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~Jade's POV~

"What did you just injected him with?!" Lauren asks, and I could tell she wasn't too happy I went out on a lim. I look at her as Eric giggles his little head off beside her. "It should be obvious as to want I injected him with, look at him for gods sake! He's fine." I say, and Eric falls back onto the infirmary bed, fully laughing. "Not the Eric we're used to but, at least he's fine, and not attacking anyone." I say with a sigh. I walk back over next to Liam and Four, "Max probably made sure a nurse had a syringe out just in case. Was it just the peace serum?" Four asks looking at me, and I shake my head.

"Peace and Truth." I say, "So, for a few hours, he's gonna be the exact opposite of himself. Honest and peaceful." I add in triumph. Eric continues to chuckle, until he sets his sight beside him, at Lauren. He freezes, and just stares at her, "Eric, what's wrong?" She asks him. He smiles wide, "nothing, nothing at all actually." He says in a slurred tone. I watch as Eric looks at each and every person in the room, and stops at Four.

He squints his eyes and tilts his head, "for some reason," he begins, "In the back of my mind, I feel like I should be really mad at you. You did take my position after all." He sloppily says to Four, and I hear him stifle a chuckle from beside me. "I was given your position Eric, I didn't take it. After I won our little fight, that Max happened to witness, he decided it'd be best for a change in leadership, as did
all of our audience." Four says to him, and all that is heard from Eric is a singular 'huh'. Eventually he sighs, "Now I really feel like I should be mad at you. But I'm not. I feel so . . . Calm. This is strange." Eric responds with and even I laugh at his odd behavior. "Wait, did you say Truth serum? So if I ask him anything right now he'll tell the truth?" Lauren asks suddenly, and Four nods. "The truth and nothing but the truth. After injected, The truth serum will cause pain if he's holding something back, tries to lie when asked a question, or when asked if something is true or not." Four says with a smirk.

"I'll even prove it to you. Hey Eric," He calls his attention, "is it true that I am ultimately better then you at combat?" Four asks, and Eric opens his mouth seeming eager to speak but, his facial expression then hardened, just as he pressed his mouth back closed. He scrunches his face and begins to breath hard and fast through his nose. He hisses, and grunts through his breathing and that's when I realize he's fighting the truth. The serum literally effects the mind to where the result of dishonesty is discomfort. He groans out in pain, "just spit it out Eric. There's no point in fighting it." Four says with the biggest smile on his face.

"Nev-er", Eric says, still fighting it, just before he grabs his head with his hands and yells out in pain. He fights and fights and fights and fights until, "Yes! You are. Ever since that first time I fought you after our year of initiation, I realized how much stronger you were then me." Eric says in between grunts, and it is then my jaw drops to the floor. I look back at Eric and I see a look of disgust and anger on his face, for just a second of course, until he went back to smiling. "See? The Eric I know would rather die then say such a thing to me." Four says, "isn't that right Eric?" He asks him. And this time, he doesn't fight it at all, "that is correct, I'd have rather choked on the barrel of a gun then have said that to you." Eric proclaims calmly.

And everyone in the room, -except Peter of course- had a look of surprise on their faces. "Okay, you're obviously having way too much fun with this Four." Liam says, and Four laughs. "I had no idea choking on the barrel of a gun was peaceful, you sure the serums are working right?" Lauren asks aloud, and Four nods. "Oh they are, it's just, these two particular serums are so potent, they basically fight each other inside who ever injected. One minute he could act more peaceful than honest and the next, more honest then peaceful. But don't worry, one won't over power the other." Four explains but, all throughout his explanation, I could feel Eric's eyes on me. I look at him, and for the first time, the gaze he had on me finally represented his true feelings.

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