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~Jade's POV~

All five of them start bickering, either at us or, at each other. They were upset that we rounded them up just for us to expose them to other initiates, that they don't even know. I peek over at both my brother's, we're we like this to Tobias? When he rounded us up to do the exact same thing? "All of you, shut the hell up!" Tobias yells at them, and they jump and do as they're told.

"Why should we?" Elijah eventually asks, obviously the most upset. "You just put both me and my little brother in danger. We don't know these transfers, and no offense but, we don't know you people either." He says, and I roll my eyes. "You don't know us but we sure as hell know you. All of you." Lauren says, "Did you even hear Jade? Majority of your instructors are just like you. One of your new leaders is just like you! We separated you from all the other initiates to speak privately, so we can tell you there's nothing to be afraid of. The only danger you'd even need to worry about is the alpha leader, and if he wants to get to any of you, he'll be forced to go through us, and he likes us." Lauren goes off, and I'm taken by surprise. I see what she's doing though, coming off bold, proving she's trustworthy to them. Because she knows she'd be questioned next, due to her non-inconclusiveness.

"But even then, sooner or later, the alpha will be the last of your problems. He's old, almost too old, for the position." She adds, and Tobias agrees, "She's right, he's already been preparing me to take the position." He says, and I did not know that. I try my best to contain myself at the exciting yet questionable news. "And I'll definitely be the least of your worries when I become alpha." He says, and he gestures to himself. "In my year, I got more than just one faction on my aptitude test. I have people that I care about that got more than just one faction on their aptitude tests." He also says, gesturing to me and my brother's, while pulling me close. "We're not what you obviously expected, and we never will be. You've should've guessed that when we shoved you out the back doors and put in fake aptitude test results for all you." I say, and I watch all of their expressions change.

I look over at Bell, "And you," I say pausing, "You should know better, your brother would want me to protect you, no matter what. And even if for some reason he didn't, I would protect you anyways." I say to him and he nods understandably. I notice other initiates are coming out of the sleeping chambers now, and I send Lauren to take them to the cafeteria. I tell her to make up a reason as to why we're talking to our group of five. "Can you handle fifteen initiates all by yourself?" I ask playfully, and she rolls her eyes, "Can you?" She questions back, playful as well, "Touché." I say. She heads off and gathers the rest of the initiates and leads them in the other direction.

"Do you understand now though?" I ask, and they all nod slowly. "Yeah, we understand you guys are cool but, what about these other transfers? How can we trust them?" Nehemiah asks. "Simple, if you're worried about them using it against you by going to the alpha, he'll require whoever does to take a truth serum, and you'll snitch on yourself." Tobias explains, "So unless you have a very strong urge to die, I suggest you all get along." I continue for him. The initiates look at one another, unsure. "Can the five of you do that? Can you just, get along?" I ask, and they all nod.

"Good." I say, "Now, this Saturday is an off day, I want all of you to meet us in the training room at 12 o'clock that day. There's something else we need to discuss." I say, and they nod once more. We then lead them into the cafeteria, and us instructors head up to the balcony. When we get up there we spot Max talking to Dauntless members off the to side, and one of them points in our direction, mainly at Tobias. Max turns around and meets us half way, I study his appearance. His black beard had turned slightly gray, and his posture seemed different.

"Just who I was looking for, I was going to ask, would you like to give the first speech for the new initiates?" Max asks Tobias, and I gasp a little. I look up at my love, and I watch him scratch his head, "Ehh, I don't know, I'm no good when it comes to the whole speech thing. Not yet at least." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Oh please, you can do it babe." I say latching onto his arm. "Yeah come on Four, all that lecturing you put us through will finally pay off." Miles jokes, "Ha. Ha. Very funny." He says, "But still, I don't know, maybe next time Max." He tells him, and our alpha leader nods. "Alright, I'm taking you up on that. Can't chicken out." He says walking towards the railing of the balcony, when he gets there the people below start banging their cups against their tables, just like last time.

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