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Eric directs the group over to a large board, it was numbered one through thirty-six and there were sections. There was a bottom red section and a top white section, majority being white. Names began to appear, "Listen up, you know what this board is?" Eric rhetorically asks, pointing at the board. "It's your life," he pauses, "we grade you every day, and if you're still in the red by the end of the first stage, you're out." Jade spotted her and her friends names, she was just barely out the red, as number twenty-one. Will as number eight, Christina as twelve and Tris unfortunately, as twenty-six in the red section along with Al as thirty-three. Later that day Tris, Jade, Chris, Miles, Will, and Al are gathered in the sleeping area all sitting and talking amongst one another.

"I'm never gonna make it." Tris says, she was sitting on her bed looking down at the floor. Jade and Miles sat on the bed beside hers, "yes you are," Christina replies, "Chris, I'm the weakest one here." Tris argues, and Chris sits down beside Tris while Will and Al stand next to Jades bed. "Well, then you'll be most improved." Chris gives Tris a sweet smile, "You're Candor you're not supposed to lie." - "I was Candor, and I'm not lying." Chris corrects. "If they cut me, I think my parents will take me back." Al says, Jade could hear the hopefulness in his voice.  "No, it doesn't work like that. Even if they wanted to, their faction wouldn't allow it." Will explains, Tris remains her focus on the ground.

"Even if my parents would take me back, I wouldn't belong there anymore." Tris says, Christina shakes her head and so does Jade. "This is getting depressing," Chris comments, making everyone laugh. "Yeah Chris is right, we should go do something instead of sulking," Jade says, "we could get tattoos?" Chris excitedly suggests, everyone agrees and heads down to the the tattoo parlor. Everyone then splits up, Jade pulls Miles over to one of the orange hanging panels that displayed a beautiful tattoo of Amity's symbol. A black image of an encircled tree with it roots visibly flowing throughout the ground. They both decided to get that same tattoo, in honor of their original faction.

Christina and Will go off in search of a tattoo, and Tris and Al search separately as well. Jade spotted the same lady who administrated her aptitude test, she told Miles to make sure no one steals their panel and left him to go speak to who she assumed was Tori. Jade approaches her,  "You.. remember me, right? I was wondering if you could," - "No," Tori paused, "I just do tattoos." Jade was taken aback but she nodded and left to go receive the panel and grab her older brother. She returned, and Tori looked at her and her twin annoyed. Jade lifted up the panel, "We'd both like this one please." Jade said with a smile.

Tori took the panel and the two followed her to a chair. She started on Jades first, her and Miles decided to get them on their backs, off to the side near the shoulder blade. But it was nothing too extreme, she placed the machine on her back and fired it up. A question popped into Jades mind. "Can I just ask you," - "You both made a mistake choosing Dauntless." Tori looks up at Miles and then at Jade.

"They'll find out about you two here." Tori adds, "who will?" Miles questions. "The people you're a threat to." - "What people, Dauntless?" - "No, society. You don't fit into a category, they can't control you." Tori explains, Jades relaxes back into the chair. "I don't get it," she pauses, and looks up at her brother. "We chose Dauntless, and we're going to be Dauntless." She says. "For you and you're brothers sake, I hope so." Tori says just before pulling off the machine to display the chosen Amity tattoo.

Her brother gets the same thing and the group of friends show eachother their tattoos and then hit the hay. Early that morning Jade is woken by the sound of shuffling coming from Tris's side. She watched as the pretty blond picks up her shoes and jacket and makes her way out the sleeping chambers. Jade figured she'd join her, and soon enough Jade caught up. "I see you're up early," Jade says as she gets Tris's attention, "oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" Tris asked.

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