either." He says, and I shake my head. "You can come to check on Miles but, I won't be ripping off anyone's head so, you just stay there while I gather his things." - "Nope, I'm going with you. Cuz I know you, she says one wrong thing and you'll both be at each other's neck's." He says, pulling me out the door. I guess I have no choice in this. We make it in front of Lauren's apartment door and we knock, my younger brother answers the door. He's shirtless, messy haired, with some comfy pants on.
I must've woke him up. "Is he here? I assumed he would be still." I ask him, and Liam nods and points to the couch. "He sure is, I wouldn't let him go back to their apartment. Especially when he's like this." Liam says, Four and I walk in, and I see my brother laying down with a blanket over his head and body. I immediately frown when I hear him sniffling underneath. I sit on the piece of couch that his head was near, "Miles?" I say, trying to pull the covers from over his head but, he's holding them.
"I slept out here with him so he wouldn't be alone but, he's been like that ever since you left last night. I don't think he's been to sleep yet." Liam says to me, sitting back down on the loveseat he slept on. I look back down at my older brother, "Bubbie? It's me, your sister. Can I see your face please?" I ask softly, he stirs and sniffles again, and he takes the covers from over his head. His eyes were swollen and bloodshot, while his face was wet. When he see's me, he instantly scoots up and puts his head in my lap, and I glide my fingers through his hair, holding him. If I would've known he'd turn into a hermit crab, I would've never left.
"Liam go put on a shirt, and go with Four to get our brother's things. I'm gonna stay with him." I say, looking straight up at my brother. I'm sending him with Tobias so he can make sure Tris doesn't try anything. And even though I'm holding the brother that can read mind's, I get a reassuring nod and a slight wink from the brother that can't. Once they leave, I play with my brother's hair as he begins to weep on my lap. He eventually wraps his arms around me, turning his body, and crying into my shirt.
I hold my brother closer, shedding a few tears myself. I hold him, and I begin to feel his pain radiate. And the more it does, the more my feeling of sadness gets replaced with anger. My eyes flicker yet my tears continue to fall. But, before they could lock into solid gold, my brother starts to hum.
I look down at him, recognizing the melody he began to make. It's the same melody my mother hummed, the day of aptitude testing, when she was braiding my hair. This melody wasn't just a melody though, it was the melody behind me and Miles's favorite lullaby. She'd sing it to the both of us when it was time for bed, and it'd put my brother right to sleep, way before it did me. Only because I'd want to hear it; All of it. Sometimes I'd even sing it with her, and now, I have it memorized. I begin to sing it,
♪ Baby mine, don't you cry. . .
Baby mine, dry your eyes. . .
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine.Little one when you play. . .
Don't pay mine what they say. . .
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine. ♪
I begin to hum with my brother, like the song goes, and the more I do, the less I hear him. I wipe his tears and continue,
♪ From your head to your toes..
Your so sweet, goodness knows..
But your so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, baby of mine. ♪"
I finish, prolonging the last lyric of the song. I sang it slow, just like our mother did, as I kept playing with his hair. I stared forward as I hit every soft note perfectly. After I finished, I sighed, beginning to miss our mother already. I look down at my brother, and I smile when I see that his eyes are closed.
I relax, and watch my brother sleep, keeping him asleep with my comforting touch. When he starts snoring, I smile, just as my brother and boyfriend walk-in laughing. I look up at them quickly and shut their mouths with my mind, they immediately freeze and look at me. I put my index finger to my mouth, gesturing for them to be silent as I glance back down at Miles. They nod and I let their mouths go, focusing back on my big brother.
They come in and close the door slowly, making no noise. They set his things down on the coffee table and loveseat, and gesture for me to follow them, I figured it's to talk so, I carefully lift my brother using my mind. I levitate a pillow from the loveseat while standing up, and once I'm up, I put the pillow under his head, laying him back down slowly. I follow behind my younger brother and he turns to face me once we were a good distance away from Miles, "Okay, we got all of his stuff but, we have a problem." Liam says, and I raise an eyebrow. Liam looks over at Four, causing for me to do the same, "Tris won't give back his jacket, the one that your guy's uncle wore. She said the only way he's getting it back is if he get's it himself. I tried to talk some sense into her but, she won't listen to me." Four explains, and I close my eyes, clenching my teeth.
I let my anger get the best of me, and I could feel my eyes light up, along with my veins once again. Four touches my arm and I burn him, instantly knocking me ouy of it. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I say, putting my hand over my mouth. I don't try to comfort him, in case he'd back away from me. "Don't worry babe, it's okay. I'm fine." He says, obviously not fine.
He shakes his hand in pain as steam comes off of it. "Here." Liam says, holding out his hand to Four. He looks confused at first but, they take each other's hands as if one were helping up the other. They stay there for a moment, and I could tell my brother was healing the hand he was holding, just by the look on his face as he closed his eyes. He let go, and Four looks at his fully healed hand in fascination.
"You can heal people?" He asks Liam, and he nods. "People as well as myself." He simply explains, "Well, thank you." He says, stretching his fingers. Four looks to me, "You're hot." He says, and I laugh a little. "Again, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. But now, is no time for jokes, I'll be right back. Tell Miles that if he wakes up before I get back." I say, and Four stops me by getting in my path. "Don't try and stop me. My brother isn't going anywhere near her right now, and the faster I get his jacket out of her possession, the less likely I'm gonna be tempted to boil her blood and make her pop like a balloon." I say, going around him to the door.
"Alright then, I'm going with you." He says, opening Lauren's door for me. I get ready to say no but, "Don't try and stop me either. Cuz I'm going." He says and I huff, heading out the door. I hear him follow me as I start angrily walking in the direction of my brother's now old apartment. When I get to the door, I bang on it with my fist. She opens her door with disgust on her face, and held that look while she set her eyes on me. "What do you want?" She asks, and notice what she has on.
"You're wearing it. Give me my brother's jacket back. He doesn't want to see you, and honestly, I don't either so, let's just get this over with." I say holding my hand out, she scoff's. "I'm not giving you this jacket. Like I said, I'm only handing this over to Miles, so he better change his mind." She says, and I see what she's doing. She wants to talk to my brother to try and convince him to take her back, since she's failed at taking what's mine. What's funny is she's gonna fail at this as well. I get an idea, and I act on it immediately.